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Your worst injuries...

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Aug 11, 2006 12:26 am

Your worst injuries...

Hello everyone, just post here to tell us about your worst injuries you've ever had.

Don't read if you don't want to be sick!

Edited by - cbrain on 8/11/2006 1:26:41 AM

Edited by - cbrain on 8/26/2006 3:19:19 PM

Post Fri Aug 11, 2006 1:43 am

Um, okay. I've been hit by a car; broke my leg, arm, shoulder, wrist, three ribs and perforated a lung. Wasn't fun...

Post Fri Aug 11, 2006 3:00 am

ok then, i was out rollerblading, i went to to a jump, overbalanced on landing and split my arm open at the elbow, displacing the tendon over the head of the elbow joint, it required 9 stiches that took an hour to put in, as every time the needle went in, it bent out of shape.

and yes, it hurts like hell some days.

Post Fri Aug 11, 2006 3:00 am

Had a broken ankle I had to walk home on once and the only other thing would be the one time I stood on a dog bone and it sliced open a vein.


Check the site

Edited by - Balthazar Furious on 8/11/2006 4:01:01 AM

Post Fri Aug 11, 2006 3:12 am

Broke my ankle and sliced both my palms open (one with a stanley knife, the other with a computer (don't ask)). But not at the same time.

People who take drugs are bad.

Damn customs agents

Post Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:04 am

Broke my left arm in three seperate places (Both forearm bones broken, and a wrist fracture). First time a broke a bone. Also the fist time i went ice skating...
Never been ice skating since... It was in plaster for a couple 'o months

Second most serious is when my bike went out of control and i split my schin open on the pavement. Blood went EVERYWHERE. 6 stitches, bandaged for about a month.

Post Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:46 am

Sliced my upper arm, 5 in long by 3/4 in deep on glass from a picture frame at 3:00am, had to dress and drive myself to the emergency room, get 5 stiches inside it, and other 14 out side it. Hurt for a month.

The other, which makes it a tie, I was ripping a 2x4 down, the board kicked out and I cut the end of my thumb off with a skill saw, taking a carbide tips worth of bone with it. The where able to sew it back on, but it is curved away from my hand now. I have a 2% disaboloty in it now. That was extreme pain while it happened.

Edited by - Finalday on 8/11/2006 5:48:12 AM

Post Fri Aug 11, 2006 5:15 am

I was playing soccer, felt hard and broke my shoulder (collarbone)
that was long long ago

Post Fri Aug 11, 2006 6:46 am

A few years ago a kid that had a grudge against me, tripped me causing my knee to be torn-up internaly it still hurts/swells daily and of course there was my meeting with a lawn mower blade when i was five (long story) it nearly popped my left eye and split the edge of my nose so i have a scar that runs from just below the middle of my eye to the edge of my nose, it dosen't bother me i just dream about it occasionally. I guess it made an impact on a once scrawny kid.

Post Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:59 am

Broken elbow in the 6th grade... that's about it. I'm not very prone to accidents, and I'm too passive to end up getting hurt in a fight.

Post Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:06 pm

I got hit on the head by some concrete that had a piece of steel reinforcing rod in it (when I was about 8, i think) that punctured my skull and whatever that membrane is called that covers the brain. There's still a depression where the thing it, although it got repaired in hospital (where I was stuck for several weeks)

Again, when I was small I apparently stuck my hands in a go-kart chain and slashed my fingers to ribbons, although i don't remember it at all, but my mother says that the doctors had to sew all the flesh back on (or summat like that) it does explain why my fingers are all weird and manky.

When I was a baby, however, my mother told me that a dog jumped up at my pram and sent me flying out of the thing, smashing my jaw on the pavement, and as I was at the top of some steps at the time, apparently I went quite a long way.

the worst accident that i remember clearly was coming off a toboggan on a dry slope and shredding all the skin off one side - now that hurt! hence why I now don't tan on one side and on my back. oh and I hit a retaining wall at the bottom as well, which also hurt. these days such a place wouldnt be allowed to operate, but this was the 70s and H&S laws were a lot laxer.

Edited by - Tawakalna Qubt-ut Allah on 8/14/2006 1:38:37 PM

Post Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:49 pm

Worst injury? Broken ankle. At the very end of Basic Training in the Army. To add insult to injury, I didn't graduate either.

Post Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:49 pm

My dad was in the army once. When you were on the firing range and out of ammo, you went to ur drill seargent and said, "No brass no ammo sir." So one day one of the young recruits who was having a bad day came up to the sergeant and said. "no *** no Brammo sir." And boy was the sergeant hopping mad then lol.

When all else fails, tell them you want world peace.

Post Sat Aug 12, 2006 2:56 pm

Broke my wrist on christmas eve, had my left knee knackered after i got hit with a Ice Hockey stick (it's ok now ) that's about it

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Post Sat Aug 12, 2006 6:44 pm

i got a herina when i was 2 years old. i was a very constipated child.

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