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Dock camping on Elite server - it has to be addressed

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Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 5:17 am

uhm md was there in that chat, so sw was informed even before SE
and just a suggestion, maybe you should have invited them into the chat.
I am somehow sure, bargib had not the msn adresses of you or me either, someone just invited us.

anyway stop complaining pointless, there are topics about this in the neo and rn forum, so I guess they are informed by now aswell ...

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 6:53 am

True... I contacted the people I knew where involved, but I do not have a complete picture or list of people either... Anyway, I am convinced that this needs to be addresed, and so I did contact the people I knew where there... And that was in principle on all sides...

I am still of the oppinion that dock camping is exploiting a design-bug in the game and thus cheating. If it where completely my descision, I would ban dock camping altogether, but I tried to compromise, even if you, Tasiin, does not see it that way...

If you continue the "aggressive" approach I wouldn't be surprised if the admins here and on Elite would get more than a bit annoyed with NEO, and remember we are PAYING the bills! Anyway... we - the people who put up the servers - have decided that dock camping needs to be addressed, and therefore I think you should come up with a solution other than "There is no need to do anything". That approach puts you and the rest supportive of that argument out of the influencing people on a solution!

So if you don't like the current proposal, then come up with something else... You know what we try to do, and the way I see it your attitude points towards that the single thing NEO wants is to "own" the server... Got to tell you something: that will never happen... Because the admins own the server There are a lot of other fine points to this, but nevermind...

Come up with something better, and we will listen...

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 7:02 am

Once again, just ban NEO. 'nuff said.

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 7:35 am

I don't have a better proposal than the 15 minutes rule that would be acceptable by both sides, and I do appreciate the fact that you're compromising here, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to be aggressive, I just want to make sure that this is entirely fair.

Personally, I don't know if this rule is going to work in the long term, but all of NEO has been complying with it so far and so has everyone else to my knowledge.

Hornet, if you have nothing to add, please be silent.

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 9:33 am

lol EXPLOIT LOL...well im done.. you guys are a joke ill never load this crap up again.. exploit???? what about a lvl 1 going to 20 doing 1 trade run.. THATS an exploit, but you dont whine about that. if you wanna be left alone out there in the big universe, play single player.. my god this sounds like a bunch of grade schools kids "its not fair" lol... fyi, as soon as the da server patch comes out for public.. all servers will be running it and im sure most will abandon elite like a sinking ship... me however, i quit now..gonna go play rebalence mod which all say is very hard.. lol not

why is that people who monster bashing computers have to suffer because of people with inferior computers? if it takes that long for you to load up.. a) dont play or just DEAL with it (b) get a new computer.. sounds like tribes 2 all over again.. just add fog LOL

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:02 pm

haha lad_42o, your view of things is very differn't, but i happen to agree 100%. and for the rest of you, why are you trying to get us banned? that's completely pathetic! any other posts that are in direct flameing to this will be completely ignored, so don't even start typeing when you read this post as it'll never be seen =P

500K or bai!

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:06 pm

well i'm not sure if this counts as 'dock rapeing', but i have been giving people 6 seconds after they undock, is that not resonable? that's plently of time to hit your cruise engines and run away.

500K or bai!

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:55 pm

lad_42o says...

as soon as the da server patch comes out for public.. all servers will be running it and im sure most will abandon elite like a sinking ship

then goes no to say...

why is that people who monster bashing computers have to suffer because of people with inferior computers? if it takes that long for you to load up.. a) dont play or just DEAL with it (b) get a new computer

To the former comment, if this happens then so be it. We've put up one of the best servers out there for 3 months now. People come to Elite because of many reasons (stable server most of the time, admins give a rats ass about their customers, rich clan environment, etc. etc.). Other servers obtaining the DA patch only helps the FL community as a whole. If everyone runs to other servers when the patch hits the gaming commision, I say GREAT, then maybe I (and some others) can get on Elite every once in a while.

Now to your second statement I see your point, and I do agree with it. But not everyone can afford to through money at a problem. In fact few can so we're trying to work with the cards we've been dealt, that's all. Factoid, by the end of the year they project 30% of all internet users will be using broadband. 2 years ago that figure was less than 6%. Time are changing, but Elite server is trying to appeal to the masses here, not just a small group of power users. Remember, all the people that are lodging these complaints are doing so because they care. We'd be horses backsides to ignore them.

Edited by - Stinger on 04-06-2003 15:56:06

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 4:12 pm

admod sayz..
"People come to Elite because of many reasons (stable server most of the time, admins give a rats ass about their customers, rich clan environment, etc. etc.)."

erhmmm um ya you think its cause YOUR THE ONLY ONE who HAS THE PATCH LOL.. rich clan enviroment?? clans are internet gangs and act as such, teh clans on this server are not very RICH or you would not be having this topic of disscusion in the first place.. LOL

mod sayz
"But not everyone can afford to through money at a problem. In fact few can so we're trying to work with the cards we've been dealt, that's all. "

look here..
for 349 american dollars you can get
amd xp 1700+ cpu
128 mb pc-133 sdram
mid-tower ATX case(like you need)
40 gb hard drive
your um floppys and cd rom drive and what not
3d sound card(who cares)
56 k modem or a nic card(again who cares)
32 mb video card(nvidia)
then you can add on a few extras like
geforce2 MX 400 64 mb card for 65 dollars SIXTY FIVE DOLLARS.. (probably cheaper at the time you read this) more ram you say, SURE no problem
ddr ram 256MB pc2100/266 for 89 dollars.. now you do the math
comes out to a whoping 500 dollars.. now i know this is not the BEST machine but it is by far all you will need to run this game as best it can be.. NOW

minium wage is 5.15 here in the states... you could basically just get a job at mc donalds and get 500 bones in about 2 weeks...

some more stuff the mod sayz..
"Factoid, by the end of the year they project 30% of all internet users will be using broadband."

