Wed Nov 23, 2005 11:55 am by Born To Be Wild
don't mean to turn this into a silly DS vs PSP rant, but the PSP is 1000x better. Nintendogs is one good game. Wipeout Pure, Ridge Racers (by far better than the DS version), Coded Arms, Untold Legends, Lumines, and every other game for the PSP is in the hundreds. Granted, the PSP is more breakable, and costs more, but unless you're a stupid clutz or you have very little money on your hands, buy the PSP. Believe me, the first time you turn one on you will feel that even at $250 you are ripping off SOny SO bad. It actually costs them $436 each to make, they make money back on the games. Say that to any loser who claims the PSP is overpriced. Grab a PSP movie on UMD and try it, it is so near DVD quality that it's shcoking. The games aren't much worse, and check this: The PSPs processor is designed to run at 333MHz. All the current games run at 222MHz. The PSP's CPU is running at only 2/3 of it's potential. DS lovers, you have just been PWNED!!!!!