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Once more filing a complain about the administration on elit

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Post Sat Jul 26, 2003 11:02 pm

Hahaha, of course. But me NEO and everyone else was able to play on it with our warezed retail versions for weeks before the game was released. Hahaha. I guess we were all "beta testing" too. It's a warez server, with warez clients and still banned people selectively for playing with the warez version or any other petty excuse to ban someone they felt threatened by. Denial is futile.

"OMG! Quick, delete and ban Hand Solo! We can't have anyone discussing the obvious, blatant truth that we all so conveniently overlook until it suits our personal agenda!"

Hahaha, you're all so pathetic. Sniveling, backstabbing, lying, cheating, coward a$$ little squirls.

Edited by - Hand Solo on 27-07-2003 00:10:30

Post Sat Jul 26, 2003 11:20 pm

*Puts up his nostradamus cloak*

Stinger.... IS... Putting.... The moderator .... HAT.... and... Locking.... Thread... TO... Oblivion.....

Edited by - cams on 27-07-2003 00:22:11

Post Sat Jul 26, 2003 11:33 pm

by Artificial Repsiration..

Banning someone for creating an account but not getting round to using it??

Banning is not the same as deleting. Read my post again on he previous page, you're just misinformed about what was said, that's all.

by Hand solo

1. Except you ban selectively.

I think every single server admin does that, just like when the cop pulls someone over out of a crowd of cars all going over the speed limit. When asked why only they were pulled over the cop replies by saying ever gone fishing...ever catch all the fish?

also by Hand solo

Hahaha, you're all so pathetic. Sniveling, backstabbing, Lying, cheating, coward a$$ punks.

You're entitled to your opinion, but approx 97% of 4,300+ account tend to disagree with you on Elite and find their own way to play within the server Rulez. We also know people are probably playing on Elite right now that didn't buy it, but without proof, what can be done? Also, If someone is stupid enough to announce publically they've stolen the game and try to play it on Elite they deserver to get banned. We don't like thiefs, this is a well known fact. But to rub it in someone's faces is to invite trouble.

Again, two things of note here. If this continues into being a flame fest I will be forced to put on my moderators hat and close the thread. We're keeping this open as a place to vent, just do it with some intellect? Secondly, no one is stopping anyone from launching their own awesome Freelancer Server, make up their own rules and enjoy the game to their hearts content. Cams, Hand Solo, Warblaze1, have any of you considered setting up your own server?

When it all comes down to it, yes you're all frustrated by being banned and feel you've been banned unjustly, that's obvious. Sorry you feel that way but this thread's content are not going to get anyone unbanned, that too should be obvious. If you really think by getting nasty on here is going to have any ill effect on me personally, you don't know me very well. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good flamefest as much as anyone else, but I have the responsibility as a moderator to do my best to moderate (and haven't done a stellar job so far admittedly). Vent all you want, but don't get personal and keep it clean. Otherwise, expect this thread to be closed.

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 12:11 am

1. I am not, nor was I ever banned from any server. I just think your server sucks because of NEO and your collaboration with them. And it's really too bad, because it could be such a good server.

2. Your analogy of the cop pulling over the one speeder is flawed. You are the corrupt cop on the take who deliberately ignores the 10 drunken drivers wearing red bandannas waving Mac-10's and Uzi's and doing driveby's on little kids homes who have been caught on video and reported by 100's of screaming citizens on MULTIPLE occasions.

3. I can't help notice your skirting of the FACT you run/ran a warez server and knowingly allowed a full compliment of warez (not beta testers) clients to play there long before the game was released. LOL, this is because you absolutely can not deny it. Namely the entire NEO clan and all the rest of the people playing there at the time. Then you have the audacity to ban someone for doing the very same thing because you wanted them out for whatever petty, personal reason.

Why do I bring this up you ask? Because I simply can't stand people who commit the same "crime" as others but have no problem punishing others for it and holding themselves above "the law". It's called corruption, and it stinks!

Edited by - Hand Solo on 27-07-2003 01:14:57

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 12:15 am

"When it all comes down to it, yes you're all frustrated by being banned and feel you've been banned unjustly" - its not the frustration of being banned stinger, as you cant keep us out of the server, owl has a flowing set of ID's just to cope with issues on elite, it is the frustration of seying something thats being done and its not correct.

