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Annoying cell phone users...

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sun Aug 27, 2006 3:19 pm

I'm with you FD- even 'hands free' devices make little difference.

I'm fairly certain that a study was done and determined that not only do hands-free devices not help, they actually worsen the driver's acknowledgement of driving due to the fact that you dont even have to focus on holding the phone to your ear

Post Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:14 pm

I do not own a mobile and never intend to. I do not like the ringtones, the profiteering, the useless gimmicks, the cameras, or the mobile phone culture itself. That being said, my primary concern is that I honestly believe that mobile phones can have a deleterious effect on people. Think of all the medical trials that they have had. Some of them say that they cause tumours and cancer, etc, but most of them say that mobiles are harmless. And who pays for most of the trials, hmm? The telecommunications companies of course! On top of that, *everyone* has a vested interest in mobile phones, from the average man on the street to governments. If mobile phones were found to cause health problems, just imagine the cost to the companies and the effect that legal action would have on the economy. What's my point? That if mobile phones DO cause cancer, etc, then nobody would tell the public because of the immense financial consquences. Hmm, we're slightly off topic here and, what is worse, the above sounds like a Taw rant. Damn .

Post Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:35 pm

you wear a tin foil-hat, you floppy-eared paranoiac; even I don't do that, I just keep mine switched off most of the time.

Post Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:39 pm

i hate when i am trying to land a sale on a mattress or a chair and the customer has to answer the phone in the middle that is really rude.

Post Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:07 pm

Taw - "Tin foil"? Pah! It's *aluminium foil* you Yank! Besides, I would always use "hands-free" if I needed to have a mobile for work, etc. The further away from me that thing is, the better.

Post Sun Aug 27, 2006 7:01 pm

@Esky- Perhaps you don't pack a mobile phone because the buttons are too small for your rabbit-chimera claw-paws?

Post Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:00 pm

my cell phone when it's on is almost always in silent mode it flashes and buzzes no beep no music the few times the ringer is on is when i'm driving even then i don't pay any attention to it my stereo is loud enough i can't hear it ring most of the time and my ringer is the least annoying one on my phone it's a set of sticks clicking a rhythm the rest are stupid melodies i can't stand. those annoying comercials about games or ringtones don't even catch my attention because my carrier dosen't support them even if they did whats the point I use prepaid it would waste my minutes to text and download that garbage

Post Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:06 pm

Dawg - That's true actually. The damn buttons are always too small .

Post Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:49 pm

J Dawg - curses! you beat me to it.... nonetheless an excellent observation of the Hare's lack of manipulative digits, therefore consigning him to a permanent technologically-deprived existence.

Wabbit - it's tin-foil here too. If I was from that former colony across the beeg vater, it would be "aluminUm" would it not? Of course I could use proprietary names such as "Baco-foil" if that's easier? By the way I've occasionally wondered, do you wrap your ears up as well, or do you make holes for them in the "tin-foil" so that they stick up like furry antennae? I must try this later on our rabbit prisoner, I've been treating her far too well this summer.

Guess what? my mobile's broken! yay! no pesky calls from my bosses whining if things are fixed yet or how do they write their names or that their "thingy" doesn't work!

Post Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:22 am

hehehehehehehe! That video is so funny!

Post Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:30 pm

Torture her all you like; she will not tell you anything Evil Mullah! And no, we use BRITISH English here, and therefore it is "aluminIUm", not "aluminUm". You should know that by now. I guess that the language in Tawakalnistan has been declining of late. *Shakes head* Sad...

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