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*** Newbie Questions? Look no further! ***

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Tue Jun 24, 2003 10:48 am

Hey there!

I've been wondering how I'd get to use my brand spanking new 'Eagle' to play from the beginning of the game? Is is possible?
I've been cruising all the mods and have downloaded a few in the past but I've never seen one that allows you to select what ship you want to start the game with!
I'd really like to try and start the story with the Eagle though (It's so damn cool!)
I thought maybe this modding thing might be easy for someone like me - mod skill level: -100, but when I see what you got to do, I just can't even follow it one end to another.

Anyone ever going to make a mod where we can do that? Or has one been made that I don't know about?

Do or Die!

Post Tue Jun 24, 2003 4:57 pm

That is one of the ways that I tried but when I start a new MP char there is no ship. I'm going to try it again and see if it works.


Post Tue Jun 24, 2003 5:46 pm

4 Questions:

Question the First: Faction Relationships. How can i make the Corsairs not hate you for being pro-IMG and vise-versa?

Question the Second: How Can I make the Hammerhead take class 10 guns?

Question the Third: Does anybody know how to chnage the amount of energy a ship can put out? Like for weapons

Question the Last: Can I add extra hardpoints to ships? And can they be only missile only hardpoints?

Post Wed Jun 25, 2003 2:48 pm


OK so far I've been able to fool around with ships' hard points in shiparch, but how do I change the infocards to show this change? I'm just trying to make certain ships (Liberty) have more armor than tissue paper and the others (Rheinland, all VHFs) less nigh-invincible. Any help?

Also, I'd like to put the Anubis up for sale. Anyone help me with that also?

Any responses will be greatly apprieciated.

Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 9:38 am

First, IronEagle. To start the SP game with an eagle do the following:

Extract the file DATA\MISSIONS\M01A\m01a.ini with BINI, which you can get here. To extract the file simply drag it onto the BINI icon, and a file called "m01a.ini.txt" will be created. Backup and delete the original file and rename "m01a.ini.txt" to just "m01a.ini". Now you have the mission file for the first mission unencrypted.

Open the file and search for the line:

Act_SetShipAndLoadout = ge_fighter, msn_playerloadout

Comment out the line with a ";" and add a new one underneath with parameters for the eagle, for example:

;Act_SetShipAndLoadout = ge_fighter, msn_playerloadout
Act_SetShipAndLoadout = ge_fighter6, gd_gm_ge_fighter6_loadout01

Thats all there is to it! When you start a new game instead of giving you a puny starflier Juni will present you with an eagle instead - making your life a whole lot easier.

Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 9:40 am

Junkman, Microsuck is clamping down on modding with their new "anti-cheat" servers, so you could always try and create your own server or find one not controlled by Microsuck.

Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 10:04 am

History Buff, im going to assume you know how to use BINI etc., but if you dont see above.

Question 1
The inter-faction relations are stored in DATA/MISSIONS/empathy.ini, so extract and open this file.
The weird looking strings are codenames for each faction. Search for the string "group = fc_c_grp"(Corsairs) and look down their list until you find the line:

empathy_rate = gd_im_grp, -0.300000

The number at the end is the relation to the faction, from 1(Very friendly) to -1(Severly pi**ed off), so change it to something like 0.8

Now do the same for the IMG, by searching for "group = gd_im_grp" and looking for the line refering to "fc_c_grp". Change the number to something a little higher and youre done!

Question 2
Open DATA/SHIPS/shiparch.ini and search for the string "nickname = bh_elite2"

At the bottom of this section of text add the following two lines:

hp_type = hp_gun_special_10, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_turret_special_10, HpTurret01

This allows the Hammerhead to take Level ten guns in all its gun hardpoints and a level ten turret in its turret hardpoint.

Question 3
To change the power capacity of a ship you have to extract and open DATA/EQUIPMENT/misc_equip.ini.
Search for the codename of your ship and you should find a block of text looking like this, for example the Hammerhead is:

nickname = bh_elite2_power01
ids_name = 263719
ids_info = 264719
volume = 0.000000
mass = 10
DA_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\li_fusion_reactor.3db
material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat
capacity = 7400
charge_rate = 750
thrust_capacity = 1000
thrust_charge_rate = 100
lootable = false

Simply change "capacity" and "charge_rate" to higher numbers.

