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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:47 pm

FALSE? Bah! And I am not self-deified, RILMS deified me! Besides, we rabbits are a peaceful people, and everyone knows that you are a bloodythirsty, rabbit-slaughtering, bunny-intolerant autocrat. Who do you think that they will prefer? Hmmm? The evil Mullah? I think NOT!

Post Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:32 am

Indeed, I cannot believe there are people willing to follow one who could slaughter sweet, wittle bunny wabbits without a second thought. They were probably just harmless tourists anyways, but I don't know why our people would want to visit a sandy backyard. Hey how far back does Tawakalnistan's and Esquilaxitavia's conflict go anyways?

Post Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:30 pm

<crackle> <fizz>

... live via Tawsat 1, the latest technological triumph of Tawakalnistan, recently launched on the al-Tawass Mk XXXVIII rocket from Tawakalnistan's hitherto top-secret facility (cunningly disguised as my back garden) Al-Tawazeera television is pleased to beam into the bedrooms, studies, and burrows of the world, exclusive footage of brave Tawakalnistani fedayeen commandos in action against furry long-eared invaders,valiantly clearing out wabbit wawwens and driving the hoppity interlopers into waiting cooking pots...

... here we witness a squad of highly-disciplined Tawakalnistanis with their latest high-tech weaponry..

...froma position of concealment a stealthy sniper prepares to take a bunny out at long range - the cawwot-eater doesn't stand a chance...!

... at the same time an RPG trooper takes on a whole wawwen and prepares to blow the central ginger-beer storage tanks to smithereens, and other targets of opportunity like 386 computers..

... then front-rank fedayeen move in to clear out the wawwen and mop-up any wemaining wabbit pockets of wesistance..

...while these watchful soldiers keep a close eye out for wabbit counter-attacks. Watch out for those teeth and claws, boys!

...finally a fierce charge across the wawwen deals with the last of the wabbit stwagglers, making sure that the people of Tawakalnistan dine well tonight on wabbit pie (although all the lead might make it a bit stodgy) Take no prisoners, i haven't got any more room in the garage and wabbit-food's expensive!

... as Tawsat-1 is now about to go out of range, and Mrs Taw wants to use it's available frequencies for eBay, that's it from Al-Tawazeera for tonight! Goodnight and happy wabbit-hunting!

Edited by - Tawakalna on 9/7/2006 3:54:07 PM

Post Thu Sep 07, 2006 2:20 pm

Wouldnt it be fair if we had someone on the wabbits side?

Post Thu Sep 07, 2006 2:47 pm

No. it's perfectly fair as it is.

Post Thu Sep 07, 2006 3:10 pm

I have my vulture on the way to cunduct areal raids on the ummm Soldiers. They will be decimaing them and taking them from the field of battle to the great melting pot for retired plastic army men. Thus alowing the Rabbit to gain a victory against the desert kingdom.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/7/2006 4:16:16 PM

Post Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:44 pm

That feed from Al Tawazeera is pure fabrication. Everyone knows that even in the Mullahtawgawny Military, all servicemen are required to wear camouflage burkhas.

Clearly, those guys are actors recruited from the local infidel population for only they would be impious enough as to reveal their homely visages before a camera .

Edited by - Indy11 on 9/7/2006 8:44:53 PM

Post Thu Sep 07, 2006 8:26 pm

Taw - "High-tech weaponry"? Most of your soldiers, if they can so be called, seem to be equipped with modified Springfield rifles and Kalashnikovs. I suppose that weapons based upon classics from the early 1900's and 1970's are still modern in Tawakalnistan . Besides, you have no idea what is awaiting you. Esquilaxitavia's 11th line of defense will mop up your paltry forces easily, despite being somewhat under-equipped. May I present, The Long Patrol!

Final - Thank you, I appreciate your support.

Indy - By the way, where are "Mercenaryettes 'R' Us"? Retired to work for Hugh Heffner?

Jag - I have no idea. I know that the problems eventuated when Taw betrayed his "Socialist paradise" and converted the PDRNS into "Tawakalnistan". Truly, it was a sad day for Socialism.

