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Hardest mission? *SPOIL*

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Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:25 pm

Another vote for the prison escape. First couple times, I got bloodthirsty and turned around to fight..and got swamped. I finally decided that there was honor in living and just ran.

Arch was easy with torps.
Race was easy (in a Drone, no less) once I realized you could bump once and knock him off course. After that, you just take the inside path and you're golden.
"Kill the nomads under construction" was kinda hard, but very fun. I ended up killing all the Rhineland ships, then killing the nomads (I thought I had to kill all the nomad ships, silly me). It was at that point that I realized anti-cap ship bombing (mine) runs are good things.
The end missions were simple with torps.

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adaquately explained by stupidity.

[[H DC'ing - Join the [[Horde[!

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 10:37 pm

Just finished the campaign today as well.I find it interesting how the Nomads have been reduced in power but not by too much it seems they have served there purpose well,as parasites.

For some reason I think that it was the tough pirate factions{Corsairs,Outcasts & Red Hessians} that really kept the Nomads at bay in which they had to form a plan to even stand a chance since these factions border Nomad space & there fighters are superior in every way to the nomads except for weapons.

I think the storyline can be extended though,through an expansion pack maybe since the artifact went with the Nomads themselves.

Lol going OT here:

Anyway,the easiest mission to me was Takagi's.Don't know why but the battleship didn't pose too much of a problem didn't even use any shield batteries since I was using a positron based shield & there molecular based weapons only managed to get about 3/4 's down at the most.The hardest had to have been definitely when that Rheinland fleet decloaked since there were at least 3 cruisers a battleship & I think about 3-4 gunboats & Multiple heavy fighters.Had to try that at least thrice before winning.

BTW,is there anyway to talk to Juni again since the missions are over or is that it ?

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 10:49 pm

Getting the power source from the Nomad Lair was hard for me! I kept running into that damn fan and the radiation was eating away at me while the fan toyed with me. Luckily, I had plenty of nanobots and I managed to beat it the first time.

The last mission, to me, was far too simple. It kinda reminded me of the Death Star Trench Run mission in X-Wing. I had to play the Arch twice because I misunderstood the directions given (I was attacking figthers instead of generators). And it took me 4 times to win the race. It wasn't hard, I just wasn't faced enough the first three times!

Killer of Khaja the Fang
Privateer Extrodanaire

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 4:48 am

I had the most problems with that mission where you had to steal the artifact from Tegaki's Arch.
Before you can leave you have to kill all the remaining ships, but somehow the last hostile ship's shields regenerated too fast when the other friendly ships shot him.
I had to redo the mission and shoot him with some emp missiles(i don't remember which) to exit through the jumphole.

Edited by - s2kotiq on 12-03-2003 04:48:35

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:34 am

The last 2 missions had to be the hardest... Although I never had to do any of the last missions twice, they were really hard and I thought I was going to die...
I was shooting the generators and there was about 20 ships on me and I had 4 shield batteries left, there were also a ton of turrets firing at me. I managed to formulate a plan to go behind the posts near the generators and fire like mad, it worked untill the nomad interceptors caught up with me and I had to start conducting evasive maneuvers again.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 1:58 pm

Well, I finished storyline and now I think that hardest mission was that part of saving Jacobi where Trent, Juni and King jumps in Toledo system and were met by horde of Nomads. Where VonClaussen joined later. I didn't count how much times I reloaded autosave, but I thought it's impossible missions.
I can't explain how I did it, may be just luck.
All stroryline I didn't know about afterburner, and I can say, that it is not very important. It is possible to complete all missions without using it.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:22 pm

The Arch was probably toughest for me. Most, not all, but most large structures/ships have blind points, just have to find them, Battleships don't cover their docking ports well, and shield generators do have a spot on each that will shield you from the weapons platforms/satellites that surround them. If you have the funds, torpedoes/missiles/mines are your friends in battleship and final 2 missions.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:36 am

I'm taking a different angle.

Instead of focusing on Trent & Co. again, I think the sequel should use completely new characters. For people who want to know further story about Trent & Co., I'm sure DA can make a good use of newsboards and tavern gossips. I felt that those two sources of information are underused and can be more integrated into the game. And yes, more mission variety! This is my main beef with FL.

On the storyline, I'd like to see further story about the coalition. Maybe a joint house invasion back to Sol? or a new alien race to threaten Sirius?

If all else fail, DA can just bring back the flying pancake.......

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:45 am

The last 3 missions are really tough, but nothing beats the time i had trying to run away from Liberty. Even with Patriot, the bounty hunters always managed to kill me before the Lane hackers cleared them. I had to reload more than 5 times......

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 6:28 am

The Tekagi mission was hardest because I happened to be in a Crusader at the time, and the damn ships always seemed to get my thruster at one point or the other. Word to the wise, never fly a Crusader against Dragon Fighters if you don't have a thruster. It's bad...just plain bad.

Other than that, the final mission can be a bit difficult, having to shoot up the generators while the sperm fighters swarm around you. I used a method similar to one I used in the Freespace series -- Using the generator's size to my advantage. By hiding in the crevices, I managed to survive until the cutscene rolled... and that ending was just too horrible. the game was building up and you finally open this gate and they all just get sucked in, for no apparant reason. You have just opened the gates to the entire universe, and yet it uses the gate in some deus ex machina style in that A) the Nomads are gone (even though they aren't those infected are clean (I can just imagine Order troops running around with vacuum cleaners and slug repellant) and C) Despite the massive battles, the entire galaxy is now at peace and you're a hero. Hoo-ray, how...boring... You'd think maybe they'd let you see some massive fleet battle, you know, with Rhineland ships (many) fighting against swarms of fighters and cruisers, with you in the middle of it as battleship after battleship collapses in a burst of flame......ooh, that was off topic.

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