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The "8" Sleeper Ships - Compilation thread

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Post Wed Jul 07, 2004 1:02 am

It was the 23rd Century
mankinds darkest hour
The war had been raging for almost 100 years, we had been fighting for so long, none of us knew why it all started in the first place, all we new is that there were 2 sides


For Decades millions died for the same piece of rock again and again Finally one side managed to gain the upper hand, THE COALITION. In despiration the ALLIANCE launched 5 SLEEPER ships the hope was for them to begin again far from the wars and strife that had befallen earth, the start free from the predicduce that had devided us for so long, each sleeper ship was chrisaned after its patrion nation.


Against all odd the colony ship broke through the coalition blockade and headed to the sirius system.

That was 800 years ago, when we came here to rebiuld are lives we've come a long way since then, we have grown, we have prospered , we have flourished but we will never forget.

5 were launched, never says how many were built!!!!!!!!!!

Got Visual on bogey Dropping the hammer,

Edited by - Valkyrie Ace on 7/7/2004 3:12:09 AM

Edited by - Valkyrie Ace on 7/7/2004 3:13:42 AM

Edited by - Valkyrie Ace on 7/7/2004 5:50:00 AM

Edited by - Valkyrie Ace on 7/7/2004 8:37:21 AM

Post Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:20 pm

I know this probably seems too nitty-gritty for most people (like arguing over the amount of Cardamine it takes to get an Outcast high: it's pointless), but there is an excellent point that was just raised here.

To throw in the nautical terminology: to "launch" a vessel implies - in the most literal term - to have the vessel operational and underway for whatever purpose. In this case, a voyage to Sirius.

However, there is nothing to DISPROVE 3 ships having been destroyed prior to the voyage to Sirius. Say, in their drydock. The point of the French vessel having been destroyed in drydock is certainly a good one: that would not have been a technical "launch", since the vessel was not operational and underway.

"The safest bet for commerce is sticking close to the military patrol routes. And you can just forget about asteroid fields and nebulas."
- Overheard on standard comm channel from a DSE pilot at Fort Bush

Post Fri Jul 16, 2004 7:55 am

the hispania is in in omicron alpha. somewhere around malta

Post Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:52 pm

i know what happened!!!!!!!!
if u look closly at ur keyboard youll see on ur keypad that the eight and the five hey are very close to each other. mabye the guy who typed up the rumors was working later than usual and accidently hit the 8 instead of the 5. and if he was like me he cant type and look at the screen at the sam time

my thoughts!!

Post Thu Jul 22, 2004 8:38 pm

^ Grow up ^

Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 10:48 am

i watched the video again just now, and when the narrator says there were five sleeper ships, i only counted 4 coming out of the planet

PS i think china was with the russians to form the coalition. Commy bastards

Post Tue Jul 27, 2004 2:15 pm

The way i see it, it makes more scince that there would be 14 sleeper ships.

The game data says that the liberty was launched 2 years early, but if that was the case, they why were there 4 ships leaving with it? I honastly belive there were 14 ships. I have done a game analiss, even talked with some of the designeres at digital anvil and came up with the most likely list of the sleeper ships.

United States: Liberty
Germany: Rienland
Japan: Kasuri
Spain: Hispania
United Kingdom: Britonia
Mexico: El Signia
France: Liberté
Italy: Gladiatore
Russia: Cnacmtenb
Romania: Independência
Cuba: Micro- Pacifica
Norway: Frelser
Austraila: Aussie
New Zealand: Wikekamoku

being a writer for GIS (gamer's inside scoop) has its advantages

Post Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:20 am

I just spoke to the guy and he said there were 8, but 3 were shot down, 1 (the hispania) was lost, and the other 4 u know,

Post Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:23 pm

Just two spelling errors so far, "Commie" and "Hispania," although that n should be an ñ and you can ditch the "i." Sorry, just two things I noticed. As for how many were built, who cares? There could have been 1,000 ships, but only 5 made it and that's the only 5 that matter. And by the way, some of the other ships names SUCK. Honestly, be a bit more creative that the "Aussie." --- VH16

I am Nobody; Nobody is Perfect; Therefore, I am Perfect

Post Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:28 am

I read somewhere that of the 8 ships, 1 was destroyed before taking off. 2 were never built cos the coalition wiped out the 2 patron nations. The Hsipannia was badly damaged and floated into Omricon whatever where planet malta exists.

Life is a bed of roses with big awful thorns

Post Fri Jul 30, 2004 5:25 am

Omicron Alpha

playing Xbox Live is like spending a day in "holy sh*t! did you see that?" heaven

Post Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:15 pm

Australia would have been taken over by the Coalition, especially China. Even now, there is more Chineese in Australia than Australians.

PS: I am NOT trying to be racist, I'm just pointing out a fact.

Post Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:31 pm

netik's is right, the coalition would have long since taken over Australasia.

I'm hiding a deep secret. There is a million bucks waiting for you if you guess what it is.

Post Mon Aug 09, 2004 6:01 pm

i reckon someone should write a short fan fic story about wot happned to the hispinia, i think id be cool

the definition of freedom is "the ability to do whatever you want" but so long as laws exist we are restricted in what we can and cannot do, and as no socity can exist without law no socity is truly free

Post Tue Aug 10, 2004 1:37 am

I think someone should convince the digital Anvil peple to tell us, as fan fic might be fun, but it's not real. (But neither is Freeleancer... )

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