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Hardest mission? *SPOIL*

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Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:59 am

No problem with any mission, but in the Tekagi's Arch mission, I was also confused by the conversation about attacking from the bottom of the asteroid. I think it was Uzo asking one of his men about the best way to attack the base - the guy responded that he would create a diversion while Trent and Uzo attacked from the bottom - or something like that. Anyway, the mission didn't pan out that way - scripting error?

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 5:17 am

Im stuck on the Arch mission in a ship that can't hold Torpedo's. I got 3 of the 4 generators knocked out with my light fighter, but keep dying on the 4th. Guess I have to go back a few missions and buy a dif ship.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 5:29 am

Actually I've never had any problems with battleships - I just fly very close to them, and park the fighter somewhere, where the turrets can't hit me (after taking out the enemy fighters). Then I just sit there and shoot .

Tekagi mission was the most difficult, also because you had to race against time, a big battleship and lots of fighters.

BTW. I've noticed that every 3/4 of the enemy fighters seems to concentrate their fire on me, like when I had to take out the shield generators in the Dyson Sphere. Very annoying, it seemed that the other fighter groups was busy with some irrelevant while I was taking heavy fire. *grr*.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 5:43 am

BTW. I've noticed that every 3/4 of the enemy fighters seems to concentrate their fire on me

Yep, same here

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 5:46 am

For me, the most difficult mission was the rescue of the President, especially the extraction, although that navy fight at the cloak detector was quite nasty - they obviously were using Nomad weapons although the "Whoah, what are those weapons" com chatter only happens later.

The retrieval of the battery one was tough also. Anything where I ended up spinning around with no shields, 50 percent armor and 15 percent afterburner shooting off my last dozen countermeasures going nonononono I'm not going to die qualified as hard.

I was also down to around 5000 bucks by the time the last mission was swinging around. It would have been a funny spectacle fro the order to refuse to give me a few shield batteries to save humanity with because I couldn't come up with the 200 credits.

Generally speaking, I'd agree that stationary target missions are fine, so long as you remember to pack 50 starkillers. Once you fire one you can dodge around a minute while your shields regenerate and your torps recycle, if need be.


Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 6:12 am

I had a lot of trouble with the President mission too. I had to play it through a second time, because the first time my wing was blown off and I ran out of shield batteries and nanobots.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 7:07 am

In a sense, the concentration of fire on the player is a good thing. For one thing it slows the rate at which destroyable allies are lost, and for another it makes you feel a little less useless when you have to flee around the fight with cruise or afterburner waiting for shields to come back up - because at least a lot of enemy ships (say, annoying Nomads for example) are firing at a hard target rather than expendable wingmen.

But I think primary wingmen in Freelancer are almost entirely invincible - Juni and King for example. I haven't lost them in any mission, although I've never tried to.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 7:16 am

I've seen Juni with zero hull and shield. We went through a jump gate into a new system and voila.. back to full

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 8:26 am

They also refresh in mid mission sometimes. For example, I had Sinclair and Quintain targetted when they escape on the same ship from the Nomads when the Order base is under attack. They took heavy fire, from the capship I believe, and I thought I was toast, but as we moved further they got a health fillup.

A bored individual might try to replay missions in which you have wingmen by flying around with cruise engines and burners the whole time letting the wingmen slowly and invincibly finish everyone off.

Certainly some wingmen can be exploded. I lost a cruiser in the post-Berrera Passage station defense, felt quite shabby too as Walker gave his little "farewell, proud ship" message. I imagine Walker survived by being invincible also.

Anyone able to refute this? Perhaps for the truly incompetent, plot critical wingmen do blow up, ending the game?

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:30 pm

A lot of people seem confused by the dialogue at the start of Tekagi's Arch, but I think I sussed that one out...

I was just getting SLAUGHTERED on that mission.. restarted tonnes of times (find out later my shield was the problem.. their guns could just carve through it in about 3 hits) and I was convinced there was something in this "fly up from underneath" message that kept playing...

so I tried it.. if you fly under the asteroid there's that tunnel with the electricity arcing across it, but you can just fly up through it and when you pop out up top there seems to be about half the number of fighters, presumably the other half have gone off to deal with the "diversion" your wingman talks about..

Might have just been a one off, but I barely took a single hit the entire mission after making that approach!?



Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:46 pm

No matter what you do, you will still get hit by the Battleship and the Arch Turrets. I finally beat that sucker last night and finished the game today. The Arch was still my hardest mission.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:38 am

Race missions was one of the easiest. I don't like freighters, so I had fighter :-) I did it with one try. One time nearly the finish I tougth I'd lost the course, but I didn't :-)
Arch mission was hard, but I did it without torpedoes at all. I've heard about best way to attack base, but ignored that first time. Than I've decided that it is a good idea - fly from bottom of asteroid.
At this moment the hardest mission was destroy satellite.
Now I trying escape with Jacobi :-) Can't say at this point how it will be.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:32 am

I had to fly the arch twice, but ONLY because that mission is flakey about "leaving the mission area" and I didn't know what the devil I was supposed to be doing, dogfighting or making a missle run. When I tried again and actually attacked the arch I had an eeeeasy time of it. I approached from below and kept the forcefield and arch between me and the mess above, battleship included. No sweat.

Now, the Jacobi and battery missions on the other hand - nightmarish. Because of the timing and the nasty fights in the case of the battery, and because of the sheer and total INSANITY they expect you to endure to get Jacobi out.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:36 am

Mission 9! It took a while to understand how important the afterburner was in that mission... with the afterburner it wasn't such a big deal though but it was the mission which took longest time for me.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:15 pm

Hardest one for me I had to do twice. I was in a light fighter without a torpedo launcher. It was the mission where you found the Rheinland shipyards and the six Nomad cruisers. Stupid me - I was being battered on so terribly by the gunboats and battleships I decided to get rid of them before I blew up any ships in the docks. I was able to destroy every cap-ship with my guns. By the end I was wingless. My roommate was smart. He hid under the wing of a Nomad vessel and killed it first, ending the mission. Gaw!!

Everything else in the game was very easy however....

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