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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:31 am

"It wasn't I who took the Poets word
And of it fashioned a warrior's sword
But to the challenge I rose for good or ill
And wielded their blade with far more skill

For blessed by Apollo in this quarrel
Upon my brow did fall the Poet Laurel
My metre both Drunk and Hare aped in alacrity
But imitation, they say, is the sincerest flattery

Insults aplenty then did ensue
Mostly from Ol' Long Ears who
Lacking talent, doth descend to slurs
Of the origin of Tawakalna's verse

'From Mary Jane!' the Hare doth vent
But this old shilling now is spent
Not from intoxicants does Taw now speak
But by the grace of Parnassus' peak

For skilled in classics is your Taw
And Macaulay, Byron, and Milton saw
The same derivation, from the past
Dear Vergilius' stanzas to recast

For of the ancients is the Mullah
From Fabius Maximus through noble Colonna
And of that blood that 'gainst Hannibal strove
Will ne'er fearful of parvenu Antipodeans prove

Like wrathful Achilles' the Hare may seek to frame
And as drunken Menelaus, vile Mustang the same
But of Priam's tribe Tawakalna doth descend
And from Aeneas' foundation he does tend

And so we come to this point
With copied verse the Fools disjoint
With rude skill they do intend
With the Mullah's Augustan wit to contend

The Chimaera to be a poet does aspire
In vain he plucks at great Apollo's lyre
But in this endeavour the God strikes him dumb
Byan unfortunate lack of an opposable thumb

Small hope they have and little cheer;
The Towelled One laughs, without fear
At these two offending churls
Whose rhymes are those of little girls

And if yet the lesson is not learned
Once again with words shall mine enemies burn
Once again affirm that which all Reactor knows;
- Perhaps you two should stick hence to prose?"

Swiss; I believe that this will see us right?

Edited by - Tawakalna on 11/13/2006 9:14:41 AM

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:35 am

In the carefully counted meter of the pendulum's sway
Doth the the Mighty Mullah Leader tell of the day,
When glorious light did shine on his lands
Oh bountious oasis, ripe Tawakalnastan.

With venemous dirth the Rabbit does resist
His vloumous stansas they still do persist.
But volume and reality they do not collide
And all that is found there are delusions and lies.

He accuses Mullah Taw, soul pious and clean,
Of narcotic inspired, drug-induced dreams.
While the Rabbit himself imbibes Ginger Beer
The only offender of using "the gear".

Now down from the mountain to supply reinforcements
Wallows Mustang Lame Llama with his feeble endorcements.
"Yay Esqui we love you! Rabbit you're brilliant!"
Limp back where you came from, our will is resilliant.

With patient resolve and quiet determination
Taw plots his return and extermination,
Of all who stand between he and his place
As leader of his lands with wisdom and grace.

Enjoy your day Flopsey while briefly it lasts
For soon you'll return to homsteads of past,
To the dark and foul holes into which you did burrow,
You shall once again crawl, to lick wounds in sorrow.

The seeds have been sown the plans have been drawn
Troops shall atack the bunnies at dawn.
Feirce is their anger mighty their wrath
None shall stay living who stand in their path.

The engines of war are oiled and tick, idle
Generals and footmen alike wait Taw, the idol,
To raise his right hand and order, Huzzar!
"Drive Esquilax the rodent from our home afar."

EDIT: Taw, you persist in offering Swiss generous sums in return for his services while all the time he is openly dealing with the enemy? Our agents have followed him through the streets of your former capital "pressing the paw" so to speak with the occupying forces. I understand your loyalty but by his own admission, the loyalty he returns is only that which you pay for.

Edited by - "Tors" on 11/13/2006 5:25:31 AM

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:53 am

"Dear Tors I'm sure my pecuniary bribe
Between you and Druid will be imbibed
For different sides of the same coin you are
But he sells me far better cars

Your rhyming ode I do admire
But Druid's Ladas i shall hire
For an interest in Swiss Dru I own
And cashback I shall make upon my loan

For a financial triangle we have made
Indy loans the money, and for this i trade
And receive modified Ladas by the score
To prosecute my holy war

And sweet interest on this deal I get
Of up to twenty-five per cent
And no matter how this noble fight is done
I'll bless those dollars, every one!"

