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This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:08 am

I am now back at college to finish my degree (which is basically starting over) and I still work full time so I can only take 2 classes a semester. I am in classes with quite a few freshmen and I just wonder how they will ever make it out of college. I hear them complain about not being able to do what they want to because of thier parents or because they didn't get a car for their high school graduation. They sound so very ungrateful for what they have, which they really account to nothing. I hope that my children, when the wife and I start having them, focus a bit more on what they have and not what they don't.

Edited by - topher on 1/20/2006 12:09:01 PM

Post Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:27 am

"because they didn't get a car for their high school graduation."

you're kidding me I got exactly NOTHING for my high-school graduation, except to be told I'd better get off to university and get a degree or become a priest.

Post Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:42 am

I don't hate school. I don't think it's the most wonderful thing in my life, but then I have a twelve hour day anyhow (damn trains). I just coast, take it as it comes. Get's the job done. No point whining, nothing you can do about it.

Post Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:07 pm

No not joking. Actually complaining.

For Grad I got stuff to help with school, but nothing like that.

It's a pity, some people have no idea what life has in store for them, if they ever find their way out from under the shadow of Mommy and Daddy's protective wing.

Post Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:36 pm

well this is just great, bad test score, i can kiss my games good bye.

All grumpy rants subject to copyright.
The Shroud©/RvB TMC©

Post Fri Jan 20, 2006 6:47 pm

you get stuff for high school graduation!? i nevah knew that! *runs off to tell parents they owe me highschool grad presents *

Post Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:59 pm

why Oh Why they ever abolished Corporal punishment I have no idea, my secondary wasn't all that bad, my primary wasn't either, was a little countryside school, ran by leftover teachers, bless their hearts, from the fifties.

Whenever a teacher asked, you answered, not with yes master or miss, bit with Sir or Ma'am ( the dutch equivalent at least) no religion involved, all students were allowed their religious practice, but that was it, further, anytime a teacher entered said classroom, no matter what you were doing, you stood, if not, youd get pulled up by your ear, and get 2 smacks across ye face, if you dared to sit, before the teacher allowed, youd get your chair pulled out from under your arse, get pulled up by your hair, one kick up your arse, and two smacks across ye face.

if you were found posses forbidden goods, all goods were confiscated, and youd get sent to the headmaster, and get about a day to write 1,000 lines, every day you were late youd get 20 lines extra.

I don't quite know, why most people whine about their schools?? if youve Ever heard of anything called work and the horrors that sometimes can produce, you might thank your lucky stars that youre still in school, or did you think Mommy and Daddy have enough money to keep you lounging about on your arse for the rest of your life?? I don't know how many of you have won the lottery, but I imagine "none" comes closer to the exact number then "a few" but just for the sakes of it, lets imagine school was never invented, what do you think youd be doing??

A> continue life like now, playing games on computers, and ***** and moan about the lack of stuff to do

B> work like anyone else in the fields/factory/name any industry earning money so youd have something to eat on the table

for those that even try to answer, don't, for the sake of your intelligence, please don't, because I think you already know the answer.

Until then, what shall we do with school?? enjoy it to its fullest?? or will we continue the trend of *****ing and moaning about a teacher that gives you a little more homework because he thinks thats good for you?? Your choice Guv...

Post Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:58 pm

I'm around 13 and in these few short years, I've grown to appreciate school. In fact, I'd like to be able to learn but not have to get older and get a job. I must be whacked...
Anyway school is just fine but the public schools are kinda crap 'cuz of government underfunding.

I am defcon pilot, watch me nuke!

Post Sat Jan 21, 2006 1:27 am

Loc, they got rid of corporal punishment because some teachers took it too far. That's the way it always happens Some couldn't tell the difference between a birch cane and a +2 greater spiked club of wounding... well, you get my point.

Post Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:22 am

I have to agree with Topher, Taw, Locutov, et al- As someone who moved around a great deal during the initial 12 years of schooling- 15 schools, to be exact-, I saw quite a few different systems, some good, some bad. It could be considerably worse than what is out there now.There are those in southeast Asia who attend school seven days a week, for example- or, in some of the more isolated areas, where various social and cirriculum formats are tested because it's a "closed" population.

While im not thrilled by some of the things being touted as 'Being the Best for all students', the fact is that the education is, by and large, provided to you at little to no cost- and will, if you pay attention, give you the skills to operate in the Real World, including the realization that college is an essential item! Gripe if you will, but stick it out, because a GED amounts to exactly nothing in todays world where even a career in sales now requires a minimum of an associates degree in marketing....

Stick it out, and stay the course- or you, too, could spend a considerable amount of time kicking yourself in the arse for not doing so when you had the chance!

Post Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:38 pm

Not nearly enough is covered, especially in RE and History. Foreign countries don't exist! No Romans, no Buddha! Utter rubbish. What the hell is the point of teaching (predominantly) British christians about nothing other than [very select areas of Britain and Christianity?
I wonder.

Alas, the GCSEs are a-coming in a few months, so all guns'll be aiming in that direction after my half-term holidays in February.

Edited by - ~Corsair#01~ on 2/1/2006 12:39:38 PM

Post Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:28 pm

high school for me,was a soul crushing experience where i lost myself - i was never a *great* student but as the years ground on i didn't find myself feeling any drive to enroll in scholarships or volunteer for anything - school was a waste of my time and i knew it, i can safely say in honesty that 80% of what we did in school was keep busy copying italicized or even highlighted words from books,filling crosswords or drawing diagrams of cells etc,while the teachers graded the last classes work(ever heard of a TA?no?oh..thats right,we had three vice principles and two principles with snappy suits to pay,no money left over for assisting teachers)

what did i learn in high school? abomination called pre-algebra,uhmmm "biology"?(biology,in the US consists of memorizing some facts by rote and then regurgitating them onto your next test paper,and after that you'll have room for more useless uninteresting tripe)uhmmm...oh, i learned that school assemblies are generally the biggest waste of time in a school day - how many times can one watch stupid double-dare style games involving the student council and school admins before you just want to blow your brains out all over the other students?for me 1/2 times.

you can't force someone to learn,they have to WANT what you're the western world education is _not_ an opportunity,its a twelve year term of institutionalization - teaching students who don't want to learn; how to pass in spite of their disinterest.take my advice, if your school is as backwards as mine was you would be better off in an 'alternative' school or getting an early start in the labor force than wasting your time there.if you really want to learn,you can do it yourself and get a GED (compared to many HS's diplomas a GED looks pretty good - it says, hey i wanted this - i didn't just drag my feet until they had to get me out the door)

one last word for the good teachers,the ones who tried to show me that school is not just a series of mind numbingly simple tasks but an opportunity for growth and self realization: nuts

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