3. I can't help notice your skirting of the FACT you run/ran a warez server and knowingly allowed a full compliment of warez (not beta testers) clients to play there long before the game was released. LOL, this is because you absolutely can not deny it. Namely the entire NEO clan and all the rest of the people playing there at the time. Then you have the audacity to ban someone for doing the very same thing because you wanted them out for whatever petty, personal reason.
Been here for 2 1/2 years and I've never met someone that is so misinformed as our neighborhood poster...Hand Solo. Are you for real? Elite a warez server, mwhahaha. Jesus H. Chris man, there can be only one reason for this level of incomptetence and ignorance of the facts. You figure it out.
Are you aware of the fact that the game of Freelancer could and was being played via a Public Relations CD that was sent out to a variety of people all over the world and the version Elite was using was compatable with it? Version 1196 it was called. In FACT we had 2 servers running at the time between "Gone Gold" date and retail release date..Elite and E2 and they both were running the same version until we decided to make the move on Elite to the Gold (retail) version. I remember a bunch of upset folks about that too.
Mythinks you doth protest too much Hand Solo. Early on we had a VERY famous cheater by the name...imagine this...Hand_Solo. Not that it's you, but you both fit the same mold of spouting off with inconsistent, unproveable, unverifyable information and try to pass it off as facts when in reality it's nothing more than your
opinions . As Bugs Bunny would say...What a maroon.
(this is called humor, it's used as a tool to calm emotions during a debate. Any construed inference as a personal attack on the accused is purely unintended)
Bottom line, show me PROOF someone is using a warez (stolen) version of Freelancer on elite and I'd be glad to ban them in a heartbeat. Like I said before, if someone is really stupid anough either brag about downloading the game or be goaded into admitting the same publically in a chat window that can be captured via screenshot (be it factually or not make no difference) then they deserved to be banned.
Additionally, I really think you should get your facts straight befor engaging in a debate with me about them. Your stance would be much more believeable.
@Artificial_Respiration - I regret to inform you have your facts wrong too, sorry. I've verifed that by deleting my own MP ID that has no characters established several time back during the days of beta testing and well after the Gold version was released it doesn't not prevent them from logging in later. Now if an account is deleted and then the account creation is tirned off, sure, it will appear as though they are banned but in FACT they are not. When the account creation is turned back on, they can log right in. Where are you getitng your facts? Possibly the same store as Hand Solo? Facts can be disputed, but they can also be verified.
I'm still keeping this thread open because the personal attacks have been tempered and it is doing a fine job of geting the facts straight for everyone to see. This is becoming more and more a
good public relations avenue for our server Elite. Thanks!
Edited by - Stinger on 27-07-2003 01:46:34