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PKing? Is that what you call it?

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 10:58 am

PKing? Is that what you call it?

Let's face it. PKing is utterly useless in this game. There is no gain for the PKer unless they are sucessful in intimidating their prey into handing over money. Which, by the way, is very rare because most everyone knows they can die and not loose anything. So, what's the point in PKing?

It isn't PKing. It's griefing.

Pirate wannabe says "Give me 20k credits or I'll prevent you from leaving the area."

Victim knows he doesn't have to give the pirate any money so doesn't. Then victim tries to leave only to be killed over and over and over and over and over and over. Leaving one of two choices. Leave the server to go to another where there are no griefers ruining the game. Or continue to try and get past the pirate and if you succeed...said pirate harasses you for the rest of the time they're online.

Again... what's the point? All this does is ruin the game for people.

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 11:33 am

There's always someone out for something for nothing, luckly I dont see that on the servers I use as yet but guess the time will come. Just hope theres a better server and admin control by then or online will soon die from idiots like that.

All they have to do is go to the norther outer systems and do a few missions there. A few of the relativily easy 20-30k missions soon get your bank balance healthy.

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 11:49 am

Well it sounds like you've been harrassed by someone who takes things to a bit of an extreme. In general I'm all in favor of PVP or "Pk'ing". Especially in a game such as this.

Attacking newbies is pretty lame, but anyone whos more experienced should be open game. Considering the death penalties are pretty lax in this game, and the fact that you are likely attacked by NPC's I've not really found it that big of a deal. View other players as "enhanced AI" and things go much more easily.

Someone chasing you around killing you over and over is a bit much, but the random incident just adds to the thrill of being in the depths of space. Just my opinion though.

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 11:53 am

There's always someone out for something for nothing, luckly I dont see that on the servers I use as yet but guess the time will come. Just hope theres a better server and admin control by then or online will soon die from idiots like that.

All they have to do is go to the norther outer systems and do a few missions there. A few of the relativily easy 20-30k missions soon get your bank balance healthy.

to make it simple, if pvp is on at the server, don´t blaim anyone for getting killed.
personaly I do not kill someone twice in a row, and thats all. why do it? cause its in the game, and players that shoot back are much more fun that a stupid ai that stand anyway no chance.

though I kill aswell any freighter that I meet on my way, or for that matter any player I meet. why I do this? to make the game a little bit more risky for them. at least they maybe are than not as bored as I am, cause the ai is really no challange.

except you go titan hunting which a starflier .... but even this is not a impossible task, once you reached freeport 9 ... which is again far to easy, even in a starflier.

Supporter and Founder of the :p for smilies Campange

We want :p

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 2:42 pm

I have yet to start in multi player .. so one Question.
If you kill a "player ship" .. doesn't the cargo spill out, just like with ai ships?
I mean..
just that....
I wanna be a pirate!
so .. now it's out

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 4:18 pm

though I kill aswell any freighter that I meet on my way, or for that matter any player I meet. why I do this? to make the game a little bit more risky for them. at least they maybe are than not as bored as I am, cause the ai is really no challange.


Let me throw something out to you Apocalypse. Did you ever consider that there are people tha are happy with the game just they way it is? That perhaps there are people who aren't as bored with it as you are? In other on-line games, I've had a lot of trouble with people who player-kill for the sake of player-killing because it 'make the game a little bit more risky for them.' I'm of the variety of player who avoids player fighting, and would rather have player interaction where I find someone to make a risky cargo run with, or find someone to do a more difficult mission with, or whatever. When someone attacks me for no reason (especially if i'm carrying no cargo or whatever), I find it incredibly lame. Yes, you heard me, lame. The game may become a little more interesting for you, but what that does to people like me is convince us we should just play on our own LANs with people we know so we don't have to deal with people who kill for no reason, at least then we can walk over and smack the person upside the head who just killed us. So, eventually, you'll have only fly around and shoot each other and never delve into other aspects of the game, and then that too will become boring.

-end rant

Sorry to go on like that, but i've got rather strong feelings on this topic

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 4:41 pm

Then you should NOT play on PvP enabled server.

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 5:13 pm

I agree. I like the choice of player combat; just not against me I usually keep constant track of where players are and if any are in nearby systems; especially if their closeby. Then I see what their rank is and what their equipped with, ship and arm wise and stay alert, juuust in case. But if I'm so neurotic about players who might blow me and my cargo up, why do I play on a PVP enabled server? So that I can have something to worry about. Otherwise, the MP game really would be too easy.

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 5:35 pm

as the 2 ppl above me said.
and just to add another thing, if you really like player interaction, maybe you should arrange an escort for you, maybe organize, do something to survive, this makes the game better for you, and better for me.

The worst thing that can happen to me, are players that do not bother even with shooting back, fighting against me, or careing at all about getting killed. Those are the ones that spoil the fun for me. The ones that do not want any player interaction at all. Cause they fly most of the time alone, do not talk much, do not play together, even WHEN they are in a group withsome else, do not help each other and just screaming lame, when someone get killed.

It´s not my fault that the game does not give you any reason to kill someone, hey I would be much more happy if there would be good targets and bad targets, I would be aswell much more happy if the navy and police actual would to something to help a poor frighter pilot that get attack for no reason. But as this is not the case, I would be really really thankfull, if those freighter pilots could be at least play the game like they would care about their charakter and do not fly alone in areas where server known pk´s in their eagles wait for them.

