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what Ive learneeed so far about Freelancer...

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 9:29 pm

Let this thread die a peaceful dead...

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 9:30 pm

@all of you
please cool down! I think everyone is over-reacting! Take into account that some people are more emotional than others etc. and there is allways some dumb kids playing out there (f.e. creating useless worms etc.)
The TLR community has so much depth, that it should not let itself be lured down the path of flaming/ bashing on other sometimes less experienced people.

I am the member of another Spacesim Forum (Station-Network - its in german though) - and guess what it's a fansite for all spacesims (the people consisting of Elite, Privateer, WC and Starlancer fans) - it now focusses on FL, X2, Eve and has threads on the classics as well.

This info was not intended as an add or something (hence no link) - I just wanted to make a point that people interested in FL and X2 usually have the same gaming background. Any idea of creating an artificial rivalry between FL fans and X2 fans is non-sense! (the fans are the same people more often than not!)

And in the end we are all waiting for the ultimate Elite/Privateer game in a persistent universe with unlimited multiplayer and infinite Space...
(both FL and X2 will not reach that goal yet but they are a stepping stone in the right direction)

Lets hope that FL and X2 succeed big time! For this will be the only way to keep developers and interested in bringing out new games in the genre we are interested in.

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 9:33 pm

don't flame me, that's murder 1

I have the urge to commit murder 1 in that case...
We welcomed you with open arms and this is how you repay us?
All you do here is try to cause trouble, just go back wherever it is you came from and let us go on the way we were.
IMO You are a discrace to the TRL Forum, a discrace to the X2 forum and a blatant discrace of the human race. I rest my case.

maybe this comes on a little rude, but imo you should shut the hell up if our only goal is to cause trouble and get a life...

Edited by - SpiT/Stoned on 29-01-2003 22:05:01

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 10:06 pm

Guys! Stop it now! All what had to be said is said! Please guys...

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 10:39 pm

Ok, this is goin down in flames. Snowy, u can post here all u want, just make a good post.

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