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The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Fri Feb 24, 2006 2:56 pm


"Squrells will take over the world, spreding rabes evrywer to kill us off!"

Post Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:20 pm

hi im pretty new to editing FL and iv read through alot of the forums but cant seem to find the awnser to this Q newhere but mayb i missed

Q:how do you make a completely new faction with custom voices/looks/patrols/names?

I tried paddys faction editor but that needs the files to be already made in which case i have to use ones from Liberty,Kusari, etc.
if ne1 could help id be delighted.if not its cool.

P.S. keep up the excellant work. Extremely informative forum

Post Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:22 am

I'm not sure if this has been answered yet, but how do you raise the money cap above 999,999,999? I'm making a mod for a server (Dominatrix) and this is the only thing I don't know how to do.

~ Gyroscope

Post Sat Mar 04, 2006 7:53 pm

how to make custom faction npc's when they offer a mission to show you name of faction that is offering a mission and show the name of custom faction you r suppose to kill...

"We from starfleet offer you mission to kill borg ships...."

i have custom system with custom factions and defined all needed zones and stuff....everything works just fine except faction names r not showing in mission text when a mission is offered.....


ok I went thru whole thread and couldn't find anything about it and i saw somebody mentioned Chips was writing about it somwhere or something similar

thx for any help

Edited by - Arch_Devil on 3/5/2006 8:45:46 AM

Post Thu Mar 09, 2006 11:19 pm

Do you have FLEd-IDs? You need it to create infocards and names for factions.

Post Mon Mar 20, 2006 12:04 am

what do you do if your computer does not show any inf. files in the data folder

Post Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:51 pm

Is there an age limit to be registered at this site?

Post Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:55 pm

@orion513, if nothing shows in the files, there may be an error with it. Look for and download the SDK, install and all data files will be available to mod with. Engine goods is the only one tha should be empty.

@Milk, not usually, though the youngest recorded is 10 a couple of them here.

Post Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:24 pm

Well i need a little help here...see, i've modified li05_01_base's position, name, archtype, faction, & also added rooms, comm, eqp, ship, & npcs, but the problem is, i don't have any commodity's pricelist record, even if i re-visit the base's commodity trader, and so far it does the same for manhattan.
Btw, sorry if this ever asked and of course...for my unique english...=)

Better be late than never.............but better be quick...or die...!!

Post Tue Mar 28, 2006 4:57 pm mistake, i just found out that i've put manhattan's ids_name to my new station in alaska, so that's why i couldn't have both place's commodity price list....i guess...
anyway, i do need some help, n those are:
1st: i've added gunboat patrol to my new system, but everytime they spotted the enemies, they just running away n only the escorter who fought them. What should i do to fix it so no matter how strong the enemies, they still fight them?
2nd: how can i change the station archtype in the random mission to a battleship type?
3rd: what's the meaning of open, exclusion, or field mission type in vignettes?
4th: is it possible to make a planet dockable without using a docking ring?instead it'll use the atmosphere that act as a docking zone, err...something like if we fly to a radiation zone or to less sensor efficiency area than it will trigger some effect, in this case it'll trigger the docking effect? (sorry if i'm not very clear...u can ask me to reply)
well, that's it for now...and i would appreciate any of your reply...thnx!

Better be late than never.............but better be quick...or die...!!

Post Thu Mar 30, 2006 1:05 pm

Someone should make a new page named MOD faq so people could easily see where question and not ask again

Post Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:37 am

I agree with max...n also wanna add that perhaps the new page(s) can be specified by system, weapon, mission, ship, encounter, etc than the newbs can easily search what kind of modding they need.
Well that just an idea...and hope could be useful.
PS: please somebody help me by answering me Qs...specially #1,2,3...i need it badly...or at least tell me what page i should open...thnx!

Better be late than never.............but better be quick...or die...!!

Post Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:49 pm

Finalday, do you have to be above 10?

Post Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:02 pm

It would be prefered, but no to the age deal. Just have to be mature enough to post here.

Post Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:26 am

Hi Pyroclastic.

I'll try to help out...

1. Gunboats running away - you may have chosen the wrong encounter type in your system ini file, in the zone entry.

Look for example in DATA\MISSIONS\ENCOUNTERS\area_assault.ini, note the pilot_job line should be pilot_job = assault_job and change your encounters to match. If you made a copy of one of the original encounter files and changed that, then you need to give your file's name at the top of the system's .ini file where all encounter files are specified.

2. Check out the file DATA\RANDOMMISSIONS\killablesolars.ini

It looks like you need to copy one of the existing Navy's battleship entries, change the archetype to the battleship type you want, its loadout to the one you want ( note - these are station loadouts and they are in DATA\SOLAR\loadouts.ini ), and specify which faction(s) will generate the ship. I haven't done this myself yet so I don't know for sure at the moment, sorry.

3. Vignette zones... OK, here's my knowledge to date, but I could be wrong:

'Open' means the mission area is in an open space and you can get missions against stations and weapons platforms there too as well as ship kill missions.

'Exclusion' - I'm not sure of the exact difference but it behaves similar to the 'Open' zone and you will get missions against stations and weapons platforms there. I believe these can be made in asteroid exclusion zones as clear areas?

'Field' means the mission area is in an obstructed area such as an asteroid field, so the game will not give you stations or weapon platform missions, only ship-vs-ship missions.

You can easily make more vignette zones, just copy existing ones and paste them in and change only the zone name/number.
a) Be sure that the vignette zone's
property_flag = 131072 and
mission_type = lawful, unlawful (to get missions against lawful and unlawful factions)
b) Vignette zones must be within about 34k of the base giving the missions or you won't get missions in them from that base.
c) They can overlap too, so you can have the exact same pos = line, but not more than 6. 7 overlapping vignettes may be OK but 8 crashes my game every time.

4. Yes - but you need to do quite a bit of work to design your own dock thingy (shape or cloud wotsit thingummy), with dockmounts and loadout etc.., or for ease you need to just have a mooring fixture at the planet, docking with the base name ( that is the planet's base ). So if there's no fixture you will have to add one. It's not too hard, I managed from no knowledge within an hour. You will need to find the entry for docking_fixture in DATA\SOLAR\Solararch.ini and change one of its docking berths to "jump" type so ships can dock at it. I chose A for mine:
docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountA, 800

Note that they are normally moor_medium at the fixture. This type of dock mount will not allow the ship (neither yours nor NPC ships) to actually dock, it's just a tethering point so that in the game it looks like traders and freighters are stopping there to load & unload. In fact they just stop there for a while then go because they can't actually change cargo as they are not docked. If you try to dock at a fixture without modding it first and don't escape in time, you will go into the docking squence and just get stuck there. )

Having said all of this, have a look in the mods here, there are a few no-ring docking mods I think.

Hope that has helped a bit.

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