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This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 6:38 am


School Sucks. This is a disscusion for all to talk about how school sucks

don't you just love trading with imbeciles?

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 6:43 am

so.... do you have any particular reasons for hating school

some people say that crime didn't exist before GTA

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:27 am

It takes a few years under your belt, to apreciate school and the desire to redo a lot of things. I would trade anyone and go through school again. Bet I would get straight A's this time. Not for what I would know, but for the methods of learning I acuired.


Edited by - Finalday on 1/12/2006 9:26:53 AM

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 10:49 am

I'm fifteen, and I actually don't hate school. On the other hand, I actually chose my school for a reason; they're one of the three schools in Stockholm with a Litterature and Drama-class. I were one of the three thousand applying students that got chosen I really like school... Great friends, the teachers are amazing, the classes are fun. Everythings good with it.

So, why do you hate school? Got a valid reason which is not "Because I have to do homework when I wanna play games"-type reason?

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:07 am

School rocked, fairly hard. It did at the time too, although at that time I didn't appreciate this thing called "working" enough, so did the minimum to enable the fun to continue.

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:07 am

Aaargh, don't mention school to me. I've got 3 pieces of coursework due tomorrow (done them all, thankfully) and 2 AS Level Maths exams on Monday. Not mocks, the real thing. Bleh

I'm not evil, I'm morally challenged

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:36 am

I have to agree with FD- If I could only go back and redo all the stuff i didnt think I would 'need' later! knowledge is power- and that is even more true, now.

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 12:05 pm

2 AS Level Maths exams on Monday

Good luck

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 12:38 pm

My school system thinks its too much to ask for heating in the winter and air conditioning in the summer. Well, I take that back, the normal High Schools are all fairly well maintained, its my school, the "alternative" school, that gets screwed. Basically how the system works is this, if you want to go to a good school that has good teachers, good programs and overall a much better education, you sign up for my school. If you make it in (completely randomly chosen, so there's "no favoritism", when in fact they have to meet certain, um, "quotas" you will be bused in from all over the city to this old building (sharing the building with an elementary school, mind you) in a fairly central (not really, but at least I benefit from this) part of the city. We have no sports, therefore we bring in no money, therefore the school system tells us to forget about any money we want.

Enough complaining. We have some of the best teachers in the state (some are amazing) and a Humanities department that has been copied by every other "academic" school not just in the district, but all around Central Ohio. We have pretty much the highest graduation rates and test scores of any public school in the area, and a fairly well nationally ranked chess team (one of our only competitions, the other being mine, which I may get to later). One of our biggest things though is the AP/IB program. AP is Advanced Placement, which is commonly accepted at most colleges so you get college credit. We are the only school in the area to offer AP European History to sophomores (what I'm in right now) and these classes are weighted. Our Internationa Baccalaureate program is just starting out and a lot of us (myself included) see the futility in doing this because it isn't accepted by too many colleges, and we're too poor to be picky. The students aren't bad at all, even though we do seem to form somewhat static groups and schedules (to the point where not saying "oh no! it's Amira!" every day in European History implies that something is wrong).

School is good, Physics is boring and the kid who sits next to me in Latin is almost an ordained minister (not religious, he would just have the ability to marry people). Don't complain about school or not try, because you'll do better the more schooling you have. I may just be 15, but I've seen enough people fail out of school to know that it isn't worth it.

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:28 pm

I rather enjoy school. Though I'm still in High School, I'm taking college classes to get double credit, and have done extensive work with the AP program Eh_Steve has mentioned. Definitely a worthwhile investment.

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:33 pm

My school is.... hell, my whole county is run by a bunch of racists. Again, for me, school is hell. All my administrators think I'm gothic because I wear black shirts all the time. (Um...yeah. I come to a place like this where a bunch of Star Trek and Star Wars nerds gather, yeah, I'm really gothic.) Not to mention, my mom thinks this is the kind of school where you could look at a black person the wrong way and get yourself shot. (I have nothing against black people, but my parents say that the closest my girlfriend can ever be to black is hispanic.) This is why my mom is pulling me out of public school at the end of the year and having me start homeschooling. Except for the fact that I'll only be able to keep in touch with about three of my friends, it shouldn't be that bad. I'll only have to work for about four hours a day, I won't have to get up early, and I'll acutally be getting a much better education. Georgia schools are rated what, second worst in the nation? Or is it first?

School is a good thing, when all of your classmates aren't assholes, when your teachers and administrators aren't liars/racists/hypocrites and when you aren't in what is probably the poorest school in the state. (I almost got suspended for taking TWO KETCHUP PACKETS at lunch instead of one. And this was a day where we had burgers AND fries. One pack wasn't enough. Not to mention, all the cafeteria workers hate me because I went back and complained about there being hair in my food.)

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 5:02 pm

School is fun. I just have THE most BORING teachers ever. Heck i could teach the science class about as well as my teacher. And people would actually enjoy it. also, my BCT teacher marks your grade down 5 points for every misspelling(not that it matters that at least 75 wpm is required and she turns spell check off) she also will give me an 83 on a perfect paper for no visible reason. It’s great other wise. When I have a good teacher i make straight A's, when the teacher just sits there and talks all class without saying anything then well, it's hard. And it's obvious on me cards, I normally have something like 2 A's 3 B's a C in Spanish (i can barley speak English: P) and a d in bct because she regularly docks points off for no reason. The I.B. program is here to

Killa i know exacly what you mean about our "great" country

Edited by - The Shroud on 1/12/2006 5:06:26 PM

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 5:16 pm

people don't realize how good they have it during school. not having to worry about house bills and feeding yourself....quote from a lot of people. heh.

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 5:28 pm

i'm only a freshman, but i'm saying screw school this summer by taking my GED and getting a job,screw algebra two, who needs it? i don't plan on being a rocket scientist thank you very much.

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 5:32 pm

You really should rethink that. A GED is ok, but the courses and graduation is much better in the eyes of employers and colleges. Also, at your age, very few jobs will be available as most hire 18 or older.

Edited by - Elim Garak on 1/12/2006 5:37:44 PM

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