Post Sat Aug 26, 2006 2:21 pm

yeah for about a week. you really do make life hard for yourself, don't you? mind you, not as bad as my mother-in-law's second husband (she goes through them at a rate of knots) who used to reformat his computer on an almost weekly basis, despite constant admonishment from me. some people never learn. he used to swear by Norton too, not that it ever did him any good.

Borromir, Saruman, Farramir, Smeagol, and Eowyn haven't been reformatted for at least 2 years now, although i did do a repair install on both Smeagol and Eowyn when i upgraded them earlier this year, and one of the array drives in Saruman died a few months ago (but the RAID-5 array recreated it when i replaced it with a new one.) I will admit that Isildur did die a spectacular death a while back, but he was a gwaggy old p.o.s. I built from a box of spare bits as a media centre pc connected to the telly so Mrs Taw could watch Lost Season 2, and it was his motherboard that died, not the o/s.

Edited by - Tawakalna Qubt-ut Allah on 8/26/2006 3:22:14 PM