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Computer names

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sun Apr 23, 2006 4:46 am

Yeah, let me clarify that I don't address my computer as "The Doomsday Machine", that's just what it appears as on the network.

If I do 'talk' to it, it's usually to call it "stupid computer" or the like. I would be most disturbed if it replied to me.

Post Sun Apr 23, 2006 2:41 pm

Well, I guess that's less disturbing. And the TA reference makes everything alright in my book.

Post Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:56 pm

Deca-station-1, don't ask me why it's just what i typed
course there is the alternitive "work you stupid piece of (blank) slag" that comes after i hit the power button six times and it still dosen't power-up or if something else goes wrong

Post Mon Apr 24, 2006 3:03 pm

Main (family) computer is called 'SERVER' (Originally it worked as the main data router for my network, until i got an ACTUAL router, now its just used for family work and data serving)

My laptop is called 'Proteus'. One because its model is actually 'proteus' (Actually one of the reasons i chose that particular model), and two, i like that name.

I havent named any other computers with any less-than-obvious names (e.g. setting up a friends network the main computer became 'SHARED')

Anyway, most of it better than my school's naming convention. up until recently, almost every piece of named critical hardware (Printers and Servers mostly) were named after christian biblical figures (At least three of the servers still are!)

Post Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:13 pm

I call mine 'HAL', because I swear it's trying to kill me...

Humma Kavula!

Post Tue Apr 25, 2006 3:15 am

everyone knows the way to speak to a computer is by picking up the mouse and saying "hello computer"

Post Tue Apr 25, 2006 4:12 am

What? You mean I've been doing it wrong all these years? No wonder my repeated shouting, screaming and cursing never had any effect.

Post Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:15 am

everyone knows the way to speak to a computer is by picking up the mouse and saying "hello computer"

Sounds like some one has been watching Star Trek: The Voyage Home too much

Edited by - Finalday on 4/25/2006 10:15:01 AM

Post Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:47 am

I agree, ENTERPRISE-E is mine(couldn't fit the entire thing in).

Did you know that most headphones can work as microphones???

Post Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:25 am

"Jason's PC"

Post Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:26 am

"My precious" said in a really unusual slightly hobbit style voice

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

Post Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:33 am

mine is The Vortex

Post Wed Apr 26, 2006 2:59 pm

Drink Holder,cause I put all my snacks and drinks on the comp tower.


Post Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:30 am

My Comp is named Hal-9000, for because I cant get the pod bay doors (AKA the CD-ROM drive) to open. The family computer is named "Nick-stop-playing-Freelancer-and-go-study-calculus-or-mow-the-lawn-or-clean-your-room-or-do-something-productive" Because thats what she says whenever she sees it.

Post Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:04 pm

then chupa my good buddy you have not learned the ways of the phoenix lol
Just named the second PC in the's called mongrel..coz it's bits and pieces of old PC's put together and is just as lovable as a thorough-bred

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