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Is there a Blackhole in Freelancer

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Post Fri Dec 19, 2003 4:02 am

Is there a Blackhole in Freelancer

Hey pplz

Does any one know if there are space anomalies in Freelancer(such as blackholes)? I've been surfing the universe for a long time, but I've never encountered any.

Post Fri Dec 19, 2003 5:44 am

You can get mods that give you a blackhole.

Life: No one gets out alive.

Post Fri Dec 19, 2003 6:45 am

Well, If you've played the campaign through, you would have seen two anomalies on base which you and Juni hid on after mission four's start, and another on the abandoned station that You, Sinclair and Juni hide on after leaving planet Sprague. They aren't black holes though.

EXTRA FOR EXPERTS: Is Planet Sprague's Docking Ring still there if you use a
No-Storyline mod ?

"Snake ,we are not tools of the government or anyone else, fighting was the only thing I was good at , but at least I always fought for what I believed in" - Grey Fox

Post Fri Dec 19, 2003 8:36 am

Im not sure is Srague's docking ring is there or not. Probably no though.

And as for 'where are some black holes', there arn't any unmodded.

BlazeME: Flameus Muchus n00bus

Post Fri Dec 19, 2003 10:50 am

@Neo-Kuja - NOPE! It disappears, remember the Rheinlanders blew it up? Well that happens even if you have a no storyline MOD! Hell, its gone in MP too!

Post Fri Dec 19, 2003 11:39 am

Just like Benford Station, the Sprague docking ring is gone. To bad.

Edit: Damn spelling.

Daft Vader - I am your father.
sS - Noooooooo! I demand a DNA-test.
It's better to chase a rabbit then to catch a hare...

Post Fri Dec 19, 2003 6:59 pm

There's nothing on Planet Sprague, it's as empty as Alaska except you can't dock.

there is apparently a widespread myth among users that "spamming" is what happens when you dump cans of Spam into a revolving fan.

Post Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:29 pm

ok ill say this again (i lost count at 14 times that i have said it) THere is a blackhole in freelancer. It was going to be a part of freelancers story line but the producers or whatever changed their minds and the blackhole was never finished and it is in a system buryed in freelancers directory and it was never done. i once saw a pick of a rhino going in to one in the origional storyline but as i said that was abandoned and it was cut off from all systems. It isnt shown even in Freelancer Explorer (Map editor for Freelancer) it was going to be an omega system i believe.
(?:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\Data\solar\blackhole)

look in there so i can prove my point and explination.


Post Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:37 pm

also i have decryped the file "Omega13.ini" And it says:

file = solar\blackhole\bhshapes.ini
file = solar\rings\shapes.ini

ambient = blackhole_far, blackhole_near

shape = blackholering
opacity = 0.600000
thickness_edge = 0.900000
fade_range = 2400, 400
ball_scale = 0.500000
flash = bhflash
flash_radius = 260
flash_size = 70
spin = 0.060000

num = 600
fade_range = 2400, 1000, 500, 200
shape = lava_chunk
size = 40, 80
color = 255, 255, 255
thickness = 50

num = 100
fade_range = 800, 400
shape = lava_chunk2
size = 2, 8
color = 40, 40, 40
thickness = 250

max_distance = 240
puff_density = 0.600000
puff_cloud_size = 1
puff_colora = 90, 90, 90
puff_shape = lava_wisp1
puff_shape = lava_wisp2
puff_shape = lava_wisp3
puff_shape = lava_wisp4
puff_weights = 1, 1, 1, 2
puff_particles = 3
puff_size = 15
puff_drift = 0
puff_opacity = 1.000000

opacity = 0.500000
color = 80, 30, 30


file = solar\blackhole\blackhole.txm
name = blackholering

name = blackholering
x = 0
y = 0
w = 256
h = 256

name = bh_chunk
x = 0
y = 0
w = 128
h = 128

file = solar\blackhole\blackhole.txm
name = bhflash

name = bhflash

And blackhole.txm is:

too complicated...tere ya go later


Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 1:44 pm

i think mod manager 1.21 BETA6 has a mod the puts a black hole in NY just for decorative purposes

Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 6:43 pm

Um, actually... I think there are LOTS of black holes in Freelancer. Every Jump Hole is a wormhole, which is a type of black hole (I *think* that's what the development team was trying to make us believe)

Anyway, for all you physics geeks out there, you should know that the only natural objects known to man in space that could transport you from one space to another by just travelling through a short tunnel is a wormhole. A wormhole is so strong that it makes a tear in space-time and opens it somewhere else far, far away. The only problem is, scientists have yet to develop a method to travel through a wormhole without being crushed by its powerful gravity. (There is a theory that you must generate something called "Antigravity" in order for the wormhole's tunnel to open up wide enough for you)

And another thing, when in the single player mode, there was one mission where you were escorting Sinclair away ( I can't remember which one ) She said "Oh! We're in luck! That jump hole just happens to be phase-alligned"

Phase alligned is a term that is used for wormholes. A wormhole's tunnel is constantly opening and closing. When it's phase alligned, it means the wormhole's tunnel has opened. If it's not phase alligned, its tunnel is closed and you cant get through.

The only thing that makes jump holes *not* wormholes is that the development team didn't program in the gravity factor and you don't get sucked into wormholes like you're supposed to. But then again, there's no gravity anywhere in the Freelancer universe anyway. Also, wormholes are not supposed to have flashy colours, they're supposed to be all black.

If these jumpholes aren't appealing enough to you as black holes, then go and visit that Neutron star in one of those omega systems (um... was it Omega-11??? I forget)

Post Thu Dec 25, 2003 6:41 pm

it was omega 41 and yeah i guess you could think of jump holes as blackholes but i dont think thats what they were trying to do. There was going to be a giant black hole in Omega13 (Which u cant get to anymore) and a storyline where they go back to the sol system to find it destoryed. but the people didnt want that one anymore and instead of just deleting the folder they were lazy and left it there. There ya go

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 1:48 pm

Wormholes aren't black holes, per se. Black holes lead absolutely nowhere; they're more properly classified as "Black dents" in the fabric of space, caused by massive amounts of gravity dislocation. Also, even if you could force your way through a wormhole without being crushed to death, you couldn't make it out.

A "wormhole" is really two black dents that have been attracted to each other through the fabric of space. For example, if you had a latex drum, and you pushed a pencil down real hard on each side, until they met, they you'd have a replica of a wormhole! Obviously, you wouldn't be able to get through due to:
1. Massive gravitational force
2. A space "barrier" between the two points.
And there is no way to break the barrier without causing a catastrophic universal "bounce."

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 4:51 pm


Black holes lead absolutely nowhere

correct me if im wrong, but i thought there was a theory flying around that black holes were connected to theoretical white holes and did lead somewhere through space-time?

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 11:17 pm

And I was always wondering that what happens to the matters that went into blackhole; all indication says that it disappeared. But from my chemistry class that I learned that mass cannot be created or destroyed but can be altered, which means that if you burn a paper then the ashes that is lefts are no longer the original elements that makes up it, but turns into other set elements. But what about matters that entered a black hole? I don't think is gone, so there must be a exit to the hole or that inside the blackhole mass can be reduces millions of times small then before so it just remains inside the hole? Or is there a exit such as a whitehole to let the matter out.

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