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Ride the Wave on a Supernova

If you are stuck in a mission and do not know how to continue, this is the place to ask for help. Missing that elusive Level 10 Shield? Don''t know where to find the lost Ohtori ship? This is the only place where spoilers are allowed!

Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 5:06 am

Hey, I hear people talking about hacking files to get certain effects, unlimited ammo and the likes. How by chance is this done? The only file I saw that could be edited didn't have that. The rest all had hex data. I'm confused.

Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 5:40 am

I believe the general scientific consensus of our sun was that it would grow to a red giant, killing everything on earth, and then slowly shrink down to a white dwarf, at which point our solar system would become a giant deep freeze.

Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 7:53 am

Yeah I remember reading that somewhere too. Sol would turn to a red giant and devour the entire solar system...whee!

Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 7:59 am

Get the ini utilitie available on this site (downloads) and you can edit whatever you want (provided you have some programming background).

As for our sun dying, yeah I believe the prediction is that it will swell to the size of Mars' orbit and then slowly shrink and cool off. But it won't happen for another 5 billion years (or was it 50? No... 5 sounds right) so don't hold your breath guys.

And what is with this black hole / super nova obsession? There must be over 50 posts on the subject... This ain't scientific america forum!

Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 8:34 am

Well, if we assume that the sun will die out in 50 billion years, what are scenarios for us humans before that happens.

1.) Well be long gone. We've only been here for the blink of an eye, the dinosaurs lasted longer than us and they're gone. No species has ever been here since the absolute "beginning", so it's doubtful we'll last "forever".

2.) We'll kill ourselves off. Whether through pollution or some devastating nuclear war, we manage to end humanity prematurely.

3.) A planet-killing meteor comes along and ends humanity VERY prematurely.

4.) Aliens come and either kill us all, or take us all away. Long shot, but it could happen.

5.) We move off planet. This goes on for thousands or millions of years until people don't even remember Earth.

6.) We evolve beyond flesh, and become beings of pure energy, negating any use for a planet.

7.) Carrot Top becomes top box office draw; world realizes their folly and everyone commits suicide.

Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 10:03 am

Come on. I was with you till you made the Carrot Top prediction. After all. There is more chance of aliens determining we are intelligent enough and worthwhile enough to warrent possibly being turned into guiny pigs or something, than Carrot top ever hitting it big. O.o

Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 10:17 am

So I finally read all the posts in this Thread It took me quite a while and i did it with a lot of interrest... Looks like most of you google for your answers, but they are all good and its a campturing discussion!

Anywaaaaaay, the reason I initially started reading this Thread is because I pretty much Achive everything I want to I Freelancer. I got 2 Diamondbacks, nomads, Firestalker and Cannonball mssl, but.. I am still searching for interresting and fantastic places to explore! I mean the two Unknown Systems are pretty damn cool already, but what else is out there?!? Creating a Nova is Impossible then, I thought so and never tried it in the First place. I wonder if anyone from the development Team ever wanted to implement the use of Base Buying, Battleship owning and so on. I mean, once a player has 3,2 Million he should be able to buy his own docking ring on this own Planet Build his own base? Or buy a Battleship and fly it around the universe?? Once you got a Titan, Sabre or what you prefer and 4xlvl10weaps + Shield + loads of money just flying around and killing your enemys becomes boring no? Don't you want to retire? :=)

Definitely F4rmed[[!

Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 11:39 am

hmz, in freespace 2, it took about 100 sathanas class juggernauts to make a star go supernova :p

a little sunslayer isn't going to do that.

wouldn't be good, since even a small comet has X times more impact-energy than a "nuke".

it would be quite an "empty" galaxy if stars were that fragile :p

Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 12:27 pm

Probably was high on cardamine when the thread started...

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 1:56 am

lol... this is classic... I dont have to read half of it to know im going to die from laughter.

"Your constantly making withdrawls from my Self-Esteem Account[!"

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 10:55 pm


My input:

Black Hole Defintition

nova (plural: novae)
A star that experiences a sudden outburst of radiant energy, temporarily increasing its luminosity by hundreds to thousands of times before fading back to its original luminosity.

supernova (plural: supernovae)
The death explosion of a massive star, resulting in a sharp increase in brightness followed by a gradual fading. At peak light output, supernova explosions can outshine a galaxy. The outer layers of the exploding star are blasted out in a radioactive cloud. This expanding cloud, visible long after the initial explosion fades from view, forms a supernova remnant (SNR).

Direct from NASA

Now THEORHETICALLY it is possible to cause a nova/supernova....however it is not likely with our technology.

"What Causes a Star to Blow Up?
Gravity gives the supernova its energy. For either type of supernova, mass flows into the core, from a companion star (I) or by the continued making of iron from nuclear fusion (II). Once the core has gained so much mass that it cannot withstand its own weight, the core implodes. This implosion can usually be brought to a halt by neutrons, the only things in nature that can stop such a gravitational collapse. Even neutrons sometimes fail depending on the mass of the star's core.
When the collapse is abruptly stopped by the neutrons, a bounce occurs, thus turning the implosion into an explosion. ka-BOOM!!" (Per NASA)

Therefore theorhetically...If you increase the mass by either increasing iron production, or you increase the gravitic forces, you can cause the star to implode....causing a Supernova.

It is also theorhetically possible, to halt a gradually bombarding it with neutrons....Just enough to halt the process...but not too much, or you will cause it to collapse.

I am a space buff.

I have to put that aside when I play these games or watch movies...because things in movies/games/books are mostly for entertainment...and not what REALLY happens in space...

Only movie that did this properly was 2001: A Space Oddessy...In all the space shots...It was silent...Since soundwaves cannot travel thru a vaccuum.

Something Awful

Edited by - argonus on 02-04-2003 00:04:41

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 11:04 pm

.."player has 3,2 Million he should be able to buy his own docking ring on this own Planet..." Wouldn't it have to be massively more expensive than that to colonize and erect a docking ring and mooring system?

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 11:10 pm

Only movie that did this properly was 2001: A Space Oddessy...In all the space shots...It was silent...Since soundwaves cannot travel thru a vaccuum.

Check out the show Firefly (R.I.P.). Space is completely silent there as well.


"Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles
which every man of every faith can embrace. "
- Murphy MacManus

Post Wed Apr 02, 2003 12:27 am

Watched that show for about 5 minutes (the first)....Liked what I saw...But didn't get to watch it all...Had to leave.....Never caught it I didn't see any space battles....

Wasn't it from the same guys that did Buffy the Vampire SLayer and Angel?


Something Awful

Post Wed Apr 02, 2003 12:42 am

Wasn't it from the same guys that did Buffy the Vampire SLayer and Angel?

Yep, Joss Whedon and company. I have to say that the only thing that comes close to space combat is someone firing a rifle out of the cargo bay because the Serenity is an unarmed freighter.

Nonetheless a great show and it's really sad that FOX cancelled it due to their own inability to promote it and giving it a proper timeslot.


"Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles
which every man of every faith can embrace. " - Murphy MacManus

Edited by - Lev Arris on 02-04-2003 01:42:41

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