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The "8" Sleeper Ships - Compilation thread

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Post Mon Oct 04, 2004 2:05 pm

8, eh. let me see here. 1 would be the Greeks (most advanced ancent race), 2 would be the idiot french, 3 would be the canadians (hockey, beer, etc.) that would be about right.

Post Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:56 pm

What the hell happened to the Coalition? and why the hell are they Not kicking everyone's butt in Sirius?

"To live is to die....but living is to die slowly..why waste time on trivial things just play as hard as you can"

Post Thu Oct 07, 2004 5:18 am

The nomads blew up all of 'em.Btw what kind of joystick do I need to play starlancer?

Post Thu Oct 14, 2004 5:53 am

Here's a link to a printscreen where you can see the sleeper names..

The only question now is, what are the factions of the three other ships?
i haven't played starlancer, and without that factor involved, my guess is:
Liberty = North Americans
Rheinland = all North Europeans (i'm norwegian, so its kinda selfneglecting)
Bretonia = GB and the rest of the english-speaking factions(Oceania)
Kusari = all Asians
Hispania = all Latinos (spain, south america, columbia, cuba etc.)
?????????? = Russians and the rest of the old Soviet union
?????????? = South Europeans
?????????? = all arabs (and the rest of the middle east)

Geez.. i left out all of africa!.. hmmmzz.... well well

Gimme the Loot, gimme the Loot!!

Post Fri Oct 22, 2004 3:28 am

What realy tricks me is how the hell population rised so fast.

Manhatan and New Tokio have together about 500m ppl so the overall population of the colonies should be between 800m to 1b. Hispania could carry 4-5k of ppl at best ...about 20 times the size of a VHF.
So either the sleeper ships was more than 5 or the colonists have no right to complain about "harsh conditions" when they multiply like rabits.

Post Thu Oct 28, 2004 6:21 pm

I can't remember where I heard it, but I think Canada had one of the 3 sleepers that were destroyed.

So Canada, Italy, and France... makes sense if you ask me.

Canada and the US are near eachother (and might I add that Canada made some of the stuff in the NASA Space Shuttles),
and France, the UK, Germany/Austria, Italy, and Spain are together (Basically the European Union),
and Kusari, well, that was pretty much a compilation of the non-communist asian nations, right?

You guys get my drift right? 3 main colony groups, assembling ships together in partnerships, etc. And those three groups are all allied in the world as we know it today, (Henceforth, "The Alliance".

It helps prove the Canadian, French, and Italian thing.

Just my $.02

Edited by - fieroturbo on 10/28/2004 7:24:15 PM

Post Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:14 pm

You can't get high on cardamine.
I don't think
because when the OutCasts arrived on Malta they weren't high and you Inhale cardamine so.....
8 sleepers?
I think the Alliance got the better deal here
They got Sol?
So what
we got Sirius, which is much larger than Sol.
Plus Sirius is more resource-rich than Sol is.
I think there should be a few star systems in FL2 (if there is one)
Another gripe on FL
The missions are all too similar to be like a real freelancer, story items should occur at random times.

"I like liberty rogues, they make a funny little popping sound when they die"
10 points to whoever guess what I messed with for that

Edited by - DeathSpike on 11/3/2004 7:44:52 AM

Post Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:17 pm

Heheheh last time I saw you smuggling cardamine Spike, you couldn't stick to the lanes , so you can definitly get high on it .Anyway the mystery of the 8 sleeper ships remain secret, till microsoft release Freelancer 2 or a patch for Freelancer... It may be only a bug, or another secret that the developers keep for themselves.But I really like the version of the connection between Freelancer and khmm "Freelancer 2".Just be tolerant and you'll see soon...

Post Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:54 pm

I think I'll try to write a story about this for fun. I can't write that well, but, oh well. BTW, I'm pretty new to FL. Are there any definite rumors for a FL2 or anything or are we all just having wishful thinking?

I think there were 8 and the other 3 were, like others have said, France, Italy, Greece.

Post Tue Nov 16, 2004 7:03 am

I had never actually seen the rumor posted before...very, very interesting. However, it is more obvious to me than ever that the 8 Sleeper ships rumor is exactly that, a rumor, and nothing more.

Point 1: The sleeper ships did not launch from Pluto, they launched from one of Jupiter's moons- Europa, I believe. You can clearly see this in the official intro.

Point 2: They were launched by the Western Alliance, NOT the "Federation."

Point 3: Again, there is no mention of any other ships in either the original or production intro. Both make a point of saying that the Alliance launched 5 ships. If the other 3 existed, they would have been mentioned.

Point 4: Once again, you hear the rumor in a BAR. Drunk people hang out in bars. Drunk people tell drunk stories. Drunk stories often contain made-up information and exaggeration. Obviously, parts of this tale ARE made up (see Points 1 and 2), so there is no reason to trust the rest of it (aside from the names of the REAL 5 ships, which are common knowledge).

