The (un)American way
the city i live in has banned the sale and use of fireworks(starting next year)in city limits. the whole argument made is that A.fireworks can cause fires which the city has to pay to put out B.fireworks are a danger to children and C.(the hidden agenda) fireworks distract citizens from the city's own fireworks display
of all of these i think C is the real reason for the council's vote. Personally, i don't get a warm fuzzy feeling from watching balls of fire explode in the sky - its the meaning behind the symbols that counts, and that is the freedom to do any number of reckless things that could cause personal injury. As the sole opposing councilman stated, life is dangerous.we cannot ban every single item that might cause harm.
i respect your right to property.but if your property is destroyed do you seek someone to write a new law? no! you go to court and get damages, or your insurance company does that for itself.
it all began by 'classifying' fireworks, then by slowly banning each class - first they told us exploding firecrackers were too dangerous for us to handle.FINE.then they told us that flying fireworks with reports, were too we're to believe that we're incapable of handling any fireworks, fountains included.FINE.can i just have a sparkler, pretty please?
it will be bitterly ironic when the only place john Q can truly celebrate the fourth of july the way our parents did is on native reservations.
P.S. its not a 'serious' issue, but it richly illustrates the state of our Union - if it is more convenient than dealing with the repercussions of Liberty than Just Do It.
wiretaps?just do it. seizing library records?just do it. eminent domain? just do it. kidnapping and crossing state and national borders?just do it. outsourcing torture?just do it. just do it.
He who would sacrifice liberty for safety deserves neither - Ben 'Pimpdaddy' Franklin
i would add to that "and he also deserves a swift kick between the legs"