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Im am a PK

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Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 2:41 pm

Im am a PK

I don’t see anything wrong with attacking lvl 30+ guys out in Theta, Omicron and Sigma. I usually try to hold them at a dock until the give me money or something like that (gotta love the disrupters). Sometimes I loot trade routes. If people didn’t PK there would be no point in playing multiplayer. Im just trying to make the game more interesting. No hard feelings. I will always give my target a way out. Half their cargo, or some money and I will let them go. I will never ask for all their cargo so they don’t lose everything. Anyways guys I just wanted to say don’t be mad at the PKers if they are being reasonable. And once again.. no hard feelings

See you in space

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:26 pm

You know wat i find more rewarding that pk'ing some1 actualy helping them i mean escorting giving them tips on good low lvl trade routs helping them to get neutral with outcasts/corsairs etc... Pk'ing someone the same lvl or higher than you isnt wat ide call fun unless its a challenge etc... but if u realy wana pk some1 try me youll regret it :-D

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 5:17 pm

be careful the carebears might ban you for playing the game you paid $50.00 bucks for=/

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 5:28 pm

What is with this care bear stuff? How about Non-PKers? All we do is call you PKers, because it means "player killers," so why do you insist on giving us a derogatory name? Maybe we should just start calling you a**holes. Yeah, yeah that's good - a**holes. Has a nice ring to it =P (censored myself, btw...)

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 5:44 pm

That is a good point magmus, and i do enjoy helping people get a good start. I usualy spot them some cash to buy a rhino or drone and show them a nice route. I have escorted 3 people to the lvl 10 fighter that they want. The people i help are my allies, they will help me in the future. I am basically creating a new fraction/clan. I have also made real enemies. Now the game is much more exciting for me. Fighting other real people is so much more exciting and much more of a challenge than fighting the comp. The whole point of multiplayer is person to person interaction. I am making the best of it and interacting in every way I can. Its not like I’m hanging out in NY attacking lvl 5 players. If i wanted to trade and do missions all day i would play single player

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 5:46 pm

a carebear is someone who cries about it if you fall into this category so be it..
and those who go around on their so called watch looking for pk's on the server etc..that's just really stupid.

you would call someone an asshole because they victimized you? your the vic


Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 5:55 pm

Damn all the PKers!!!!

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 7:08 pm

The problem isn't with PKers per se, but with people with uber ships who attack low levellers. It's not much fun to step into a server (starting at level 1) only to be blasted away by some level 30+ dude who thinks it's funny to kill ships that won't even damage his shields. (That same guy will then bitch when someone bigger than him comes along and whacks him for six. Typical).

Digital Anvil really needs to patch in a system where you can kill anyone with a higher level than yours, but no-one more than 5 levels below. After all, Freelancer is all about accessibility and being easy to get into, so why not make it even more accessible?

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 7:20 pm

PKer's are not all too bad. I do object to them when they sit outside of Manhattan and blow up New players, but when you're out in the border worlds, there's no legitamate reason that you shouldn't shoot another player with permission.

If someone's hauling Cardamine, for example, kill them if you want. Demand money or cargo first, but if they refuse then shoot them. However, if you do, don't bitch about it when they come around with a vengeance to kill you every single time you spawn.

Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 8:14 pm

well put Vengeance

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 8:19 pm

What is with this care bear stuff? How about Non-PKers? All we do is call you PKers, because it means "player killers," so why do you insist on giving us a derogatory name?
Why do you consider that term derogatory? Carebears were known for cooperation rather than conflict right?

Maybe we should just start calling you a**holes. Yeah, yeah that's good - a**holes.
If it makes you feel better, go right ahead. Then save yourself some headaches and play on a non-a**holes server next time.

I personally have not PKed a single time, but I love PvP servers. It's adds an edge to the game that non-PvP is lacking IMO. It make travelling to remote places far more dangerous.

Try going to Freeport 5 in a loaded Defender sometime on a busy PvP server. It gets the adrenaline going.

The only thing about PvP is that it is getting a little monotonous. I get attacked by other players I see 90% of the time. Maybe after the novelty wears off...but banning PvP is definitly not the answer. The alternative is way worse.

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 8:34 pm

Iam not a Pker but if it wasnt from them i wouldnt have been trying to get my revenge on some on efor all this time would i cough Tassin cough

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 9:37 pm

PK is fine, as long as it's done with a purpose. Most just want to show off their brand new Titan. They get their HF and just head for Manhattan to kill 1st rank joiners. That's a practice that will make a server boring in two secs.

sorry to say, but I stoped reading here ... THERE IS NO PURPOSE for pk in this game. nothing to gain, nothing to lose.

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 11:08 pm

I was kidding with the a**hole term. I wouldn't stoop to the level of the name caller. But still, in the context of the statement, "care bear" is certainly derogatory. The guy even pointed it out when he said it was for crybabies...another derogatorive, hehe ;-) However, I can now safely say I'm not part of the group. And btw, I'm never a victim, I just said I don't kill low level players, i.e. NON-PK. Maybe I could be called a PDWIFLI, or Player Dueler When I Feel Like It? =)

And Luci, I agree with Apocalypse, sort of. What I mean is, I stopped reading at the same time he did, but it was because I saw how much else I had to read if I continued...=P

Edited by - Aerundel on 20-03-2003 23:11:20

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 11:25 pm

Here is another part to the PK issue. I am 38 Rank trader. I know the risks. I know I am being hunted, that's fine. If I am going to an area and I see some high level players lurking, that makes me nervous. I take alternate routes, get ready for evasion, etc. or just plain hide until they leave. It's fun to fool the hunters.
Oh boy is it. I've done that many many times. I think that might actually be more fun than PKing.

Dodge their cruise disruptors (yes, it can be done), dive into an asteroid field...or better yet a mine field. Go into nebula where their sensors turn to mush. Dump a few dozen mines behind you. The possibilities are endless.

Wheres the fun in relying on artificial rules to protect you? Treat PCs as very aggressive, very dangerous NPCs.

sorry to say, but I stoped reading here ... THERE IS NO PURPOSE for pk in this game. nothing to gain, nothing to lose.
I disagree. Pirating can be very lucrative if you can get away with it. The problem is that so-called pirates end up killing people that pay their tribute anyway, which ruins it for all the other pirates.

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