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:15 am

@Taw: Received and welcome. You can take for granted your supply of cocktail umbrellas for pool-side refreshments while staying at Indy Corp Luxury Resorts shall continue. Further those "items" you requested have been procured and await delivery. One final issue, the private services of Nurse Hornbucket, Dr. Ids personal assistant, shall continue for a time as yet unspecified. Her unique method of satisfying your equally unique needs shall remain a "medical" and very private matter.

Sweet indeed is your profit of 25 percent,
Sweeter still your weed, with mild Virginia scent.
Your loyalty as a customer is repaid my mate
With borrowings supplied at a favourable rate.

You see Tors there's a man in Taw with financial savvy,
Flushing your offers straight down into the lavy.
Two sides of the same coin Taw may have said,
But you are the butt end while I am the head.

You fail to understand how I play both sides of the war,
Building an Empires for the bunny, selling motors to Taw.
Why so tough to comprehend for a "covert operator"
Perhaps 'tis you is the bunny infiltrator?

Just look at the facts man and admit what you outght'a,
'Twas you took the doctor and held him for torture.
'Twas you called the bunny and bribed him for favour,
With foul a smelling beverage of Ginger Beer flavour.

You ask "trust me" when still you conceal,
Just what your name is, not Tors, but for real.
So off with your cloak now and bare all to see,
Just who's this pretender, with double ID.

If not then so be it, continue your guise,
But allow me and Taw our own enterprise,
Stay in the shadows with your thoughts to yourself
Have your own private joke you mischeivous elf.

Edited by - Druid on 11/13/2006 9:35:35 AM

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:28 am

"In further explanation, Tors,
Of our convenient financial course
This is how the deal it goes;
I borrow dollars, and spend Euros.

With stacks of bullion am I gifted
Which from Tawakalnistan's Central Bank was lifted
And shares-a-plenty I did previous buy
My retirement plan, long since put by

And each time I spend, it does revert
To untraceable gold coinage, as interest convert
and nary a farthing does go amiss
To that secret offshore account, set up by Swiss"

Edited by - Tawakalna on 11/15/2006 7:32:04 AM

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:43 am

Mine eyes doth survey twist'd up verse and paragraph,
woe to they who come 'pon this thread for confusion shall be 'pon the mind.

Alas! Woe! sayeth they who spieth the comings and goings and verses spread here in and understand not.

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:53 pm

Alas I have had the banks on the phone,
and have informed them of this dodgey loan.
Greenback borrowed against the yen,
and set against the trade of men.

The board members are mates and easily plied,
and the transfer of cash they have denied.
For told them that Taw acts to cozen,
so they stopped his finance with assets frozen.

So if I were a Druid stuck in such a trade,
I'd tear up contracts and agreements made.
For Taw will give you less than nada,
While he steals your truck and your lada.

Edited by - Mustang on 11/13/2006 3:08:01 PM

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:47 pm

Musty my friend go back to your squallor,
You have no understanding of euro and dollar.
The transaction is made, finances secured,
Twelve dozen Lada the Mullah procured.

You see all my assets, like my vices, are liquid,
A dollar here, a country there, I'm not stuck for a quick quid.
You think you're connected, can screw up my deal?
Lay of the GB's, try to get real.

I'll throw you a bargain though, sale of the century,
Have you well sorted, living like gentry.
My NooDworkian venture, cinema style,
With Indy Corp realty, arrives in a while.

Now to fill up the seats, on premier night,
Some "reel" entertainment, would set me up right.
Those tapes of young Jessy, Mrs Rabbit to you?
The ones we made way back, now they just might do.

For a nice little sum, befitting a Llama,
I'd be willing to pay, for just such a drama.
Picture yourself mate, on the red carpet,
An arm lewdley draped, 'round some little starlet?

