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Post Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:05 pm

well, no, not yet, but we will have by the end of year. All the contact centre and office desktops are, and the critical production terminals that are Unix emulators, but there's about 45% still on CAT6 or CAT5e; there's still some legacy NT Workstations too, but that's because the bespoke apps they run were designed for that environment and until the new apps are rolled by sysdev later this year, they can't change because they wouldn't be able to do their work. But everything that can be fibred so far pretty much has been. It's quite impressive actually, i've been rolling out about 30 new pcs these last couple of weeks and joining them to the domain in groups of 8 on the workshop KVM console takes about 2 seconds, usually you can sit around for several minutes, go and have a fag, but here it's as fast as lightning - no excuses to go and have a skive!

This firm buys servers like other firms buy desktops, they've taken delivery of 16 new Proliant servers in the last 2 months and they fully back up 32 terabytes of data every day! I've never seen anything like it. That 32 terabytes translates to about £10 million every day in terms of business value. That's equivalent to, oh an awful lot of Tawakalni dinars. Makes my last place look like a toyshop.

Post Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:47 pm

And now we begin to see the truth! "We're on fibre" is the cry, and suddenly it is "Well we don't have every PC on fibre, but we are working on it". Here we see an example of the Mullah's inconsistency, but then we all knew that anyway. Can his rabid defense of his TR home network also be a ploy, one to cover up his embarrasing secret? Who knows...

Post Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:00 pm

That's pretty impressive and here I was thinking our 2 terrabyte SAN was the bees knees and we're only running incrementals on the weeknights. Even our gigantor tape robot in melbourne wouldn't come close to coping with 32 in a night.

Post Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:05 pm

shut up you silly Hare. too much GB is clearly bad for you. my home network is also very good, albeit limited in scope, although my onus is on security and reliability rather than performance.

musty - my jaw nearly hit the floor when they told me how much they back up. I have to check the backups every morning and do the reports, i takes nearly 2 hrs every day just to check the logs.

Post Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:08 am

musty - my jaw nearly hit the floor when they told me how much they back up. I have to check the backups every morning and do the reports, i takes nearly 2 hrs every day just to check the logs

Muha! £10 million every day!

Now we're talking capitalism. Congratulations Mullah. Welcome to the world of vampires. BTW, you're sort of kind of responsible for that £10 million now.

Post Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:07 pm

one does what one has to in order to earn a crust. at least it's honestly earnt.

Post Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:54 pm

*Snorffles in amusement* Taw? Honest? *Laughs derisively* Next you'll be telling me that you have morals! *Trots off and wonders how much software and "malfunctioning" hardware Taw has "liberated" from work*

Post Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:17 pm

actually none; apart from a dvi cable but I asked permission for that, so there. no more sticking monitors under my coat and pretending to be pregnant.

you're only jealous because you don't anything you're still seething with envy about all that free stuff i got when I was a buyer.

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