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Level 31 + Eagle + 90 something dead nomads

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Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:06 am

Level 31 + Eagle + 90 something dead nomads

I have killed them in and out of both unknown systems (yes, omi gamma and omi alpha)

I just want some of the weapons ;p
the ships I am fighting have them when I scan them
I just keep killing them and nothing drops.

Currently using two gaurdians and two c .. somethings (another level 10 set .. dunno)
and the rest are the level 9 sala whatevers you buy from the corsairs base.

does it matter what weapons I use to kill them?

This is the no cd patched version of the gold release.

Someone able to give me specifics as to how they got the nomads to start dropping?

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:17 am

I'm equally stumped. I got a Sabre, level 38, four class 10 weapons and two class 9 weapons and it doesn't matter how many dozens of Nomads I kill, it doesn't matter where, it doesn't even matter if I unmount some of my guns or use missiles, they never drop anything.

I'm about to ask a friend to escort me and have him kill some, perhaps he'll have more luck.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:20 am

ahh .. I am playing single player ...
can you get nomad weapons in single player?

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:20 am

Once again; you need to be level 35 for the Nomads to drop their guns!

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:22 am

keep killing.....
I had kill them for twenty something (wave,4 fighters each)....
Since then they started to drop

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:23 am

If you would read some of the other posts about nomads you would also note that you have to be careful when you destroy them, because you usually blow them up rather hard core and a lot of time you will destroy their guns in the process as you fire upon their dead remains. Also, I've destroyed about 40 as well with and got no guns. Its really a matter of luck. Be patient, jump back and forth between the systems. I found this gets more more guns then waiting on waves. If you have lvl 10 shields its really a matter of how many nanobots you can hold for how many waves you can take on. But Try the system hoping, worked for me.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:23 am

I think the level 35 thing is in MP only, I've heard of people at level ~25 getting Nomad weapons in SP with no problem. Although I could be wrong. Can't be too hard to get to level 35 can it?

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:58 am

I am level 36 (in SP) and I get Nomad weapons easily...

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 7:24 am

still not a single weapon from the nomads here
I have counted over 35 waves of 4

system hopped after 15 waves

Dunno, guess I will go for level 35 to see if this makes a difference.

thanks for all the feedback

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 5:05 pm

Killed alot of them in omicron gamma (around the unknown jump hole.
And in between i steel some weapons of the corsair fighters floating there.
So in 1 run i killed 16 nomads it gave me 4 nomad weapons .
so got me a titan with 2x diamond back and 2x nomad guns )

Hmmm what does this button do ?? .....

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 5:09 pm

no idea about the level 35 limit though, since most ppl only go after those nomads when they are at lvl 38 like me

and they drop one weapon everyother one i kill

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 6:12 pm

I shot nomads when i was level 32 and every wave gave me 1 nomad blaster or cannon

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 6:46 pm

I edited (i no this is the spoiler not editing forum) in some of the Osiris in, this makes the nomads easy to kill, and edited the weapon_equip.ini file to say for each of the nomad guns, turrets and missiles to say "looatble = true", so now usually not bothereing wat level you are you can get all the weapons they have, altho some are invisible tehy can be equiped to most lvl 10 ships. This does include their cruises disruptors and missiles, sltho the missiles are only found not actually bought coz i dont no how to do that. but the weapons are wikked.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 7:00 pm

I made it to level 35 then went to omicron gamma to give it a try
every other wave just about was dropping blasters
I got a few cannons also

Dunno if it was just something random .. but I feel that level 35 does make a difference (or rather SOME level between 31 and 35 makes a difference)

I killed probably 160 nomad ships at level 31 with no drops
do missions to get to 35 and they are dropping all over the place
thanks for the help guys

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 7:18 pm

ok, i still dont really understand the concept of getting nomad weapons.

i was level 29-32 when i first started shooting nomads.
i was at omicron gamma and shot like 170 of them and got NOTHING AT ALL.
then i was *really* pissed and decided to leave and fly around and make some more money.

after levelling to like 34 (could have been 35 aswell) i went to omicron alpha and there suddenly i got like 1 gun out of 1,5 waves.

i really dont know what happened, but it very seems like that it IS depending on the level in multiplayer.

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