OWL vs NEO - war report
01/05/03 - Due to the betrayal of our clan member wardragon, the neos got a most vital list of our operatives infiltrated in the elite server so we decided to change our strategy into a guerrilla warfare kind of approach, all operatives switched ID's and decided to startover again, and today we all saw a sign of hope in the future to come, as one of our members identified a target of opurtunity and efectibly destroyed him, yes our hero han_solo will be rewarded with our utmost respect and admiration for the prompt and eficient PK of [NEOvertigo; the NEO forces leaded by tasiin scrambled to help his clan mate but couldnt avoid him being PK'd 5 times a true tragedy for the NEO clan and a great victory to us, our hero of the day escaped the neo ambush attempt and re-joined us in our enduring fight untill victory is met!
Viva la revolution!
Edited by - cams on 01-05-2003 08:08:02