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Annoying cell phone users...

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Post Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:43 pm

Annoying cell phone users...

Nearly put in an accident by a person driving and talking on their phone? Had an intimate moment ruined by that incessant ringing? Parts of this video aired on television in the US a few years back from the show 'Trigger Happy TV' and are quite a good expose on the dangers of cell phone usage...

(Family Safe)

Cell Phone Video

Post Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:38 pm

The worst one is in the movie theater, when you're trying to watch the movie, and an annoying ring just goes off. THE ADVERTISEMENTS ASK YOU TO TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE BEFORE THE MOVIE STARTS! I swear, the next time somebody starts talking on a cell phone in front of me again, I'll kick them in the back of the head.

Post Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:00 pm

The worst part of cell phones is the ring tones...My cell phone just uses the standard ringer...I can't stand all those cursed fancy ring tones...I don't see how people can spend money to have the latest coolest System of a Down song on their cell phone...If I want to hear bad music, I'll just turn on the radio Also, ever notice how the more annoying a ring tone, the longer it takes a person to answer? I often find myself around people that let their ring tone go until its about half way through Eye of the Tiger before I am just want to answer that?!

Post Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:54 pm

Immediately before that advertisement in the theatres is another advertisement showing some USB capable phones and people listening to all their favorite music with their friends ON THE PHONE. This is horrid. I can't remember the last time I heard a mobile phone that sounded like a phone. I'm sure you can't buy them anymore.

Post Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:26 am

Ahhh, Trigger Happy TV. I remember that well...

Post Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:30 am

Personally I don't mind them...but perhaps I am part of a diffrent generation/section of society

Life: No one gets out alive.

Post Sat Aug 26, 2006 6:00 am

I want to see a permanate ban on the use of them while driving. One county is now fining drivers and additional $500 if they are on cell phones when they get in any type of accident.

Post Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:01 am

I'm with you FD- even 'hands free' devices make little difference.

Yesterday, I had a fellow walk up to me at the grocery store and say "Hey, how are you doing!?" I didn't know the guy, and it wasn't until he turned that I saw he was, of course, on a cell phone with a wireless earpiece. In this age of electronics, some people need to learn to hit the 'off' button, and chill!

Post Sat Aug 26, 2006 9:07 am

I don't like this 'text language' because it really annoys me when I see messages like: 'U ma best m8'.

Post Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:44 am

I am not cellphone crazy (about 1 call a week) but I dont really mind everyone using cellphones around me. I often find it funny just to watch people who must send atleast 100 text messages a day.

Post Sat Aug 26, 2006 12:08 pm

hmmm well i easily send 300+ messages a week. But cant remember last time i acualy phoned someone from my mobile. Personaly i never leave the house without my phone and its very rare even in the house for me not to have it in my pocket, where it is just now

Post Sat Aug 26, 2006 12:52 pm

^ Same here but noone calls me

Post Sat Aug 26, 2006 2:07 pm

those Bluetooth earpieces really freaked moi out when I first encountered someone apparently talking to themselves; I thought the woman was a nutter! then I clocked that she was having a (sort of) sensible conversation and saw the silvery dangly thing in her ear. still looks a bit barmy to me, I certainly won't ever have one. it's bad enough having a mobile at all - mine is almost permanently switched off, I intensely dislike the things, but it's useful for emergencies. However, as no-one else in Tawakalnistan is allowed a mobile phone, I don't get an awful lot of calls, and I can't make many either. Which is a good thing, and keeps my bills right down. A 10 dinar top-up lasts me all year round.

Post Sat Aug 26, 2006 2:12 pm

I know a guy who thinks it looks like captain scarlet when there are whering Bluetooth Earpieces!

Post Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:36 pm

Meh, the only time I mind them is in the movies when someone is sitting next to me in the movies talking on one. Or... when the movie gets to the best part, and all of the sudden I hear those annoying ringtones. Now, I wouldn't mind having a cellphone, seeing as I don't talk on the phone that much (I'm not a very social person.) My bill wouldn't be more than ten dollars a month, max.

It's just the people that abuse the cellphone... almost as annoying as all those damn commercials that reciently appeared on TV saying "If you want to get this kickass ringtone *plays crappy ringtone* for only $4.94, text XXX to XXX XX." I can see fifteen of those in a day, and only watch TV for two hours.

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