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Dock camping on Elite server - it has to be addressed

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Post Mon Jun 02, 2003 4:30 am

Dock camping on Elite server - it has to be addressed


It has come to our attention that dock camping (killing people as they leave a base/planet before they can defend themselves) is way out of control on the Elite server. Everyone knows there is no Pk'ing allowed in Liberty space and peopel have been respecting that pretty well. But this continually killing people as they leave a base/planet for an extended period of time is deterimental to the server, let me explain why...

It takes two (or more) to tango with this dock camping. If just two people are involved that takes 2 very valuable slots on the server that others could (and surely would) love to get on and play. If there's more people involved, then that's just more spots being taken up. This is not good for the server in any way shape or form. You do not own the Elite server, just remember that.

I've spoken with many people about this issue and it was being handled by the community as a whole...for a while. But lately we've been hearing of people being dock camped for more than 10-15 minutes (some claim hours). Well, its all right back on you pilots out there to handle this the right way. If it's not handled then the server admins (yea, the guys that moderate and own the server) can and will resort to drastic measures if this isn't resolved. Banning/characters wipes/no more PK'ing at all (remember E2?) come to my mind (as drastic and bad as that sounds) but I don't make the final call, I just interject my opinions...that's all.

Here's the simple proposal:

You can still dock camp player for 10 - 15 minutes but remember, this is not your server and that time frame is plenty to "make your point." Do it, then move on please. If you continue to dock camp for more than that, know that word may get around and it will be determintal to everyone if the server admins are forced into more drastic actions. (see above)

Let's all just take a deep breath, learn to coexist on Elite and don't take advantage of another player simply because you have a superior tactical advantage for an extended period of time. Sure, they may be some rouges that still do this but if the CLANS on Elite all adopt this new policy it will spread.

(also, please don't post on here so-and-so dock camped me) We are depending on the Elite community as a whole to take care of this themselves before the server admins ar forced to take more drastic actions. NO ONE wants it to come to that.

Like I always say...thanks for listening...Enjoy!

Rob "Stinger" Lordier
Moderator - Lancers Reactor
Creator Privateer FAQ
no good deed will ever go unpunished

Post Mon Jun 02, 2003 5:14 am

Hypothetical situation:
I dock camp someone for fifteen minutes. They get angry. They email you and say "[NEOZ0PharX dock camped me for over an hour!" What happens then?

Post Mon Jun 02, 2003 5:24 am

I counter with another hypothtical situation...

Dock camping does not get resolved on Elite, admins get tired of hearing about it...they decide to take off PvP for a month. Does that mean the problem is solved? Not really in the long term but certainly in the short term.

Look, the admins do not want to make a bad situation worse by doing anything drastic, but the sheer numbers of complaints dictates when we need to step in and try to work with the community to find a solution. Time to make an attempt on this one everyone.

Edited by - Stinger on 02-06-2003 06:30:18

Post Mon Jun 02, 2003 5:59 am

---- beginning: i didnt record anything before, until i saw the word 'complaint' ----

Stinger: there's some complaints
Me: of?
Stinger: apparently, it's about dock camping
Me: the dock camping has already been solved by Bar
Stinger: really? funny, that's not what i've heard
Me: you can view the MSN chat in our forums under general chat
Stinger: no need...let me be frank with you okay?
Me: alright
Stinger: would you like it if someone did that to you?
Me: ahhh.. but would you like someone insulting you?
Stinger: then it's only taking up valuable server time from others
Stinger: trying to get on
Me: i understand where you are coming from because i ran a server myself
Me: that is also true, but admins are not always present when their players
Stinger: insults are bad granted
Me: are not happy
Stinger: would it be better to wipe out all of the accounts and start fresh?
Stinger: i mean this really has got to stop...
Stinger: i think your point is VERY well made after 10 minutes max
Me: hmm i'd have to say i do agree
Me: but i dont really care for when they decide to insult... but i agree
Stinger: i mean this is getting WAY out of control for everyone involved..including NEO clan
Stinger: or any clan for that matter
Me: that is due to this redictulas WP/SE/LD war
Stinger: wars are fine..but even iirl there's 'codes' of war
Stinger: i want you to do me a favor
Me: the non stop dockrapeing code for WP/SE has been put in so far
Me: as long as they don't dockrape us.. we wont dockrape them
Stinger: funny thing is...someone always draws first blood..right?
Me: please explain in more detail?
Stinger: someone did the first dock camp
Stinger: that starts it and there's no end.
Me: i can't honistly say who dock camped first.
Me: but i do imagine us
Stinger: this should be fair for everyone
Stinger: dock camping has got to stop
Me: we've stopped that for about i dont know.. 4 hours now
Stinger: we can always take OFF pvp killing to stop it ourselves
Stinger: but we'd rather the players volutarily do it
Me: well.. then elite would be a ghost town (this is not something to use agesn't you)
Stinger: just the dock camping
Stinger: so be it if it became a ghost town....this dock camping is ruining a good thing
Me: yes, i understand that.. we've got your word.. spread it amongst the rest of the
Me: clans
Stinger: i don't believe you really understand the meaning of this
Me: yes i do, and i fully agree stinger
Stinger: it's all been a free for all for months...but now we're being pushed into a corner
Me: this server is linked to TLR.. TLR is a hot spot, if something goes wrong with
Stinger: as server admins
Me: elite, something goes wrong with TLR
Me: i understand fully and i will give the word to the rest of NEO.. however
Stinger: i understand..but TLR was around long before Elite was
Me: i encourge you to message the other clans
Me: yes, during the SL days
Stinger: i believe we're going to 'try' to let the pilots work this out
Stinger: on their won --[EDIT: i think Stinger mean't own?--
Stinger: but drastic measure can and will be taken if this camping isn't stopped now
Me: agreed, but it isn't entirely our fault
Stinger: not to be the heavy on you.but i know you'll spread the word
Stinger: i know it's not just NEO..(by far) but we have to start somewhere
Me: it kinda makes us look like the bad guys since we were messaged first
Me: BUT its a start
Stinger: NEO is the strongest clan on Elite...
Stinger: i'd think you'd consider it an honor to be asked first
Me: hmm, i didn't view it as that, excuse my defences
Stinger: there's about 18 clans on Elite...i spoke to you first
Stinger: i'll post something up on the web site about it
Stinger: but bottom has to stop..lead by example
Me: well i am honored you contacted me first

