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Dynamic Economy Mod

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:11 am

@BmB23, that was uncalled for. I have not called anyone names or anythign else in this thread. I stated my opinion and Swat has stated his. While I may not agree with his stance on the subject, he is allowed.

My original intention was not to start a flame war against Swat. It was to share my view on sharing ideas and such and that the mod itself will not make a mod thrive and grow. It is the community as well as has been stated many times in ths thread if you read between the flames. Also, sharing things you have discovered will only allow it to be enhanced and become even better.

Can we get this back on topic? If anyone has any further input on how to accomplish the Dynamic Economy on the fly, please provide you input and insight, otherwise, start a new thread.

Requiem: A Total FL Conversion Mod .

Post Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:39 am

Yeah, can we get back to the original topic ??

The most IMPORTANT thing is trying to develop a dynamic economy that will be better than any other

I've been doing a lot of research into memory reading and changing data, and I would love for anyone with ideas to post them, either here or on the Requiem MOD's website.. whichever..

The main point is that something like this would be an amazing breakthrough for Freelancer and a chance to keep it going FURTHER.

Think about it.. there's ALWAYS a way around something; as you can see from the thousands of customizations you can make to Freelancer.

The point of these forums though, are to HELP each other... not yell at each other.

SO .... anyone have any new updates??


Requiem: Total Conversion MOD

Please visit the site, register & post your ideas!!

Post Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:31 am

So you have a solution to synchronize the market-data on the fly between server and the clients ( during online-time ) ?

Post Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:45 am

That's what I've been working on ... and that's why I posted in here as well. I still mulling over ideas of changing the information in memory but haven't had any luck yet...

I was hoping someone else may've

Edited out sig

Edited by - FINALDAY on 8/13/2007 2:28:03 AM

Post Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:34 am

Hello pals.

Having a great interest in a dynamic economy I began to read this topic with interest, then it turned to dismay...

Normally I would have ignored this completely, as I have had my fill of this type of character assassination in the past, however...

I would just like to say that Swat has been a great helper on many occasions, and I understand - no - WE should ALL understand that WE would be infuriated too if we had spent a lot of time working things out, releasing them, only to find some other bugger had pinched it and called it his own work, in a copy of yet another person's mod, and at the same time made a mess of it too on top of that.

So I understand Swat, I too can see his point of view.

And I also see the other side, that I also have chided him a little for being cryptic in some of his responses, where it would have been better to say nothing at all.

But - pals, we all know that Freelancer is one sadly-ended game now after all this time, and we are only here for the possibilities of what our better brains, including Swat, may make it for us all?

Isn't this the case?

And at the same time, we are of like mind, aren't we, with the same interests?

And therefore aren't we already on the path to being good friends at the bottom of this all?



We can all contribute, and some do a lot more than others.

So let those of us who have a grumble now and then get away lightly with it, because when we stop and look back over the contributions of that guy, it far outweighs his minor annoying grumble now and then doesn't it?

If anyone is interested in knowing, my own grumble on the Dynamic economy work is Grover's inuendos, with no clear direction, no useable information, but with fake "dll entries" that the engine will not in fact recognise, but which to those who don't know seem to show he knows what he is talking about - whereas in fact he is just throwing concepts and red herrings onto the table, and hoping someone cleverer than he will come up with a working program which he may then claim as his own.

Kind of like IBM's fake patents, which can only stand up in the USA where everything is nothing to do with common sense, whereby they patent many ideas without implementing them, and then lie in wait for the unsuspecting company who does make it work at great expense and research - and then come out grabbing the credits and threatening to sue! Don't believe me? Check it out first.

Anyway - Swat, I appreciate you and your work, and I also very much appreciate your snippets of good info too, there have been many instances and I look forward to more.

And you other guys on the other side - I accept these as your little grumbles and I remember that your own contributions exceed these little grumblings.

So - shake hands, then come out with more of your useful stuff!

We need to develop our friendlier natures, to keep this group of friends interested in FL today, and who knows what tomorrow?

