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Post Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:41 pm

An update - It "Said" reformating drive all partitions would be lost, but it did a restore of the tag-a-long programs that came with the computer. Second go round got rid of it all and set it up like the day I bought it. Bad point is, I have to get all the MS updates again on dial up.

Good part is, I got rid of that home page problem which was getting on my nerves. I will be loking at what programs I have and reinstall firewall and AV other than windows version. I have a program called, PC Backup that I have yet to try. I can have it set to back up to the Data hard drive. Webroots SpySweeper is back up and running, and will be brought up to the 5.0 version shortly I hope.

Yes the main drive is NTFS rather than FAT32. Done that for years. But one thing I am bad about is putting disks in places and forgetting where. Um, like someones elses password maybe?

I am carful of never using a P2P or other file sharing aspect. Don't like the idea anyway.

Edit - Can't find the other AV programs, so I'm trying AVast and the free ZoneAlarm for the laptop. Only thing I can think of was the problems ticked me off and I threw the disks away.

3rd edit - Finally got it to download. Now have AV, Firewall and Spyweeper installed. And now, the test.

Edited by - Finalday on 8/20/2006 4:26:56 AM

Post Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:22 am

I did NOT forget my password, Birdman of Alabammy, I just lost the piece of paper I wrote it down on, which is not the same thing; how can you forget something that you didn't commit to memory in the first place?

you have a backup utility in Vindoze anyway, M$ Backup which is actually Seagate Backup. it's in System Tools; it's quite good. Myself I take regular Ghost images and save them on my server, and do incrementals using Seagate Tapeware ato a 40/80b Seagate tape drive - which is handy as I use 80gb partitions.

a backup utility is better than just copying the files over, as it compresses and verifies the data. You could also use WinRar to backup with, as that compresses the archive more efficiently and also verifies the data if you set the flag, then burn the archives to dvd/cd.

Post Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:10 am

So far so good on the programs. Both computers working fine, no crashes, and no highJacking of IE either.

Post Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:40 pm

Pssssst. FD. Firefox. Psssssst.

Post Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:21 pm

I use Firefox, of course, though I believe the supremest of security lies in Opera. A bit more difficult to use, however. Besides, I couldn't live a day without tabbed browsing.


You speak poorly of Vista? Do you have some insight beyond its causing irrepairable damage, doom, and destruction throughout the computer world? I'm rushing to buy a new machine soon enough so it WON'T have Vista.

Post Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:01 pm

well not "insight" so much as a/ my brother-in-law just coming back from a Vista conference held by Microsoft in Boston a few weeks ago and giving me the lowdown, and b/ years of bitter experience at Microsoft's constant promises of "the most secure operating system yet" - promises they still haven't delivered on. XP has hardly been secure has it (with more than 80% of the pcs in the world infected with spyware and/or trojans, and new security vulnerabilities being discovered on a daily basis 4 years later still (is it 4 years, or 5?)

I'm not bashing M$, but they keep over-promising and under-delivering, so I think a healthy skepticism (or is it cynicism?) is justified. I'll believe it when i see it. Their last attempt at a integrated anti-virus, MS-AV for DOS 6.22, was something of a washout, after all.

If Vista is even partially as good as they're hyping it, well great; I'll be the first to say "well done, you got it right at last" - but would you bet your house on it? Think I'll stick with my XP/2K mix with Kaspersky Pro and Zone Alarm Pro behind a hardware firewall, if it's all the same, thanks very much.

I have no doubt though that Vista will keep me happily employed for years to come though! thx Microsoft for keeping me in work!

Post Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:19 pm

Bah...Before we know it, FD's computer will look like this

Who would really put their computer like that?...Idiots...Maybe it's just Apple's way of telling us that even though their computers are garbage we can still use them as tents...or something...

Post Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:55 pm

@J Dawg: Opera is quirky, as you say. But, apparently, FD's ISP doesn't support Opera... and does support FireFox.


As far as Vista is concerned ... with all the press on DX10, for example, I am beginning to wonder whether this is the OS that will but new life into PC Gaming. Those consoles have been kicking PC games off of store shelves in my area. Now relegated to the smallest section in most places I've walked into. It is very saddening. I am looking forward to Vista, not because of anything other than the possibility that PC games will once again take off with new graphics and physics that consoles can't touch and that will draw the top talents back to PC game designing and building.

Post Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:29 pm


Your hypothesis may be correct. Word from Bungie is that Halo 2 for PC will only be released for Vista (supposedly because it makes the game better, not because they're controlled by M$). Since Halo has millions of humans enslaved to consoles or PC's, or wherever they can get it (Halo pills coming to a pharmacy near you!), it may draw some peeps out of the zombie zone and back to where real gaming happens.

Post Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:44 pm

Man some of this is almost funny. I'm using the TRIAL version of Zonealarm and several trial spyware removers/protectors. I mean, FD, you spen tmoney on stuff to protect your computer, and I didn't spend a dime. I don't think I have had a problem since the Great Reformatting of 2000. Well I suppose I could get my brother's copy of Norton OmniVirus 2000 that he gave to me, but naaah.

Edited by - Jagged on 8/21/2006 9:45:25 PM

Post Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:50 pm

I dont put too much trust in antivirus programs anyways. The best defence is a careful user. Just dont go opening any iffy .exe's

Post Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:54 pm

Norton is the worst program ever developed Except for Panda...Lmao...Anyway...Norton...Got Norton Net (In)Security on here (it came with the old one died, and I didn't have lots of money so I bought a cheapo computer I know...*Puts up flameguard*) and everytime I try to get rid of it...No net for Alex Either that program is the best program ever designed and without it my computer goes kaput, or...well you know

Post Tue Aug 22, 2006 1:37 am

@Para - Norton does and did work good, so good I had to turn it off from time to time to get a download., It usually blocked most that I wanted, which told me it was doing its job.

@Jagged, there is an old addage that seems to work out, "You get what you pay for" free is ok sometimes, but a bought item can and useually is better. Its like Stanley tools (Cheap) compared to Snap On (best) tools. americans may know the brands, Snapon is gariteed for life, even if they break, free replacement.

@Alpha -The most vigilant home owner can still be attacked by a pitbull, if he has no fence around his yard.

@ All - Vista has invited hackers to attack Vista. From what I have read, they will both test the program, as well as fixing any hole that apear.

Edited by - Finalday on 8/22/2006 5:56:25 AM

Post Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:43 am

FD, I don't think those Russian or Chinese criminal gangs are going to be stepping up to the wicket for M$ beta-program, are you? Whilst a juvenile scripter in Poughkeepsie (yes I know where it is) might think it a challenge, an organised racket is going to keep schtumm and they're the real threat on the interweb.

And in your case the bought item wasn't better, was it? you got burned (but you did get a coaster) You should listen to us next time before you go parting with your hard-earned cash.

Anyway, i'm beat; I've just migrated 63 pcs over to a new domain after creating 63 different accounts with varying sets of security principles and had to back up and restore all their local credentials (as well as dealing with a server crash in th early hours) so it's a cuppa char and off to bed for the hardest working Mullah in Tawakalnistan. And tomoorw I have to a new group policy and migrate the directors laptops and oh well its all too boring and tedious. nite nite.

Post Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:41 pm

Taw, both computers running the new program, all updates done and Zero problems.

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