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This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:23 pm

I really enjoy my college. What can be better then training for a job you already love to do?

Post Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:37 am

Getting paid for it?

Post Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:55 am

Personally, the only reason i go to school now is because of my friends being there. I personally think that the administration is scared of me.
Ive been dissalowed from talking to the schoold network administrators, have been the subject of, *counts...*, 4 IT department inquiries (All not my fault, there were just looking for a scapegoat), god knows what else...
Frankly i can't say i blame them (I accidentaliy discovered that i could bring thier 'network' crashing to it's knees, without effort, in under 15 minutes)

People my age are a lot more understanding, however, the 'elders' that are meant to keep us happy in that school, well...
the 'student welfare co-ordinator' is anything but. his behaviour to me personally is more along the lines of 'Student slavery co-ordinator'.
Cant say i'm happy with them at all.

Post Fri Jan 13, 2006 6:06 am

at my school, most of the classes suck, the teachers are annoying, and it is BORING....

don't you just love trading with imbeciles?

Post Fri Jan 13, 2006 6:45 am

school. depends on the crowd you're in, the teachers, administration. the last one i was in, administration -sucked-. bigtime. they're made entirely of this new type of matter called hypocritter (hypocrites).

but i'm in college now, doing my A levels. btw. AS maths in january? unless the timing's off, i did all my AS november last year. including maths - which sucked big time.

the school before the one that sucked was pretty good other than the sky high tuition fees. then again, the IT network there was pitiful, you only had to cross your fingers and concentrate a bit and the whole network goes down and the computer you're supposed to work with starts up with a blue screen 'o death.

otherwise school is good. fun stuff. sometimes bad sometimes good. college i'm in, well they're all cool, other than the fact that the lights go out for no reason at least one class in a day. but hey, i'm paying nothing, so i'm not complaining.

as for homework, i like it, primarily cause of the sense of achievement you get when you finish it. but now, here in college, homework is seemingly nonexistant, so everyone ends up making homework for themselves, without which you won't do good.

either way, i'm out of college with my A levels soon, and to university i go.

Post Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:28 am

We're doing the C1 and C2 exams now, for some reason (I too am equally mystified) but that just means less revision in Summer. But why would you do all your AS in November? The modules are simply too long for that to be practical...

Post Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:38 pm

(I accidentaliy discovered that i could bring thier 'network' crashing to it's knees, without effort, in under 15 minutes)

lmao... hmm. 15 minutes of accidental fiddling would stretch most depts immaginations to the limit, so no wonder they suspected you...

Post Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:41 pm

I Hated school with a passion, everyone did all they could to make it as hard as possible for me, kids picked on me and attacked me and the teachers (and in some cases did the same as the kids) ignored it all, none of the teachers would help me. so i did my best and despite one literature teachers best efforts to get me to drop-out (she actually went down to the office during class picked up the withdrawl forms and gave them to me in front of the entire class of 30 people) i Graduated, i never want to go back it's bad enough i work on a school bus and have to see that school five days a week

Post Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:17 pm

School sucked...and then there was COLLEGE. And college, as it just so happens, doesn't suck.

Post Sat Jan 14, 2006 6:25 am

college doesn't suck. yep. and in response to evil thing, i'm not sure how your stuff works, but my exams lasted about a month. from late october to late november. for 4 subjects.

Post Sat Jan 14, 2006 2:09 pm

Ouch Kimk. My finals only lasted five days. I feel so sorry for you.

Post Sun Jan 15, 2006 2:33 am

Well, kimk, I think there are about 8 - 10 maths modules this year that I have to do, plus another 2 or 3 history papers and 3 - 4 physics papers. Aside from the two maths modules I'm doing tomorrow the rest will be in June - July and the whole period should last about two months. That wasn't the point, how can you do all your AS at the start of the school year?

Post Sun Jan 15, 2006 5:58 am

lol evil, erm, you're doing the london ones are you ? i'm not sure, here's how mine works.

my proggy started jan 3rd '05. went for classes and all that stuff, then in november we sit for our AS (advanced subsidiary). the papers from cambridge, not edexcel (sp?) london. that was lets see.. 3 papers (including pracs) for each science subject of which i take 2, and 2 papers for non-sciences, which i take 2. so that comes to 10 papers over the course of nearly a month. something like a paper every other day on average.

does that clear things up? our classes dont start in september like harry potter does. and i assume your academic system follows his.

Post Sun Jan 15, 2006 10:26 am

Aha, yes... d'oh

And we do OCR I think, anyway (Oxford, Cambridge, RSA). So we also do Cambridge papers, if that's, presumably, what you mean

Post Mon Jan 16, 2006 7:38 am

school DOES suck...

after being tricked into coming to a specific school, you cant expect too much. When I was choosing my High School in 8th grade there was one that stood out. They offered laptops for duration of school (for special projects and such), and even when I went on interview they told me that by junior year they will find me an apprentice job with engineering firm (since I am going for an engineer).

Well I did go to that school, and guess what all those things are LIES, LIES I TELL YA!! I am in middle of junior year, no laptops or jobs.....

and some of the god damn comment. I mean I got a Chem teacher that (he says so) did not read a chem book in like 20 years...but here he is teaching. I mean he DOES know chemistry but sure as hell CAN NOT explain it. I mean if the WHOLE junior class is lost, there must be a problem with him, a serious problem!

thats pritty much for sucky my school is...and administration, comments are not even required, but I will mention a few just for hell of it. Each year we get a new principal, we are on our 3rd (and by far bad/good one). This guy tends to scream for no reasons, tries to make afterschool program mandatory (HA he can kiss my...). "IF YOU WILL NOT GO, WE WILL CALL YOUR PARENTS AND TELL THEM TO FORCE YOU TO GO". Thats what he said afterschool wise. I mean if someone does not need extra help, why in the world should they waste their time?! Well all out rtips were canceled too. Some idiot punched a hole in the wall (yup...thats how cheap our school is), and the principal canceled ALL field trips for ALL classes....
ON the good side though, this eyar there were a few improvements school building wise (new boards etc)...but still, did I mention that my school is in a mall? Yup a mall...its not one of those BIG malls (that would be nice), but its some small shopping center in middle of the city. There are like 2 stores and 3 schools there

DeviantART - LeonhartBA

Edited by - Leonhart on 1/16/2006 7:50:09 AM

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