"Secondly, no one is stopping anyone from launching their own awesome Freelancer Server, make up their own rules and enjoy the game to their hearts content" - We have a presençe in 2 servers already, in one of them we are server police, and in the other no one ever banned us for cheating or whatever because we are a credible clan and we never cheated in our lifes, we just like to send ppl sometimes to elite to kick some neo ass, take pics and fade away (or be banned) we dont want a presence on elite, and its sad to see that whoomever we send gets banned for false accusations, that happens always when neo starts to die.

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 12:23 am

by Stinger
"Banning is not the same as deleting. Read my post again on he previous page, you're just misinformed about what was said, that's all."

Syntactical BS - the deletion also prevents the creation of a new account. It's a de facto ban.

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 12:33 am

3. I can't help notice your skirting of the FACT you run/ran a warez server and knowingly allowed a full compliment of warez (not beta testers) clients to play there long before the game was released. LOL, this is because you absolutely can not deny it. Namely the entire NEO clan and all the rest of the people playing there at the time. Then you have the audacity to ban someone for doing the very same thing because you wanted them out for whatever petty, personal reason.

Been here for 2 1/2 years and I've never met someone that is so misinformed as our neighborhood poster...Hand Solo. Are you for real? Elite a warez server, mwhahaha. Jesus H. Chris man, there can be only one reason for this level of incomptetence and ignorance of the facts. You figure it out.

Are you aware of the fact that the game of Freelancer could and was being played via a Public Relations CD that was sent out to a variety of people all over the world and the version Elite was using was compatable with it? Version 1196 it was called. In FACT we had 2 servers running at the time between "Gone Gold" date and retail release date..Elite and E2 and they both were running the same version until we decided to make the move on Elite to the Gold (retail) version. I remember a bunch of upset folks about that too.

Mythinks you doth protest too much Hand Solo. Early on we had a VERY famous cheater by the name...imagine this...Hand_Solo. Not that it's you, but you both fit the same mold of spouting off with inconsistent, unproveable, unverifyable information and try to pass it off as facts when in reality it's nothing more than your opinions . As Bugs Bunny would say...What a maroon. (this is called humor, it's used as a tool to calm emotions during a debate. Any construed inference as a personal attack on the accused is purely unintended)

Bottom line, show me PROOF someone is using a warez (stolen) version of Freelancer on elite and I'd be glad to ban them in a heartbeat. Like I said before, if someone is really stupid anough either brag about downloading the game or be goaded into admitting the same publically in a chat window that can be captured via screenshot (be it factually or not make no difference) then they deserved to be banned.

Additionally, I really think you should get your facts straight befor engaging in a debate with me about them. Your stance would be much more believeable.

@Artificial_Respiration - I regret to inform you have your facts wrong too, sorry. I've verifed that by deleting my own MP ID that has no characters established several time back during the days of beta testing and well after the Gold version was released it doesn't not prevent them from logging in later. Now if an account is deleted and then the account creation is tirned off, sure, it will appear as though they are banned but in FACT they are not. When the account creation is turned back on, they can log right in. Where are you getitng your facts? Possibly the same store as Hand Solo? Facts can be disputed, but they can also be verified.

I'm still keeping this thread open because the personal attacks have been tempered and it is doing a fine job of geting the facts straight for everyone to see. This is becoming more and more a good public relations avenue for our server Elite. Thanks!

Edited by - Stinger on 27-07-2003 01:46:34

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 12:50 am


I played on Elite as Hand_Solo about a month or more before Freelancer was released with the warezed RETAIL version, So did NEO and everyone else. The same version of Freelancer that works there right now. I don't even have to prove it. Everyone that played there already knows it because they did it too!

Now, if Hand_Solo was banned, then how was I able to play on Elite with that name up until not too long ago? I could do it right now unless you quickly went and prevented it to cover your lying, sorry ass. Also, I have NEVER BEEN BANNED from Elite or any other server, under any name, EVER.

Nice attempt to discredit me though and switch the bad guy stigma to me. Not. It's common knowledge dude. Just one of those "things" we don't talk about.

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 1:00 am

in a debate, there is a cetain amount of psychology that is used by the better of the participants. And you have fallen into my trap. It all makes sense now. You were one in the same as the admitted thief Hand_Solo that WAS banned on Elite many moons ago (completely disproving your claim you've never been banned on any server...thanks!). I didn't skirt your specific topic of discussion when you challenged me with it, but now you are making an attempt to skirt mine. Keep digging that hole Hand_Solo.

Now here's an interesting quote...

played on Elite as Hand_Solo about a month or more before Freelancer was released with the warezed RETAIL version, So did NEO and everyone else. The same version of Freelancer that works there right now. I don't even have to prove it. Everyone that played there already knows it because they did it too!

