How sad... I don't know... Why do people attack us like this?
This is not and was never intended as an unmoderated forum. And that is basicly what we do... We moderate. We try to keep a postive spirit about the game, and yes, I do single out negative posts about the game, consider each one very seriously if it works, if the arguments have merit in any imaginable way.
Well, I guess there are ppl that over react when their oppinions and posts get forbidden/closed/deleted at a site they visit. Aswell I guess half of such provactiv posts are written that way to draw attention. I don´t think that this is the right way to express their anger, but well, you ask for a reason (how irrational it might be).
Its good that this is not an ummoderated forum. It´s aswell good that you try to try to keep the possitiv spirit about the game.
What I personal think is simple wrong, is that nearly ANY critics against the game get bashed down, from some of ppl that really are fanatic about the game, and that it seems that some of the mods seem to mix their mod duty with their personal stand about the game, and that aswell some of the regulars shout down anyone that thinks there are thinks that make the game not perfekt.
But well I guess you know anyway how I feel about this mess, cause stinger should send you copys of the "little talk" I had with him.
oh and btw @ nash
I like TLR, but its definatly in my book not the best gaming site I ever visit, for example all of the german gamingo community sites for blizzards games (bw, d2, wc3, wow), have a more professional look, a greater and it seems more experience mod and admin team and greater and more acitve community (several thausend posters on the boards). But well, this are proffesional sites, sites that have I guess a good deal more money to spend and are about games that simply have until now a better sales numbers. And well, beeing about games from blizzard I guess helps aswell, as blizzard is imo one of those companys that are relativ huge and still have a real good support and contact to their fans and fansites.
This does not make TRL a bad site, TRL is definatly a damn good site, else I would not like to visit it nearly daily, and even in the years before nearly weekly, so I simply post this to bring your post in junction with the bigger picture of sites in the internet.