Question 4
I posted a short tutorial on page 1 of this thread, take a look.

I think thats everything - hope this helped!

Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 11:09 am


1. To change infocards and other dll-related info you need FLEd-Ids, available in the downloads section, or Res-Hacker which you can get here

Using Fled-Ids simply find the number of the infocard you want to change in shiparch.ini and input it in the program under "ids_info:". Press "Get Ids Info" and the prog will tell you what that infocard stands for. Change it to whatever you want and then click on "Save Ids_info".

To create new infocards you have to simply input an unused number in, for example 200000, and press "Get Ids_info" to make sure you are not overwriting anything. If its clear then just type the info into the box and click "save ids_info". You can then use this number on shiparch.ini or wherever you want.

NOTE: Dll editing will not work if FL is running.

Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 4:14 pm

Hey there,
I am a total newbie at modding. I usually use pre made mods, but I've come to the point that I would really like to change one or two ships stats (specifically the cost of the ship, the cargo capacity, and the number of nanobots/shield batteries it can hold). I have read through quite a bit of the site, and I know I have to make changes in the shiparch.ini. Where else would I have to make changes (I don't think that prices are included in the shiparch.ini, though I could be wrong) Anyway, any help is much appreciated, thank you!

For those who die, die well. As for me, I'll keep living!

Post Fri Jun 27, 2003 9:35 am

Cost of the ship:


Look for the name of your ship in two separate blocks of text:

nickname = coe2_hull
category = shiphull ;<--- This section, shiphull, basically just defines
ship = co_elite2 ; the cost of the ship
price = 658000
ids_name = 12017
item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\pi_heavy.3db

nickname = coe2_package
category = ship ;<--- This section, ship, defines the weapons that come with
hull = coe2_hull ; the ship
addon = ge_coe2_engine_01, internal, 1
addon = co_elite2_power01, internal, 1
addon = ge_s_scanner_01, internal, 1
addon = ge_s_tractor_01, internal, 1
addon = shield01_mark08_hf, HpShield01, 1
addon = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight, 1
addon = SlowSmallPurple, HpRunningLight01, 1
addon = SlowSmallPurple, HpRunningLight02, 1
addon = SlowSmallPurple, HpRunningLight03, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail01, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail02, 1
addon = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01, 1
addon = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02, 1

Cargo capacity of the ship:


The data is in this file under "hold_size = " for each ship

Sheid Battery/Nanobot capacity:

Also in DATA/SHIPS/shiparch.ini

Shield Battery capacity is under "shield_battery_limit = "
Nanobot capacity is under "nanobot_limit = "

Also of note are these files if you want to go further:

DATA/SHIPS/loadouts.ini <--- The weapons etc. used by NPC ships
DATA/EQUIPMENT/weapon_equip.ini <--- All weapons defined in here
DATA/EQUIPMENT/weapon_good.ini <--- Ship data for weapons, e.g. price
DATA/EQUIPMENT/market_ships.ini <--- Where each ship is sold in the universe

Hope this was useful!

Edited by - Accushot on 27-06-2003 10:35:58

Post Sat Jun 28, 2003 7:00 am

I'm an absolute Mod newbie! I can't edit anything without some kind of pointers...

Here's what i'd like to do:

You know those Cargo Transports you see alot, mostly with escorts and get attacked alot? Well, i want to make them availible to fly. I'm a merchant in the game and i just can't get enough money out of simple little freighters. I need something bigger. I don't want to just change the Freighters cargo space to an idiotic size, but i want a transport that has lots of space, and is BIG and LONG! just like in game.

In conclusion:
How do i make the Crago Transports/Trains buyable and how do i put them on a specific planet/base?


If you want my signature, come and Get It!!

Post Sat Jun 28, 2003 1:14 pm

i want a transport that has lots of space, and is BIG and LONG!

Alright, this is a fairly long-winded process but it should be easy to follow - heres how you create a large train...