So - How about some working code, guys? Hmm??


All the best to all.

Roleplay: - the art of self-deceipt!

Post Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:56 am

Thats what all real trader hopes. Ive looked for some time and tried a lot. But my C-Knowledge is only good enough to change the FLHook-Source.
Therefore, Ill stay at the daily update.
But the control of the economy is not only the exchange of data. Its much more.
Simulating a market. Making Contracts. Rent stocks. Start a production.
And behind of that, you'll need a lot of logic and a database.
Oh, and btw, , you need some player, which want to fight against the changing prices.

Post Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:31 pm

I had a short email contact with grover, and he told me the dynamic economy implementation (i.e, dll coding) is already finished.. he was only looking for scripters that would create ini files based on his tutorials he posted in the tutorial forum.

I really dont get why he did not release the working implementation, creating ini files could be done by the modders themselves (in fact it would be better, since you cant use same inis for every mod)

Post Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:49 pm

Well, if you're able to get in touch with him... ask him to release it.. or share more of the insight into the dll's and such. Our MOD would DEFINITELY use it, and I would be more than HAPPY to start writing up scripts for our MOD, using his dynamic economy.

So .... if you can tell him that, it'd be greatly appreciated. Or, have him email me at: [email protected] ... either way, I would be willing to work on the scripts because at this point in our MOD, I'm looking to get the dynamic economy setup and figure out implementation and all that..

Edited out sig, once per thread please.

Edited by - FINALDAY on 8/13/2007 2:26:39 AM

Post Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:52 pm

w0dk4, did Grover ever implement proper multiplayer use within his dynamic economy? I remember that someone sent me what was done of his work, and it looked very, very interesting, but was a singleplayer-only implementation. Which was a shame, because it even had working stock tickers in the news board, which was badass. XD

If the Freelancer community could pump out some sort of dynamic economy, I personally think it'd only widen the horizons of potential modding in Freelancer - which, for the longevity of the game, I view as a large plus. It's like many have stated, every mod will somehow make the implementation unique. I personally would find it interesting to implement a "let them hooah traders starve" approach, where every purchase causes a market crash. Well, okay, not really, but I think you get my point. =P

Edit: Typing errors. I'm typing with a napkin on my keyboard because I'm eating popcorn. =P

Edited by - fox Unit 01 on 8/11/2007 9:52:50 PM

Post Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:36 pm

its only SP
you still would be kicked from a server using different settings on the client

Post Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:56 am

Damn, oh well. So, it's back to the old server to client updates, eh?

Could, by any chance, FLHook be programmed to do a quick CRC check with client market data vs. server market data on player log-in, and update accordingly if there is a mis-match? Or would it have to be the good old method of getting the files before launching Freelancer?

Post Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:57 pm

The problem is changing the settings; they are set in the ini files. If you could change their values in memory or have all prices recorded in the registry and allow for updates, which would change updates in the game? If it's possible for the server to send that type of request anyway...

Even with a single-player implementation, if I could look at the code I'm sure I could at least put MY imagination and thought into it and see what I can come up with.

This would be an amazing breakthrough for Freelancer and could lead to numerous other things.

I really wish I could get in touch with grover and/or get ahold of the code. If anyone has it, can they email it to me?? [email protected] ... the community really should be able to look at it so we can all work together and figure it out.

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Edited by - FINALDAY on 8/13/2007 2:28:57 AM

Post Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:11 pm

Unfortunately, I'm not at my home computer, that's about a thousand or so miles away. What I had was very beta-y code, but it apparently functioned. It's probably long-gone though from my HD anyways.

However, I believe I can get you in touch with one of the people who worked with Grover on the project. I'm not sure about how he'd feel having his E-Mail posted here, so I'll E-Mail his address to you. Either he'd still have a copy, or someone on his team would.

Post Sun Aug 12, 2007 10:42 pm

Thank you so much!!

Edited out sig. Once per thread please.

Edited by - FINALDAY on 8/13/2007 2:27:34 AM

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