Point 5: Anyone who mentions France and Italy, forget about it. Both nations were defeated a century before the sleeper ships were launched (or even concieved).

Proud owner and operator of a Patriot!
Proud owner and operator of a Stiletto!
Proud ally of the Bounty Hunters' Guild!
Proud hater of Nomad weapons!
Proud user of all things underestimated!
For the last time...there is no "N" in "TURRET"!

Post Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:37 am

personally i think there were eight sleeper ships, as there's no smoke without fire...

Author of the Freelancer Neural Net
Administrator of Kryosphere Studios

Post Tue Nov 30, 2004 3:35 pm

guess freelancer 2 will be in the Orion system with the French, Italian and Chinese colonies

impossible the chinese were on the coalitions side

Post Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:23 pm

Here's what i think: Sleeper ships were launched from BOTH Jupiters moon and Pluto, but the ones at Pluto were intercepted and blown up.
Also, i belive one of them must've been an Aussie.


Post Thu Dec 09, 2004 8:39 pm


1: where can i get the "edited" intro, sounds kool

2: There were most likely 8-14 sleepers... I mean come on.. There arelike 200+ countries NOW and 6 ... BILLION PPL NOW! by the time we get that kind of tec. we would be in the 20 billions... im sure more than 80k (20 per ship) got on 5 sleepers and left... There would be more like 100 neutral countries... 35 coaltion.. and 75 or so alliance... we just didnt speand funding right... so we built sleepers instead... As for the Hispania:

*recovered journal from recage site*

Entry 156:

As we depart from our beloved solar system, we do so in hope... Hope of a new land, a promis land, where mankind is at peace and love holds true... I will miss my fellow frenchmen who didn't make it on to the sleeper and wish them godspeed....

Entry 160:

Our ship captin has told us there is a leak in the piping system cousing a de-pressurization and loss of life suport in sectores 56-59. God have mercy on their soals...

Entry 161:

We have awoken almost all of the "froozen" personel and a breifing will comence momentaraly. I saw the captin and his 2 1st leutenints arguing about somthing earlier... Were not going to make it...

Entry 162:

I have grave news... The sabature has rigged and puntured almost all of the escape pods and only 5k or so will survive... Mary, if you ever get this... I love you. I will put this on pod 45...

This is property of Wil

*Then it abruptly ends...*

How about that?

"if i die..."

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:03 am

Hey, I have SL and FL.

Im possitive there were 8 sleeper ships. Ill replay SL soon and find out the 8th country that was part of the Alliance. The Alliance was the USA, the UK, Japan, Germany, Italy and France that I can remember. I think I heard Austrialia in the game and I think I read sumwhere on the FL booklet that the Hisp were members of the few Spanish countrys allied with the Alliance. Now the Coalition was made up of Russia and China, former Eastern Block countrys and Middle Eastern countrys. Now not every country on Earth was into space travel. Only the countrys that were in space were fighting. The war started becuz the Alliance countrys had all the good territorys in the Sol system and the Coalition was jealous. Yes the Italian and French fleets were destroyed in the begining of SL but that doesnt mean the Italian and French people were thrown out of the Alliance.

Also, the begining of FL where they say there were 5 SS', I think thats from the settlers point of view. Where they have been tought only about the 5 they knew made the jump to Sirius. And I do remember that the Hispania had a sabatour and thats why they limped into the Omicron system and split up, yeh like was said.

I know every1 has been repeating the same thing over and over like I am now, but I think Im fresh with the "FL tought 5" point.

Edit * Remember that not every1 was leaving from the Alliance, we were sending a portion of our population to go and "try" and continue our way of life in anuther system. Oh, yeh and... When our world population was 6 billion, "actually in 1999 it hit the 6 bil mark with 6,004,170,056", 1,261,832,482 of that were Chinese and 1,014,003,817 Indian. The rest are spread threwout the world. As of today in the US we have an estimated 295,169,904 people. In the past few years in the UK 58,789,194 in Germany 82,797,408 in Japan 127,619,000. Thats pretty low. Now estimate population using current birth rates and you get sumthing still less then I bet the Eastern Coalition and other countrys will have.

They think in 2050 we will have 9,190,252,532 people on earth.*

Edited by - SteaLth91 on 1/2/2005 7:34:48 AM

Edit2 * Oh and I found that link you wanted to the old intro ... .asp?id=50 *

Edited by - SteaLth91 on 1/3/2005 8:05:31 AM

Edit3 * Spain WAS in the WA so I guess that was the Hisp.

And also in the begining of the intro the guy says "all we know is" supporting what I said about FL generations not knowing the full story *

Edited by - SteaLth91 on 1/4/2005 12:41:27 AM

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