IMPORTANT NOTE: In any text you have to copy from this post make sure that you add a closing square bracket to any headers that start with a "[", because the html cant display them. E.g. Add a closing square bracket onto "[Ship"

Youll need BINI, available here. To extract a file using BINI simply drag the .ini file onto the BINI icon, and a new file called file .ini.txt will be created. This file is readable and you can now use it for editing, and FL will still recongise it. Delete the original .ini file and rename the .ini.txt file to just file .ini . Youll need to extract and rename the following files before you start:


1. Open shiparch.ini and add the following block of text at the bottom:

ids_name = 237056
ids_info = 66610
nickname = my_ltrain_ship
LODranges = 0, 300, 450, 750, 950, 4500
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_shiparch_ctransport
mission_property = can_use_med_moors
DA_archetype = ships\utility\freight_train\freight_trainx3.3db
material_library = ships\utility\utility_misc.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
linear_drag = 1.000000
mass = 1000.000000
hold_size = 1000000 ;<----- This is where you can change the cargo capacity
cockpit = cockpits\liberty\my_ltrain.ini
explosion_arch = explosion_cap_ship1
surface_hit_effects = 0, small_hull_hit_light01, small_hull_hit_light02, small_hull_hit_light03
surface_hit_effects = 150, small_hull_hit_medium01, small_hull_hit_medium02, small_hull_hit_medium03
surface_hit_effects = 300, small_hull_hit_heavy01, small_hull_hit_heavy02, small_hull_hit_heavy03
hp_type = hp_turret, HpTurret01, HpTurret02, HpTurret03, HpTurret04, HpTurret05, HpTurret06
hp_type = hp_cargo_pod, HpCargo01, HpCargo02, HpCargo03, HpCargo04, HpCargo05, HpCargo06
steering_torque = 190000.000000, 190000.000000, 90000.000000
angular_drag = 900000.000000, 900000.000000, 900000.000000
rotation_inertia = 600000.000000, 600000.000000, 600000.000000
nudge_force = 150000.000000
bay_door_anim = Sc_rh_freighter
bay_doors_open_snd = cargo_doors_open
bay_doors_close_snd = cargo_doors_close
HP_bay_surface = HpCargo01
HP_bay_external = HpCargo02
HP_tractor_source = HpTractor_Source
num_exhaust_nozzles = 2
nanobots_limit = 100
shield_limit = 100
fuse = train_transport_death_fuse, 0.000000, 1
fuse = intermed_damage_train01, 0.000000, 2625
fuse = intermed_damage_train02, 0.000000, 1313
hit_pts = 10500
max_bank_angle = 15
camera_offset = 35, 150
camera_angular_acceleration = 0.050000
camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 23
camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 5
camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 30
camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = 1.000000
shield_link = l_freighter_shield01, HpMount, HpEngine01
hp_type = hp_freighter_shield_special_10, HpEngine01
hp_type = hp_freighter_shield_special_9, HpEngine01
hp_type = hp_freighter_shield_special_8, HpEngine01
hp_type = hp_freighter_shield_special_7, HpEngine01
hp_type = hp_freighter_shield_special_6, HpEngine01
hp_type = hp_freighter_shield_special_5, HpEngine01
hp_type = hp_freighter_shield_special_4, HpEngine01
hp_type = hp_freighter_shield_special_3, HpEngine01
hp_type = hp_freighter_shield_special_2, HpEngine01
hp_type = hp_freighter_shield_special_1, HpEngine01

This defines your ship and tells FL the basic data about it, for example where weapons can be placed, HP and cargo capacity (see <--- line)

2. Next open goods.ini and add these two blocks of text at the bottom:

nickname = my_ltrain
category = shiphull
ship = my_ltrain_ship
price = 20000
ids_name = 237056
item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\bw_freighter.3db

nickname = my_ltrain_package
category = ship
hull = my_ltrain
addon = ge_s_scanner_02
addon = infinite_power
addon = ge_s_tractor_01
addon = ge_t_engine_01
addon = sfx_rumble_ut_large
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight01
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight02
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight03
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight04
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight05
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight06
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight07
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight08
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight09
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight10
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight11
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight12
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight13
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight14
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight15
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight16
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight17
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight18
addon = SlowMediumWhite, HpRunningLight19
addon = DockingLightRed, HpDockLight01
addon = DockingLightRed, HpDockLight02
addon = DockingLightRed, HpDockLight03
addon = co_train_turret01_mark03, HpTurret01
addon = co_train_turret01_mark03, HpTurret02
addon = co_train_turret01_mark02, HpTurret03
addon = co_train_turret01_mark02, HpTurret04
addon = co_train_turret01_mark01, HpTurret05
addon = co_train_turret01_mark01, HpTurret06
addon = cargopod_yellow, hpcargo01
addon = cargopod_yellow, hpcargo02
addon = cargopod_yellow, hpcargo03 ;<-- Type of pod can be changed
addon = cargopod_yellow, hpcargo04 ;<-- Look in goods.ini
addon = cargopod_yellow, hpcargo05
addon = cargopod_yellow, hpcargo06

The first block of text is the ship that you buy and the next is the weapons/lights/engine etc. that come with it. You can change the price in the first block of text if you want the ship to be cheaper/more expensive.