This is a flawed account of the facts as well too because the "retail" version was 1.0 and was not backwards compatable with the PR or last beta version 1196. You're stating an impossibility thus disproving your arguement...thanks again! The 1.0 versions didn't start showing up on the global server until about 3 weeks or so before the release date (when all the beta testers started to receive their copies) ....about 2 weeks later we decided to update Elite, NOT an entire month before it hit the retail shelves. E2 didn't upgrade to 1.0 until after 3/4/03.

I've seen that MP ID on Elite for a while now and really haven't been given any reason to ban it. So far it's played within the RuleZ of the server. If I had it "out for you" don't you think that would have been done by now? I don't need to make any attempt cover lies, that appears to be your claim to fame. The truth is continueing to come out and is actually beginning to close in on you and your aruguements. Keep trying though, this is becoming fun!!

Edited by - Stinger on 27-07-2003 02:12:12

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 1:35 am

Well, I am not playing any psychological games here, nor falling in any traps. I am just stating the facts as I see them. I never said or implied that you "had it out for me". I have nothing to hide, and no affiliations with any of these groups or servers. I skirt nothing. I am here because I hate hypocritical, lying bullies like you and your buddies, NEO, who basically ruined this game for anyone not into prepubescent, egotistical bickering.

On what do you base your assumption that I am the person you claim was banned? There is nothing, because I have NEVER been banned on any server for any reason, EVER. I played as Hand_Solo on Elite, but simply abandoned the name due to constant and unprovoked NEO harassment (dock camping me for up to an hour+ while insulting my "mama" until I finally just left). I read your reply and see the accusation but can not see any justification for it whatsoever. So I have to assume it is just a brazen lie you are concocting to discredit me?

OK, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, whatever. It was quite a while before The retail version was available at stores, and we all played happily on Elite, with version 1.0, the same one we use now. Now where was I so mistaken other than possibly a slight inaccuracy in the precise date?

Edited by - Hand Solo on 27-07-2003 02:43:10

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 1:49 am

OK, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, whatever

There's a huge difference between one week and ' weeks, 4 weeks, whatever' Hand_Solo. You said you were playing on Elite a month or more before the retail version was released on the RETAIL version!! FACT: Elite did not go on 1.0 until 1 week before retail. You're talking out of both side of your mouth...again. That's a sign of a lie, pure and simple. You probably ought to just put the shovel down now and stop digging that hole. It's embarassing to watch.

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:02 am

I won't link to where this came from, but the date I got Freelancer was about 1 - 2 days after this "release" date. February 02, 2003 actually about a week before is when this game hit began playing version 1.0.

This release is a cooperation with

User Rating: 7.8/10 (80 votes)
Comments: 109 [ Read Comments [ Add a new comment
Posted: 21.02.2003 22:40:54 by Maxaiqa
Language: English
Total files: 3 (Add all files from this release to eDonkey2000)
Total size: 677.01 Megabyte

File Size Clicks AV
Freelancer.iMMERSiON.DonkeyNL.ShareReactor.bin 677 Megabyte 16750 2
Freelancer.iMMERSiON.DonkeyNL.ShareReactor.cue 108 Bytes 7651 2

So, on February 4 or so, I was playing on Elite with version 1.0. Absolute fact, no question about it. Elite was the very first server I ever played on. I don't need any more proof. Many, many of the locals here were right there with me, so they know it already. I'm done with you. Lie on brother.....lie on..........

Edited by - Hand Solo on 27-07-2003 03:03:42

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:12 am

Hand, no offence but you are a ******* retard

The elite server is a Gold version of FL that got released a month or so before FL was in the stores, its the same version of which you found that immersion copy.

The gold versions where distributed to "friends" of DA and the beta testers, is it really so hard to believe?

Get your act together man, you are a discrace to the intelligent ppl on this forum


United SL Modelers¸
Administrator for World Of Gamers
Webmaster for Red Faction World

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:16 am

Did you have a point? Mine is that they know full well most everyone on Elite was using the warez version at that time, yet they ban people for doing the same when it suits them, and they don't ban the NEO's that they know full well were warezing at the time. I guess it was okay for their buddies to do it, but not anyone who their warezing buddies wanted gone, for whatever reason.


Edited by - Hand Solo on 27-07-2003 03:19:32

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:35 am

I bet that guy didnt meet NEO yet, you know NEO right? The clan that terrorizes the server and is completely ignored by admins? Robbing, and dock raping and killing lvl19s, figuring out new ways on how to rob players blind?

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