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Im am a PK

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Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:20 am

hmm, how much should they give you?

I mean, you can make about 100k each 5 minutes, 10 if your slow or unlucky.
So how much should they give you to make it even worth 1 min taking and another minute accutally do a trade (which involves the risk for you to get killed)
so we have here about 2 minutes at the BARE minimun, (which is total utopic, cause you need anyway much longer per victim)

2 minutes, so its worth again at the bare minium 20k credites, or if we get from the standart 100k each 5 mins that you can do in a combat ship in omicron theta, than its even 40k.

peanuts for a high level player, but half the cargo for a lower end player.

double this amount so the pirate actually start to gain more from this instead of doing just missions. now we are at 80k credits.
how much player do you think are willing to give a pirate 80k credits? just that he does not destroy a cargo that is most likly less worth to buy ... heck, often will not even make much more profit than that.

it has a reason why often kill some ppl several times, and after that PAY them an eagle when they keep complaining that they are to weak.

money is first, totaly worthless, second totaly easy to gain, and third low levelers have not enough to give you, that it would be worth wasting the time.

so please can you explain me again where my gain in pking someone really is?

wow he just give me 500k credits that I do not kill his cargo worth 250k ... wow wow, now I can refile my torps and mines again

oh wait this cost me 700k ... hmmm maybe I should have done instead 4 missions in omicron theta ... cause I needed first 30 minutes to find actually a player with enough cargo, than I needed to another 2 hours to acutally find one that cares about beeing killed, and than it took me 5 minutes to make the trade ... in 5 minutes alone I could have done half a mission ... yeah sounds like a big logical reason to do this.

If your telling me that this can be fun, well than you maybe found a reason do actually do it, the game itself defintaly does NOT GIVE YOU ONE.

that 90% of all players won´t only tell you to **** off if you ask for their cargo does not really help
though aswell 90% of them calling you names when you kill them 10 seconds after you nice "question"

but well maybe something changed this week, was not on elite since friday ...

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:22 am

well, if you can't be tough in real life then online games are the way to go, i guess...

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:43 am

peanuts for a high level player, but half the cargo for a lower end player. Double this amount so the pirate actually start to gain more from this instead of doing just missions. now we are at 80k credits.
Yeah, but you are forgetting the time variable...missions take time to do. Sitting at a tradelane pirating takes no time.


Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:43 am

I'll be a pk'er when I get done exploring and everything...till then I'm just a lowly coward... LOL Oh Lordy...come on people this is a game...just enjoy it...if someone blows you up, the next time you're online and are able to...blow them up! simple answer for a simple problem...

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 1:02 am

Yep, this is a game. And I don't know about everybody else, but I think it's entertaining to have that whole 'fight-or-flight' adrenaline surge when I feel that I'm being hunted. Is it sad that it happens during a game? Sure. But since I'm not going to have the same feeling from somebody shadowing me IRL, then I'm gonna enjoy it from the game instead. Also, since this is a game, it's fairly harmless getting pked. So you get the thrill of the chase...without the risks. Enjoy it. Then again, this only works if somebody is not sitting at a lane waiting for you to happen by or a docking ring and wait for you to come off the planet. Cheers.

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 1:43 am

Yeah, but you are forgetting the time variable...missions take time to do. Sitting at a tradelane pirating takes no time.

Did I talk about the time? Yes, I talked about the time, more than once, yes, pirating against NPC makes you even quicker money, about 3-4 millions per hour without any problems (but hey I am neutral with everyone except corairs - and 10 minutes for a mission is not that bad, if the missions pays you ~200k

but this does not help you at all against a player, heck it is even a BIGGER argument against pirating a player, in the time you need to just write "drop your cargo" you could have killed a npc ship and tractored its cargo in ... in the 20 seconds you should give a player to react, the cargo could be already sold

(team work is here the key, on shoots down the ships direkt at a station while to others keep selling and selling and selling ... or u just use a bug in fl to sell it yourself, but well, I don´t absuse bugs, so I do this with a partner)

and again, you have to take into account the time you need to find actually a player that you can rob

Reading is a fine art, and most ppl have no sense for art.

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 2:46 pm

Ever since PKing became the rage with some children (not just Freelancer) that find it cool do do so, I have usually made it a point not to join srvers that are 1) not passworded 2) avoid playing with people I don't know. This has not been easy with this game since there are no central servers and to be honest most servers come and go so fast that it makes it difficult to actually play this game too ones satisfaction. So far I have built 5 players all lost on bad servers, that just dropped the game. Do's anyone think I would appreciate being PK'd constantly after rebuilding again and again. Call me Touchy or Paranoid , I don't mind, part of life. But if you play for playing and enjoy other aspects of the game, why shouldn't I be able to do that peaceably! PVP is another story, if you want to dual that's your choice, I will when I'm good and ready. I have joined one of the servers here, if it works out, I will suggest 3 or more friends to come to the same server. If that happens and we can play in peace great, if it dosn't and we get PK'd watch out! It will be probabably hurt you more than you can Imagine, if you think you can destroy 3 or more high level players your wishing! We will not PK you, so don't get on our bad side! Remember Atomahawk, after you do your deed, because " Flying the friendly skies" will not exist in your regard.


Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 3:13 pm

pvp != duell

pvp just means player vs player, it say nothing about the pre conditions for an attack

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:11 pm


oh you were kidding when you called people a-holes? mmmk but you still sound like a vic to me=/

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 5:06 pm

Ever since PKing became the rage with some children (not just Freelancer) that find it cool do do so, I have usually made it a point not to join srvers that are 1) not passworded 2) avoid playing with people I don't know.
The fact that these servers exist leaves me bewildered as to why everyone makes SUCH a big deal about PKing. I mean, it isnt like you people dont have a billion choices.

Do's anyone think I would appreciate being PK'd constantly after rebuilding again and again
Then why are you rebuilding on PvP servers? Are you a masochist?

I mean, it isnt like it's hard to tell which servers are and are not. Anything with a skull and crossbones icon in the global list = doesnt get more clear than that.

But if you play for playing and enjoy other aspects of the game, why shouldn't I be able to do that peaceably!
You can do that anytime you want...start up a single player game and apply the crack that opens all the jump gates...viola...your own private server where no one will ever again pee on your parade.

Remember Atomahawk, after you do your deed, because " Flying the friendly skies" will not exist in your regard.
Excuse us while we run in terror, heh heh.

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 8:34 pm

Yes, deucy, then I deny that statement, and you come back with "sure, whatever," or something to that extent, and the useless arguing continues. So I'll just do this: I was kidding about my initial post, but you're the exception. Goodbye now =P

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:24 pm

In the server I play on we have formed a group of friends who hate PKers, or 1 particular PKer who attacks low lvl guys to be precise. We group up and go hunt him down, lots of PKing fun to be had there. It's even better now that he has formed his own little 'we hate the good guys' group. Now we have a small war. I love PKing.


Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:28 pm

Ya know, I can feel the love welling up in this forum...

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:53 pm

There is nothing wrong with pvp, but some of you seem confused with the concept. Some of you have decided it is fun to pk outside manhatten and call that pvp. Don't tell me you find it fun to stalk the L1 starflyers with your fully decked out Eagles?

The idea of this "carebear" attitude is a fine one. It allows the newbies and new characters a chance to get their characters to a level that they can at least have a chance to defend themselves. People like Deucy seem to forget that everyone has to start out somewhere. Starting out and being killed the moment you launch from Manhatten is not fun. It didn't happen to him, assuming he plays on Elite, and it should not have to happen to the other newbies on the Elite server.

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