3. Now go to DATA/COCKPITS/LIBERTY and create a new file called "my_ltrain.ini". Inside it place this text:

mesh = cockpits\liberty\models\li_elite_cockpit.cmp
int_brightness = 0.500000
head_turn = 30, 10


tether = 0.000000, 40, 350
yaw_rotate_speed = 2.000000
pitch_rotate_speed = 1.500000
accel_speed = 5

4. You dont have to do this, but if you open goods.ini and search for the names of the guns you can adjust the price if you cant afford them. The guns on the large train are called:


5. Now open market_ships.ini

This file defines which ships will be sold where. For this example I will make the large train available at Planet Manhattan, so search for the text "Li01_01_base". You can make the ship available somewhere else, for example Norfolk Shipyard (Li01_07_base), if you want. Find the block of text under Li01_01_base and change this line:

marketgood = gf2_package, 4, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1

to this:

marketgood = my_ltrain_package, 4, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1

You have now created the large train and it is pilotable, but there are a couple of extra things to do to allow you to use it properly, for example allowing you to dock.

6. Open solararch.ini and search the file for "type = STATION". Every time that you find it change the last number in every line in the same block of text that begins "docking_sphere = moor_medium" from 5 to 15, for example:

docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountJ, 5.000000

to this

docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountJ, 15.000000

This allows you to moor at stations because youre too big to dock.

7. In the same file, solararch.ini, do another search for "docking_sphere = ring" and change every occurance to "docking_sphere = jump", for example:

docking_sphere = ring, HpDockMountA, 40, Sc_open dock a
docking_sphere = ring, HpDockMountB, 40, Sc_open dock b


docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountA, 40, Sc_open dock a
docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountB, 40, Sc_open dock b

Finally, browse to DATA/SOLAR/DOCKABLE and look for a file called "docking_ringx2_lod.sur" and rename it to something else, for example "NOTdocking_ringx2_lod.sur". This will stop you colliding with the docking rings.

Thats it! Hope this works, let me know if it doesnt though.

Edited by - Accushot on 28-06-2003 15:02:23

Post Sun Jun 29, 2003 6:05 am

...................holy ****! Who knew that just enabling a damn train would be so damn long and hard!

Thanks!. And i got one more question.

With the closed braket things, say i got [ship, i have to add [ship ?

Post Sun Jun 29, 2003 6:42 am

oh, and i think when you said if i wanted to change the price of the turret weapons, you meant Weapon.ini , not Good.ini

Post Sun Jun 29, 2003 7:21 am

I have a question.

How do you edit formations? I mean sure, I've seen Nephilim's mod, read a few threads, but I don't understand what the specifics MEAN. For example, in patrolp_gov_patrol:

ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_fighters
pilot_job = patrol_leader_job
make_class = class_police_patroller
ship_by_class = 2, 2, sc_fighters, -1
pilot_job = patrol_job
formation_by_class = fighters
behavior = patrol_path
arrival = cruise
allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
zone_creation_distance = 0
times_to_create = infinite

ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_fighters
pilot_job = patrol_leader_job
make_class = class_police_patroller
ship_by_class = 2, 2, sc_fighters, -1
pilot_job = patrol_job
formation_by_class = fighters
behavior = patrol_path
arrival = cruise
allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
zone_creation_distance = 0
times_to_create = infinite

permutation = 0, 3

Now, I've figured most of the stuff, but what do the numbers by ship_by_class mean? Do they indicate number of ships of the type in the formation? The order in which ships are created? The meaning of life?

And why are there two of them? Does this create two formations wherever patrolp_gov_patrol appears? Or is only one of them created, and permutation determines which one it is?

I'd appreciate some help, thanks.

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