Fact: if you are still on DIAL UP you should not play online games at all cept maybe pogo and internet spades.. dial up does nothing but suck bandwith from the server and cause lag for everyone else when they should not be getting any at all...

mod sayz some more stuff..
"Remember, all the people that are lodging these complaints are doing so because they care. "

all the people lodging these complaints are doing so because they got OWNED and not only did they get OWNED they must also talk mad sh** because they feel it is UNFAIR.. you know what, if you talk smack to me, i don't let it go till i kill you five times over.. maybe these NOOBS lodging the complaints should not be so fast to tell somebody who is clearly BETTER then them OFF..

mod sayz... (yes there is more LOL)
"We'd be horses backsides to ignore them"
your not?

now that im sure im banned or whatever the bottome line is this.. you are in a PVP server there is going to be player killing going on for MANY REASONS.. if you do not wish for that, you should not play on a pvp server.. after this issue is resolved(and it will be, the way the OWNERS of the server want it to be) the next big thing will be " they just sit there on the popular trade lanes and knock me outta warp EVERYTIME i try and get by and they kill me.." ooo too bad poor noob, you lost your cargo and got sent all the way back... if you wanna be a carebear you should go to a carebear server, pvp is not for the weak at heart..

well peace all.. probably the last time you'll here anymore of my annoying brain thoughts..

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 5:17 pm

This is funny. I used to play on Elite, before the game just got too boring. Now I just play the different mods out there, much more fun than even MP. I just don't get what is the big problem with this. I mean ok the average trader makes like 600k per trip. Neo asks for what, 30k, 60k, hell they could ask for 100k and how does that hurt you really? So pay them, like we all pay taxes in life and then go do a trade run to make up the deficit. Or go do a mission for 240k or whatever and you hardly notice what you paid out.

In my opinion the problem with dock camping isn't entirely Neo's (or whatever clan is copying them) fault. You can lay the blame on the people being camped too, I'm sure they don't just sit there meek and quiet and just relaunch everytime they die. They cuss and flame and rant and rave and such, just causing more Neo agro and making things last even longer. I think the fact that people will actually allow themselves to be dock camped shows how boring the game is, when you would rather sit on a planet and flame people than be out there doing something, since flaming is more exciting than missions or trade runs.

Anyways, that's my useless take on things I just 'had' to share for my own joy, whatever. You want a solution to the problem? Don't ban Neo, they actually make the server interesting. Use the 15 minute rule, best solution you got. Dock camp for 15 mins, if they don't pay move on. But if you don't pay then you really suck because seriously it's not like it's going to set you back to level 1, and it's not like you can't make back what you pay tenfold in no time.

and don't bother flaming me, I don't read here enough to satisfy you =)

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 5:55 pm

oh my, these 2 last posts actually make sense!

mod sayz some more stuff..
"Remember, all the people that are lodging these complaints are doing so because they care. "

all the people lodging these complaints are doing so because they got OWNED and not only did they get OWNED they must also talk mad sh** because they feel it is UNFAIR.. you know what, if you talk smack to me, i don't let it go till i kill you five times over.. maybe these NOOBS lodging the complaints should not be so fast to tell somebody who is clearly BETTER then them OFF..


THANKYOU! that's what i've been saying all the long, just not in words =)

and for 2Dizzy, THANKYOU!

finally some people with minds and that are not "Mr. Communtiy" types.
cheers go out for the both of you.

500K or bai!

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 6:38 pm

Tasiin - just wanted to thank you for beeing supportive here...

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 6:56 pm

ONCE MORE! Ban NEO. All problems solved. 'nuff said.

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 7:39 pm

When did this thread become a NEO clan bashing one? Not on my watch. There are many many more clans out there established on Elite and they all seem to have their own unique "issues." Guess what, that's great for a server like Elite! I'm wholeheartedly for rich clan involvement on Elite. I do not like it when one is singled out for doing something wrong. This dock camping is the problem so let's stay focused okay?

Just because the server is named Elite doesn't mean we (the admins) should adopt an elitist attitude toward what we like to see from it's participants. After reading lad_42o's last post it smacks of that. Your points are valid, it's the way you arranged the words that are "snooty." I'm the cynical one here, get in line if you want to take that stance and learn from the master.

Are we asking too much for a little common courtesy on the server? In a nutshell, that's what this is. You can STILL dock camp, just not for extended periods of time. It's called compromise . As the original post stated, that's just a waste of slots on the server when others are pinging trying to get in while it's full. About the only thing worse is those that log on and don't do anything but sit there for hours so when they decide they want to play they do not need to fight to get on. Come to think of it, why would they do that if dock camping isn't contributing to the reasons behind that action??

Keep in mind we're just asking for some cooperation at this point and not demanding anything. But if it doesn't continue to get better, we'll be left with few options. And this is the time to come up with alternate solutions than the ones stated in the original post. So far zero alternatives have been offered at least in this thread.

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 8:01 pm

lol LOL and again OMG ROFLMFAO... sorry, i'll try learning from the master from now on.. fyi, I don't dock rape ( well i did ONE time, got owned when the calvery came in LOL) and for the future, IF i ever play this game again online on elite, reast assured i will RESPECT your *cough* rules you so HAPPILY compromised with um US the players.. not just the um *cough* CLANS(gangs)... lol

what if i kill a noob in new york in 2 shots and he can't tell who did it cause he's a noob? will i get away with it or will you hear him scream..
kinda like does a tree in the woods with no one around make sound?
no one hears your screams in space... or do they?

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