Most time, I get called names, get a few "fu" and some "wtf you killed me". Which is not only damn bad roleplay its aswell total lame on a pvp server.

A few do respond normaly, some tell me that they will kick me once they have a nice ship, and somehow I end up most of the time than with escorting them, killing players that come to close to our konvoy and pay for their new ships and weapons, give away some lv10 guns and buy them some level 10 shilds so that they can show me, if they can really give me my nice payback when they are in a ship that is cable to fight mine with realistic chances.

The worst are btw, those titan pilots that start calling me names and tell me that if [insert lame excuise like no time, not in the mood, they were docking, their little sisters distract them would not be they would shoot me down. Those are more or less btw the only onces that I killed 2 or 3 times in a row. (with exection of some accidents, I can not always keep track whom I killed in the last 10 minutes and whom not)

So, please, if you don´t want that a player shoots you from time to time down, than please do not play on pvp servers, there are some no-pk servers aswell arround, and they have even worse players most time on it, that do not play at all together, cause there is anyway no need to do, when you can alone blast away any ki opposition away.

In other words. I can give you the compliment of lameness back

Edited by - Apocalypse on 15-03-2003 17:39:52

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 5:37 pm

I guess roleplaying has no place in this game. I found a player in Omicron Alpha, who was obviously hostile to Outcasts, and watched him loot a derelict Outcast Fighter. Now, I'm flying a Sabre, I'm Allied (Green) with the Outcasts, so I chase him to near Ruiz Base and kill him. That's when the private channel abuse started. Including the death threat, the desire to have sex with my mother, the inclusion of his email address so we could duke it out in real life. When he finally got around to asking "Why did you kill me?" I answered "You shouldn't have come to Outcast space". To which he replied "This isn't an RPG server, fag. Get a life. So I said, "Fine, it's a PvP server, and j00 just got pwned". Insert more abuse. Finally, I offered to give him 2 class 10 guns if it would make him feel better but he logged.

Some people just don't get it. It's a game. And, no you don't have to give money to a Player Pirate, but it's a still a choice. And under the circumstances that were described, probably the best one for that situation.

Edited by - RazorX on 15-03-2003 17:40:20

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 10:30 pm

Oh I would love it if someone would demand my money or cargo. But so far my only experience with PKers is killimg me as I leave or dock with a base as a lvl 1-10 character. Its gets annoying. Why kill someone in one or two shots that cant even give you the least bit of a challenge?? But I must say it was annoying but it defiantly added to the game. After that I always checked the chat system to see who was in what system and what lvl they were. I noticed this one lvl 30+ guy kept going to the same systems as me so I hooked up with a few nice lvl 30+ at the next jump gate. He didnt bother agian. But I just dont feel right attacking a player unless they are at least above lvl 15. Once you hit that its not hard to get up to 30+. I just wish there were bigger servers so there could be some real big pirate, bounty hunter, frieghter escort groups.:/

I will always join a PVP server for the extra excitement. The game is so easy to get to high lvls a few early kills is really insignifcant.

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 10:56 pm

It's all a matter of what the situation demands. First off, I don't believe there are any servers which promote role playing. I would love to join one that did because this is a great game for RPing a space faring trader.

Second and most important is the lack of respect. If I'm rank 24 in a humpback risking my life and dying every now and then hauling cargo between berlin and tokyo... I don't need a ranked 36 or above in a maxed out ship demanding I give him my cargo. When I refuse he blows me up I loose my cargo but it doesn't satisfy him. No, he then demands me to give him my hard earned credits instead. To me the pirate is showing a lack of respect to me, the game, and even to himself. Why? Simple. There isn't any challenge to what he's doing. All he is is being a bully.

Lastly, I would have no problem in the situation if I were confronted by another rank 20-28 player with a ship that isn't loaded with class 10 weapons. This is an ideal situation and one I would enjoy being involved with. Because it's two players in an equal setting.

See... the rank 36 and above players who turn pirate aren't players who are interested in playing pirates. No. (Maybe some are but not all). These are actually players who have 'done it all seen it all know it all' and are simply bored with nothing left to do but harass other players. I bet most of these 36 and above players who have turned pirate... weren't pirates throughout all their ranks. No. They too were hauling cargo at one time to get where they are now and have turned to pick on those hauling cargo simply because they can and because they have nothing better to do.

I'm sorry but I don't want to be harassed by some a-hole who is bored with the game and finds it entertaining to grief other players. I certainly, though, welcome players who are pirates and are known to be pirates throughout their 'career' or 'life' trying to attack and take my cargo or in some manner get money out of me. Because doing it this way is showing respect to the game, to themself, and is how the game should be played.

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 11:01 pm

Your lvl 24, shoudlnt take you too long to get to lvl 38 and fight him on equal footing. Just write down his name. Mabey post a bounty in every system you enter. Im sure he will get at least 2 or 3 other people coming after him.

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 11:02 pm

Actually, with pirating you need 2 hours for level 38 and your eagle + level 10 guns, so I guess, even when some maybe not pirates at first, they would use this path in their next charakter from beginning, cause its even faster than cargo.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 8:11 am

Rank up and go after him? Hire others to kill him?

But what's the point? See, the pirate has nothing to lose.

It's called Griefing, not just because the victim feels grief. But because the abuser does it just because they can... there's no actual true need for doing it.

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