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Post Mon Jun 23, 2003 11:02 pm

Explain to me exactly how the thermal energy will transfer?

I mean yes, we are all quite accustomed to 'waves' of heat eminating from hot objects, but that's really just the gases of the atmosphere acting as a conduit. Each molecule is taking on greater energy and, in turn, giving that energy away to the next molecule over. This doesn't occur in a vaccuum. Heat, much like sound, does not travel through space - unless born by other particles. Don't get me wrong, those particles should be there in spades, but since they will usually not be in proximity to one another, there will be no (substantial) medium of transfer.

In essence, there is no adequate medium for the transfer of thermal energy. This kind of thing is known as 'bad physics'. Each law must be applied with a reasonable understanding of the mechanics of the environment.

Tis response is just another outlet for boredom i guess

Post Tue Jun 24, 2003 5:16 am

to Chetnik:

Unfortunately, the previous poster is indeed right... Alpha Centauri does actually have 3 stars. Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B, and Proxima Centauri.

Alpha Cent A and B are technically a binary pair, orbiting each other at 23.7 AU, while Proxima is at the very fringes of the gravitational influence of A and B at 27,000 AU.

Post Tue Jun 24, 2003 2:50 pm

I was going to bolster my point by grabbing a pic from here, , but frankly, I wasn't THAT bored. For those of you that are, then please, show us a pic to bolster your point to prove or disprove what you're saying Gung ho, you do pose a very good point that if there is no medium, how can there be an exchange? Hence, I propse: A Revision?

By normal means of gravity, the same force that holds planets in orbit around our sun, and yes, the entire universe together, would bring these celestial bodies together, let's use the Centauri system for example. 3 stars, all differing sizes and masses. Now unless all the factors of gravity, velocity, and revolutions were in perfect sych, then a collision would have to occur. The body with the most mass would have the most gravity, and hence pull in the other stars unless the above conditions were met. I'm not saying such an occurence is impossible, just very very improbable.

So now that I've cowered away from my "hypothesis", would anyone care to throw something out here to appease the masses?

Post Tue Jun 24, 2003 2:59 pm

I hope the above picture worked out, if so, that would prove what I'm trying to say, atleast in a visual form. If it didn't, then go here , and by the way, that site I put up a few minutes ago actually has a search option

Post Mon Jul 14, 2003 10:31 am

Just out of curiosity, how old are you?

Post Mon Jul 14, 2003 4:11 pm

about that engine and the type of feul...

maybe it's running on matter and antimatter what it build up in the core...

the core makes the matter and antimatter and splitt it, 1 of them goes to 1 of the 2 little feulcells, the other feulcell empty their (anti)matter into the engine while also the (anti)matter from the core will also drop it into the engine and u go forward, if the feulcell is filled the the other 1 is going dropped into the engine.

ps. if u use both it will disapeare into nothing just where it came from...
pps. some blackholes makes also matter and antimatter, their fur in the futher with freelancer, so why shouldn't they managed to make (anti)matter also...
ppps. the signtists on earth have managed to split antimatter and looked at it. a antimatter H will only react with a matter H and not with a matter O

if it's not then i don't know

Post Mon Jul 14, 2003 11:50 pm

My cup of water doesnt seem to care what the cup next to it is doing. Perhaps there is some sort of deeper struggle here that I am just not seeing.

High Treason! Now there is a two ended club. It all depends on which end you have hold of.

Post Tue Jul 15, 2003 2:46 am

Right, sorry I've neglected this forum for a while, I've been... out of the loop?

The answer to your question of how old I am is.... old enough to die in the military but not old enough to drink my worries away, that ballpark it?

And you about the tea and treason... I wasn't paying too much attention, but have you been drinking by any chance?

Just cuz it ain't legal doesn't mean it doesn't happen

I guess this thread has officially died, unless someone has something interesting to say to get things rolling.

Post Tue Jul 15, 2003 2:58 am

I may have A-D-D, but I.... Oh look at the kitty...

Post Tue Jul 15, 2003 3:04 am

I do not remember mentioning tea, but it was a very long post. My apologies.

High Treason! Now there is a two ended club. It all depends on which end you have hold of.

