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Sabre is the best lvl 10 ship

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Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 3:08 pm

Well, a little while ago, I started out on a new server. No sooner had I taken off from Manhattan when some idiot in a Bretonian Fish Freighter started plugging away at me.

Bear in mind, he had a fair few forward mounted and turreted weapons aimed at me... and I had two Justice Mk1s.

But, because I was more manouvrable, I stayed alive, quite easily. The only reason I didn't kill him was because he ran away on Cruise and I didn't have a disrupter, yet. I chased him through open space, all the way to Fort Bush, with him ordering me to "drop it" the whole way.

It was all rather amusing.

Anyway, so there ya go. Clearly the Starflier is the best fighter.

- Daedalus -

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:30 pm

I will say this:

I have tried the sabre, and then I switched to an eagle. I'm keeping the eagle.

My reasoning is this:

With a sabre and a class 10 shield and 4 class 10 weps(supplemented by a buckshot turret, advanced thruster, hornet/sunslayer, drillers, adv. countermeasures, and two wyrm 1's), I was consistently beating the crap out of hoardes of Corsairs in Titans, while losing no more than a quarter of my shields, and taking no armor damage other than from radiation in the area. The only(ande I mean the ONLY) enemies I was having problems with were ones that were more agile than myself and capable of mounting equal firepower(Eagles, nomad fighters).

On a whim, I took a trip from Malta to nearby Freeport 9, and plopped myself in an eagle. Immediately, I ceased having problems with agile enemies. I have yet to experiment with nomads again, but I have taken several 100k+ missions against Eagles, and ended up with no more than 5k in repairs after each one(most due to radiation, and significantly lower than the 10k+ repair costs I was getting in identical missions in the sabre, with the same equipment).

After seeing those improvements in the Eagle, I have concluded that the Titan must be to the Sabre what the Sabre is to the Eagle: a chunkier, slower, more vulnerable vessel. And after seeing what happened to my repair bills, I never intend to try the Titan.

This is my breakdown, you may or may not see it differently:

The Titan is not meant to be a dogfighter. The Titan should be used mainly in an operation when you KNOW WHERE THE ENEMY WILL BE, and will not need to move around much. Examples of this would be laying an ambush at a jump hole, or camping on a base waiting for a certain ship to arrive. In those roles you can simply pop the enemy on the approach with your superior firepower, without moving around much. It is also a good ship for base attacks, when used with, and I stress, WITH ESCORTS TO TAKE CARE OF THE FIGHTERS.

The Sabre is a middle of the road ship. It is capable both as a dogfighter and a ambusher, but it excels at neither. It lacks the weaknesses of the Eagle and Titan, but it also lacks their strengths. The Sabre should be used when you don't quite know what you're up against. Its average maneuverability and average armor are usually good enough to pull you through most situations. It is, as was said before, a good explorer.

The Eagle is a dogfighter. It should be used where fighters will be the main threat. It does not have the armor for a head-on pass at a heavily armed and armored station(with escorts, weapon platforms, whatever). It is meant to use its maneuverability advantage to get an edge in dogfights, occasionally snapping off a torp at the heavier stuff when there's a gap in the battle. It is made to dodge fire, use obstacles as cover, and when the opportunity presents itself, pick off the enemies one at a time.

Naturally, all of that is dependent on a few things...namely the region and what factions inhabit it. Naturally, if you're facing Liberty Rogues in New York, it won't matter WHAT VHF you have(even the Anubis), they won't be able to beat you. Pilot skill also plays in, but it has a way of being counteracted by the ships themselves(wile a good Titan might kill a dumb Eagle, a good Eagle will beat a good Titan).

Reaper: $200,000,000.
Rockets: $100,000
The look on that pilot's face when you launch a full pod of screamers up his tailpipe: priceless

Officer: "Freelancer, what happened to the transport you were escorting?"
Me: "He told me my ship looked wierd...I invited him to have intimate relations with my SunSlayer"

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 6:03 pm


The Titan is not meant to be a dogfighter. The Titan should be used mainly in an operation when you KNOW WHERE THE ENEMY WILL BE, and will not need to move around much. Examples of this would be laying an ambush at a jump hole, or camping on a base waiting for a certain ship to arrive. In those roles you can simply pop the enemy on the approach with your superior firepower, without moving around much. It is also a good ship for base attacks, when used with, and I stress, WITH ESCORTS TO TAKE CARE OF THE FIGHTERS.

unfortunately, the Titan does not have superior firepower. It merely has more armor.