Edited by - esquilax on 9/7/2006 9:27:17 PM

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:46 am

Oh. Uh. We don't seem to have a meeting of the minds in terms of adequacy of compensation.

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 8:20 am

@Finalday- It seems you've managed to find a unit for your army that's the spitting image of yourself! Funny how that works...

Taw's actually got quite a nice setup to get propaganda into the burrows. After all, who needs satellite dishes when you have 'rabbit-ears'?

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:56 am

indeed, J Dawg, and the Tawsat-1 transmits on frequencies harmonious to the natural resonance of the foil-hats worm by rabbits to supposedly protect them from elctro-magnetic radiation! who says we don't have the appliance of science in Tawakalnistan? I have a Zanussi dishwasher and washing machine, I'm high-tech!

Bird-Man - do you think we haven't seen Flash Gordon in Tawakalnistan? We're well prepared for your feathery attempts to violate our sovereignty..

(I'll admit that the boys need bit more training, they haven't quite mastered the "up" part of the aiming process yet, but they're getting there..) Should any of your pigeon-men actually get through our well-prepared anti-air defences, we have ground troops armed with weapons more than capable of penetrating any beard, even yours (and we know a bit about beards, remember?)

(hmm, that tank-driver with the big beard looks awfully familiar! )

Wabbit - your great-great-great Uncle Blackberry might well have defended his warren against yokels armed with pitchforks and cudgels, however this is the 20th Century now (ok it's the 21st but the 70s never died in Tawakalnistan) Here's how the Tawakalnistani man-in-the-street, your average Al-Sunnah Page 3 reader, derisively greeted your announcement when it was reported over Al-Tawzeera this morning before prayers..

but if it's old-skool warfare you want, we can do that too!

Capitalist Blood-Sucking Vampire - Lies! the reason the pictures from Tawsat-1 lack resolution is because, due to unfair Western technology embargoes, we have to make do with what we can cobble together ourselves. Tawsat-1 is a little miracle of tin-foil, cardboard, some old television tubes and valves, and duct-tape - a technique we copied off MacGuyver! Although i will admit that a few of the boys had to have the odd incentive to take part in this news broadcast (shoes, for instance)

Your lack of quid-pro-quo from your mercenaryettes is a judgement on your hedonistic and self-indulgent lifestyle - let that be a warning to you!

As a point of hysterical fact, relations between Tawakalnistan, or rather it's former polity incarnation, and Wabbit-land were peaceful to the point of ignowance, until said "Gweat" Wabbit chose to a/ offend us by declaring himself divine, or rather getting one of his minions to do it for him py proxy, and b/ side with his drunken antipodean cohort when it appeared that said drunken antipodean might have laid waste Tawakalnistan. Needless to say, it was a terrible lapse of judgement...

Edited by - Tawakalna on 9/8/2006 12:44:56 PM

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:38 am

A smashing broadcast Taw, though it seems you've neglected two of the essential elements of a news announcement:

1.) Angry fist-waving Mullahs
2.) Angry fist-waving citizens fireing automatic weapons into the air with no regard for where the bullets land.

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:49 am

I'm busy poring over detailed plans for our final assault on the warren-dwellers. Tawsat-1 is a reconnaissance satellite as well as a televisual relay device, you know...

what fantastic resolution! Who needs Google Earth, hey?

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:15 pm

Bah! You betrayed us first! Besides, I am venerated far more than you are. Just look here:

The Year of the Rabbit . There ain't no "Year of the Mullah"! As for Blackberry, his spirit lives on in Esquilaxitavia, as does his military skill and cunning. You will not catch us prepared, especially now that I have commenced training my new anti-Tawakalni stormtroopers!

That's "Sixtus" in the above picture. Truly a great rabbit, and a war hero. *Salutes*

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:11 pm

funny looking flopsy-bunnies on that manuscript there, Eskwilurks; look more like baa-baas to me! Yoo shoor they're bunny-wabbits? And wotchoo got a pickchoor of Chairman Mao holding a big plush stuffed bunny for?

don't think that I'm not wise to your real plan - hiding bunnies in FD's beard and jumping out while he swoops low over Tawakalnistan late on a Friday afternoon.

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