----- end, i didn't bother recording the rest as it was basicily finished -------

least to say i wasn't contacted in WP's favor, so they still failed

if you guy's require screenshots of this conversation, i can upload all 24 captures to my server

500K or bai!

Post Mon Jun 02, 2003 6:07 am

I dont see the point in dock camping anyway. Making a point is much more efficiently done in a duel, or some sort of fight where both sides are equal. If you beat the person, your opponent has NOTHING to say, and your point is made very well.
Dock camping put simply is an exploit of a game feature that should have been taken out of the MP version of FL. There are no reasons for cut scenes in MP. They are there for the single player version so that launching into space doesn't look cheezy, not to provide a period of time where a hord of pilots can start shooting at a defenseless person trying to launch into space.


Post Mon Jun 02, 2003 6:38 am

I'll stick this...

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Mon Jun 02, 2003 5:30 pm

Don't dock camp people for 15minutes and you won't have to worry so much. Just 2 or 3 times coming out of the dock. Any more than that is overdoing it and is not being a good sport. Excessive dock camping ruins the game. I am really suprised that there guide is a 15 minute limit. That sounds way high to me.

Post Mon Jun 02, 2003 10:58 pm

Why the hell waste your time? Just ban the frigging NEO clan. There, problem solved. They are the ones who started the frigging trend.

Post Tue Jun 03, 2003 5:00 am

It would be good if server admins could ban/lock the dock-campers from the bases/systems theyre over-harrassing people in rather than banning them from the server entirely right away. It might even make the game more interesting for everyone.

peace some of the time

Laughing it up with the fuzzballs !

Post Tue Jun 03, 2003 2:24 pm

lol funny topic.. get over it people.. had 2 neos chasing me for awhile cause i blew one up who tried to kill me while on a mission.. well i managed to dock on some planet and sit there for awhile talking smack(knew they where up there).. went and took a s*** and got some coffee.. rolled up ermmm umm a cig and got me ship rdy... while they where talking smack, i left for space and couldnt help but notic i was getting fired on as soon as i was coming out, but the thing is while your in the animation, you dont have any damage done to you.. soon as you can control just go for mouse control and own.. btw, i blew them both up and continued on playing... maybe if there is a lot up there ask for some help, i know people LOVE to kill dock rapers... lol exploit,??? well then i would have to say trading is an exploit also when you think about it.. its just CHEESEY like throws in the old school street fighter 2 with chun li, get over it..

Post Tue Jun 03, 2003 2:53 pm

Problem is that some slower computers make people vulnarble for a few seconds, and if you have like 4 hammering you, you can do nothing but die and die and die... thus that is why we try to work something out here...

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Tue Jun 03, 2003 8:45 pm

We have taken note of the great haste in which WP and co were contacted, and have been wondering when some of the other clans of elite would be talked to about this 'problem'. To put it plainly, when will any of the clans that are actually allied with us be talked to?

Post Tue Jun 03, 2003 8:48 pm

Hornet, shh. We all know you started dock camping newbies after you got killed for the first time by TTY1.

Post Tue Jun 03, 2003 9:04 pm

Z: Guys... you see ghosts!
T: Not flaming here! I mean it!

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 4:39 am

I'm not flaming, and Z0PharX has a very valid point - none of the clans allied with us ( TTY1, RN, SW ) were contacted about this at all, nor given an option to express their own opinion ( which the leader of RN later complained to me about ).

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