The sabre has less armor and more maneuverability

The eagle the least armor and is the most maneuverable

All 3 ships have the same firepower. The "advantages" given to the Sabre and Titan are not enough to allow either ship to match the maneuverability advantage of the Eagle.

Someone mentioned that Titan & Sabre has a better power source, meaning more shots can be fired before running out of energy. That would prove useful if the targets were stationary.

I think to balance it out, the Titan should really take after its namesake and have the following improvements!

A Secondary Shield Generator! Only ship in the game with 2 shields!!
DOUBLE the armor rating
DOUBLE the shields & nano bots
DOUBLE the energy supply (to sustain the extra firepower)
DOUBLE the firepower (double the number of slots on the ship)!
Slower maneuverability though!

Unbalanced you say? Not likely! Once its that slow, it wont be able to hit anything. but then it could really have a different role like you said. moving weap platform. ambush machine! hahahahahahah

just a thought!

how bout the sabre? .. i was thinkin, just a slight increase in the energy supply, slight increase of shields & nanos, and maybe add 2 more turrets or level 9 gun slots.... maybe a 5th level 10 gun slot?

then at least there would be more variation in the VHFs ...... now its just the eagle that is the king of the skies .... I WANNA FLY MY SABRE AND NOT GET BULLIED BY EAGLES! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ....

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 7:17 pm

Very interesting. But...

One question: Why do all of you try so hard to convince others?

Don't you see its pointless? The same facts are being recycled, same reasons emphasized again and again. Its a just a recurring cycle. No matter how hard you try, somebody just won't be convinced.

I think what is important is to know and use the ship you love best. Isn't that enough?

I hope no offense is taken...this thread is getting hostile.

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 7:50 pm

"Why do all of you try so hard to convince others?"

Because that's what forums are for? What are suppose do? Sit and have tea and biscuits, and sing "Kum-Ba-Yah"?

"Don't you see its pointless? The same facts are being recycled, same reasons emphasized again and again."

Precisely why I've stopped writing in this thread altogether. I've said my peace, and so far no one have made one valid argument to dispute it. Some people just can't read though, oh well.

You're fixated on the idea that the ships in this game have to fit into these neat little archetypes, but they don't. The ship specs in this game are horribly simplistic, so you won't have any luck finding a "interceptor" ship or a "air superiority" ship or any of that. There are only two types of ships: Fighters, and freighters.

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 8:38 pm

ill make smores!!!!

i also have said my piece and have stopped trying. ill just stick to convincing people that come in my server. that seems to work the best. (hands on demonstrations are the most effective). cyall round the galaxy!!!

kum ba yah!!!! my Lord, kum ba yah!!!! sabres dyin Lord kum ba yah!!!!!


Edited by - Kergen on 07-04-2003 21:39:16

Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 3:55 pm

kum bah yah yer space monkeys! hahahahahha

has anyone tried the hammerhead against an eagle yet? .. havent had time to play the past days .... mebbe ill try tonite ...

Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 5:11 pm

I'd be happy to try but don't expect it any time soon. The Hammerhead is my next logical choice in progression of ships, followed by the Eagle, as I pilot a Barracuda right now and love the maneuverability. (And I think it looks neat!) However, I make all my money by fighting Xenos out in Kepler so saving up for one may take a while.

I'm not into boring trade routes.

Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 5:47 pm

Bah. Maybe I LIKE thinking a ship should have a defined role. 'Tis the way the world should work(note the many uses of the word SHOULD...)

Reaper: $200,000,000.
Rockets: $100,000
The look on that pilot's face when you launch a full pod of screamers up his tailpipe: priceless

Officer: "Freelancer, what happened to the transport you were escorting?"
Me: "He told me my ship looked wierd...I invited him to have intimate relations with my SunSlayer"

Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 8:15 pm

eagles eat any other vhf for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Any beliefs to the contrary are just idiotic. case closed cus I've never seen a horse mutilated like so from consistent flogging

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