Post Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:32 am

Funny thing to me is most people post and act serious especially if their post and replys go the way they want. BUT if someone's post goes downhill they make it as if it were a joke the whole time. This being an example if other people agreed with pink he would of kept it serious. Another example is that of the incident with leadpill and that clan NA.

"Mega T,Mega Ta,Mega Tor,Mega Too every time I click it's $9.95 to you!" -Dana Carvey

Post Wed Jul 16, 2003 3:38 am

well for what its worth i went to that site he posted the URL to and lost anywhere from 2 - 5 hours of my life...or maybe it was days...
i know now not to go into that site again with out a "spotter"...

i need somebody to shout "breath in - breath out - blink" very loudly at me cuz looking at those pictures i couldnt have more than the most basic of brain stem function if even that...

i looked at a picture that contained over 2million galaxies, the last thought i remember having before my brain overloaded and everything turned "pretty" was
<we are so puny and arrogant... lol> then i heard an audible pop and only regained awareness of self (and more importantly my lower extremities) when my screensaver kicked in... ever seen 2001 a space odessy? the birthing sequence at the end? yeah - that was me and no, it wasnt pretty
but on the plus side i now know my computer "intimately"...

ok i dont know what that was supposed to mean either... maybe it's freudian?

and this has nothing to do with anything said anywhere in this thread but, has anyone heard about the "new" planet they found? something like 13 billion years old or so... it's believed to be a 1st generation planet. (well it was created when the 1st generation of stars were still burning) you know what i mean right??? lol

pretty cool implications if it was...

ok shutting up now

- saw -

my other signature is a ferrari

Post Wed Jul 16, 2003 6:36 am

For those of you who I guess cannot remember what was posted just one page before, I was responding to the "cups of water" analogy in which the author ascribed feeling and desire to inanimate objects.

In any case, NASA does not know a solar system from a hole in the ground, and the "Big Bang" that so many of you swallow because it is what you are taught in grade school, answer me this, why is it that we can see exactly the same distance in every direction in space? Unless we are at the very center of the universe, this should not be the case. Unless, perhaps... the universe does not and never did expand.

High Treason! Now there is a two ended club. It all depends on which end you have hold of.

Edited by - RMSasha on 16-07-2003 07:36:41

Post Wed Jul 16, 2003 10:18 am

" why is it that we can see exactly the same distance in every direction in space? Unless we are at the very center of the universe, this should not be the case. Unless, perhaps... the universe does not and never did expand."

Forgive me but, i am having some difficulty in ascertaining what exactly your intended point was... i.e., are you saying that we ARE the center of the universe? the distance we can "see" from earth into space being the same in all directions could be attributed to many things, the most prominent of these would be man's ability to see... and how far we can see using the current day's technology. are you suggesting the we should eventually see a "wall" or corner where the universe ends?
how far can we see into space? i would think regardless of how big or expanding or not the universe might be, our ability to "see" (from earth) will eventually become hindered by all of the objects in space. galaxies planets and nebulae...etc
pretty much a "dust-storm visibility" problem on a slightly larger scale. too much clutter in the way...

lastly - is it a matter of the "universe expanding" or is it more man's abilities that are expanding?

i wrote all this mind you still uncertain of what exactly you were trying to convey... (no offense intended)

- saw -

my other signature is a ferrari

Post Wed Jul 16, 2003 10:51 am

The accumulated bollox which remained in my head from school suggests the following:

If the stars are rotating about a point which is also the centre of gravity of the pair, and if they are at a distance from that point where the velocity mass calculation pulling away is equal to the gravitational centripetal force pulling them in, then they will quite happily rotate about that point for quite a while, just as the earth is doing around the sun.

Theoretically they will gradually slow down as they encounter dust and eventually collapse in on one another, but in fact they are chucking out far more matter and energy than they pick up, reducing the grav force between them resulting in a gradual increase in the distance between them. This is coupled with an increase in size of the suns as they lose mass and hence the gravitational force required to hold each sun together. Which situation is happening faster will probably determine whether they coalesc or fly off into the galaxy.

Makes sense to me.... if there are any real physicists out there who can correct me I'd be happy for the lesson.


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