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Nomad weaponry

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Post Sun Apr 10, 2005 8:24 pm

Nomad weaponry

Hi all, I was in Omicron Gamma, got a nice Titan, and then went and started blowing up Nomad ships to get some badass weapons that I've heard about. But I've destroyed about 9-10 waves of them, and nary a weapon in site. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.

Post Sun Apr 10, 2005 11:02 pm

I never have had this problem.Just keep killing them for fun,they trie to wipe trent out.And the rest of humanaty.

Edited by - denstar3003 on 4/11/2005 12:02:57 AM

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 12:32 am

For the Nomads to drop their guns you must be at least level 33 or 34.

*Free Hint* disable any pulse weapons on your ship to save energy because Nomads have no shields


I want Freelancer 2!

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:10 am

Even if you are the appropriate level, there's only a 10% chance of a given Nomad ship dropping a weapon. So you might well go several waves without seeing one.

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:24 am

single player lvl 32+
Online lvl 34+

One thing you have to kill a number before they start to drop without docking , then it will start but random luck comes in. Online some nights its impossible to get them, then other nights you get 1 or 2 each wave, so persistance is the key.

Post Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:20 pm

Actually, I got weps. in my 1st or second wave. Its due utterly to chnace (a 10% one taht is) so don't expect them to drop1 every time you defeat them (and you must be of appropriate level). Also, does any1 know if the nomad prtotypes in the rescue Jacobi mission can be salvaged or accquired without mods?

Post Wed May 11, 2005 2:08 pm

Speaking of Nomads, did you know that if you shoot at a Nomad ship enough times, he will veer off from his squadron and head out for about 30 seconds, then he will either fire his cruise engines or cloak right in front of you.

Post Thu May 12, 2005 4:58 am

Also, I think I've read this somewhere on these forums, and it seems to be true in my experience, but you have a better chance fo picking up Nomad weapons in Omicron Alpha/Upper Unknown than in Omicran Gamma/Lower Unknown. Just my opinion.

Trent: It's not the time, it's the sides that keep changing.

Post Thu May 12, 2005 6:40 pm

yea i got realy lucky once and looted 2 cannons and 2 blasters of one nomad wing and was a lvl 35 fighter i think the higher you get the easier the drops become cause now i just kinda leave them floating in space for my guys in group so they can get some nomad tech also .

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Post Thu May 26, 2005 6:53 am

Here is what I've found helpful.

There appears to be a higher likelyhood of nomads dropping weaposn in the Omicron Alpha/Unknown system area. I keep hopping through the jumphole, back and forth. Every jump through brings new nomad fighters, and as stated before, with a 10% chance you need to destroy quite a few fighters.

When in the unknown system from Omicron Gamma, I go there when I get tired of the (IMO bubble gum pink color) other system.

I've been more successful when I save game while on Planet Primus and then load game from there.

Another thing that seems to help is to drop weapons. I always take some light lasers, ie: justice mark 1, and drop those and tractor them back in after destroying nomad ships. Also blast a derelict Corsair ship in Omicron Gamma, but don't tractor in the dropped weapons until destroying a Nomad ship or two.

If there is an AI, can it be tricked?

Hope this helps.


Post Thu May 26, 2005 9:23 am

go to the unknown system from the jumphole in the corsair homeworld, you can get them there.

Post Sat May 28, 2005 5:51 pm


Have you tried searching for a MOD file that will supply you with nomad weapons?


Post Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:20 pm

Not sure on level required sorry - [34+?
Unknown system - Alien Jumpgate [loc 6C [Triangle in shape looks like stone
Noman system - 'unknown' System has gates to Dyson sphere - Noman Airlock - Jumpgate to Alaska, and a Prison -
Dock with the prison -
The background images don't make sense - Click on the icons for the equipment dealer and then click the figure icon - hopefully you should now be able to buy Noman and Order Weaponary and Equipment.

Post Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:50 am

I have he same problem, I'm in Omicron Alpha with my brand new Sabre, and the Nomads aren't dropping anything. Rank 33 by the way, with most Codenames.

Officer! I swear to drunk I'm not God!

Post Wed Jun 15, 2005 2:51 pm

Noman system - 'unknown' System has gates to Dyson sphere - Noman Airlock - Jumpgate to Alaska, and a Prison -

what do you mean? How do I get there?

I have been to the system with the robots and the monkeys.

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