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Hardest mission? *SPOIL*

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Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:20 am

Hardest mission? *SPOIL*

In your opinion, what was the hardest mission in the game? Not exactly mission, but point in the story were you had the most trouble.

For me, it was when you're going to meet Kress, and that Rheinland fleet uncloaks, I had some serious trouble then, so many missiles from those damn gun boats.

It was either that one, or the one when you assault the Arch, Governor Takkagi's base. That one was hard too.

I found the end Nomad ones kinda easy, because Nomads can go down pretty quickly, and because you have tons of cannon fodder (wingmen).

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:22 am

The last 2 missions. I actually had to play through TWICE! Can you believe that?

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Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:34 am

Sucker, I didn't have to play any of the missions twice.

Tekagi was definitely hard, had to retreat a lot on that one with engine kill, and I had to restart a couple of the end missions.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:46 am

the only real trouble i had with the SP bit, was that the framerate on this old 500mhz dropped a few times during the last mission, inside the sphere to be exact.

my brand new 2.6ghz:er had lost it's power supply during that time

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:17 pm

The only mission that i failed (often) was that stupid race. Perhaps because i insisted in doing it with my freighter In the end i had to buy that stupid little ship offered by the dealer on the base.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:34 pm

The only real problem point was one with the race (I needed to learn the course, and inflict self-torture by sitting thru the cut-scenes 5 times). I also had to play the "ATTACK THE ARCH" one more than once simply because I was looking for the Shield Generators in the wrong place. For some reason I thought I heard some radio conversation tell me to go to the bottom of the asteroid and look for them...??? When I finally realized they were showing up on my target list and found them that way, it wasn't much of a problem.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:38 pm

What are you saying? I won the race with Clydedale freighter, easy... It seems you guys never learned to drive properly. Try Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec on PS2, you may learn something useful

Oh the hardest mission was Tekagi Arch fighting with a Clydedale freighter on Hard level

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:19 pm

I picked up the torpedoes that deal 2k damage in the last few missions (50 of them) so the last few missions were extremely easy (seeing as how the targets were immobile and don't shoot back). The race was extremely difficult - until I realized that I shouldn't be racing with a freighter. What I found really hard though was:

The first run from Liberty when the fleet is chasing you. I ran out of shield batteries quite early and spent most of the Defend the Station and Destroy the Bounty Hunter missions trying to stay alive. It took multiple tries (try staying alive in the Bounty Hunter mission with NO shield batteries) and wasn't much fun.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:48 pm

I had the most trouble getting away from the prison ... after we had freed the president ... i already had most batts'n'bots used up before and then there come these tow realy heavy attacks from rheinland and nomads ... i only made it with a lot of luck and a cheap trick ... keeping away from the fight

Especially those two cutscenes during the big fights freaked me out ... seemed like the enemie took aim while the cutscenes were running, as i've been under especially hard fire both times the cutscenes were over ...

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:48 am

The race one was easy! I did it twice, because my save games got screwed, and the first time I beat him by like...50m...the second time by like 500m! it's all about taking the sharp corners, as long as you're infront of him, you can do it, because he can't bump you.

The last ones are easy, just need tons of torps!...TONS!


Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 4:05 am

Probably the toughest one for me was the Tekagi mission, destroying those damn generators - mostly because I forgot to stock up on batteries and nanobots before I left the station. When I got into space I was about to just restore my game and buy up big before I left, but I decided to at least see it through until I died just so I knew what to expect.

The end result was probably the most exciting mission of the game. I was on the edge of my seat the whole way, always just inches from death and always saved by a timely shield battery or nanobot tractored in from a destroyed enemy. My heart was in my throat the whole time. I managed to get through it, too. I'm so glad I didn't make it easy on myself. It was exhilirating!

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 5:00 am

hardest mission for me HAS to be the one getting out of the prison, before the prison, i had assumed there would be a place to restock bots and the batteries, so i used the ALL up, i had to run the gauntlet from the prison to the jumpgate, dodging fighters and missles AND dock with the osiris with half my armor gone and only my shields regenerating to rely THATS hard...

the tekagi mission and also the final mission was pretty easy...after i stocked up on mines and torpedoes....

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 8:00 am

Since I haven't played through the entire game yet, I can only tell you that the mission I just completed has been the hardest. It is the one where you meet the two rogue Rheinland ships that destroy the Battleship. I am sure it was so hard because by the time I got to that fight I was down to one SB and no nanobots, with a tick or two of hull damage. I had to sit through the damn cut scene of the Battleship blowing up about a dozen time before I finished that one!

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:22 am

The run from the Prison was tough, but not as bad as the mission where you have to destroy the Nomad Battleship outside Planet Toledo.

NO ONE else seemed to be shooting at the Battleship and I kept getting blown up trying! The ships turrets would take out my shields (best I could buy) with one or two hits and more often than not, some of their fighters would sneak up behind me and start blasting me away at the same time. Needless to say, that toasted me in about 1.2 seconds! I died about 5 times before I restarted the mission and outfitted my ship with some torps (I had the best missels, "Moonstalker's" that you can get at that level originally).

It still took me two tries, even then!

I wish the missions were set up to allow you to be advance to slightly higher levels and get the corresponding equipment as you go through! Oh well.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:39 am

lol. I've had no problems with any of the missions mentioned... except two.

The Toledo Nomad Fight, mainly because the game doesn't let you buy stuff on Toledo and throws you right back into space, with whatever ammo, (In my case NONE) you have. I reloaded and it lets me buy stuff from the base... fun.

The Escape-From-Liberty, mainly because I accidently pushed 'dock' and got stuck 800 m from the jump gate slowly cruising in and got pulverized. Was wondering why I couldnt' move...

I beat the race first time, and I thought that Rhineland Fleet was fairly easy. However, it was one of the best fights, IMO.

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