You want me? Just whistle, no need for a phone.
Just put 'em together, and make up a tone.
Before you say Bogart, I'll make you a famous,
Don't worry if you break the heart, of some ignoramous.

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:50 pm

Taw - Not bad, but "poet's word" and "warrior's sword" (among others)? Now yer jus' strainin' fer rhymes! I also note your sudden interested in your "ancient lineage" from Roman times. And I thought that you were O-so proud of your "peasant roots"! Oh yes, that will make its way into my next opus ...

To and fro the battle was fought,
Despite the Mullah's efforts achieved has he naught,
Handing over the reigns to followers youthful,
Would be his desire, were he open and truthful.

For the rabbits did espy from their once-Tawakalnic village,
The wrinkles that did colour the Mullah's leering visage,
A sign of time's ravages, cruel eld and age,
Something the Rabbit knew not, for he was youthful but sage.

The Mullah's self-worth was clearly on the line,
Evidenced by his reminiscing, for of Rome he did pine,
The glorious days of yore he did fondly recall,
Despite the destruction from Rome's lofty fall.

Soon appeared claims of ancient nobility,
Not doubt brought on by the Mullah's senility,
Of "proud peasant blood" was the cry not nine days a-gone,
Subsumed these claims are, with an obvious con.

Setting aside for a time the Mullah's lack of sagacity,
The Rabbit revealed the truth of Taw's wallet's capacity,
For much legal tender was spent through the Mullah's largesse,
But alas Tawakalnic dollars are scarce, and I.O.Us in excess.

Through Capitalist means the Mullah did fight his war,
Purchasing weapons and Ladas by the score,
Outdated cars and faulty weapons aside,
His poetic attacks could not pierce the rabbit's thick hide.

For reference to dead poets does not a good poem make,
For listing their names can be a mistake,
For listing those that have borne the laurel,
Will often lead to a subjective quarrel.

"Byron is better!" one party will shout,
While "I prefer Keats !" will their opponent spout,
And what does this prove, a perceptive rabbit must ask,
Not much, but poetic ability may it mask.

Now the time has come for you to commence your attack,
Although poor it will be, you poetical hack,
For you attempt to defeat the noble rabbit brave and bold,
A rabbit who has won the physical war all told.

For the Rabbit will fight, time and tide permitting,
With attacks shrewd, cunning and unremitting,
Until such time the Mullah's interest doth wane,
A long time this will be, for this thread be his bane.

The Mullah may fight to protect his collection of "pr0n",
But the Rabbit fights for values long gone,
Honour and freedom for all is the Bunny's great cry,
For with these values held dear, no will can defy.

The power of the Rabbit is undeniable and clear,
Despite the presence of paws and long ear,
While the Mullah's accruements are base and foul,
For his features tell all why don he the towel.

Tors/ID - Money doesn't buy happiness, as evidenced by the cheerful bunny back when he was unemployed. Still, enjoy your profits, as ill-gotten as they are. How you can continue to support Taw'ho I'll never know...

Musty - Nice!

Edited by - esquilax on 11/13/2006 5:06:16 PM

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:11 pm

Haha, good one Esq, I like that one a lot.

To my dearest Druid

Oh how weak do you think I am,
to be corrupted by this cinema sham.
I am not so blinded by boob and pie,
as to bleed my alliance with the bunny dry.

For I know if I fall for cash and whore,
there will come a knock upon my door.
My room intruded by bunnies in black,
My unconsious body thrown into hessian sack.

Driven to a bridge over yonder river,
My body bludgeoned till it quiver.
Tossed over bridge to down below,
To jagged rocks over which rivers flow.

For one should not cross allies,
nor sell them out for any prize.
For one day they will get you back,
with a visit paid by the bunnies in black.

Edited by - Mustang on 11/13/2006 5:22:01 PM

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:09 pm

Thanks Musty, but black-clad rabbits? *Raises furry eyebrow* Oh yes, that ! Bah, 'twas merely a misunderstanding. The Rabbit-King has no need to "strong-arm" anyone, he merely uses his superior linguistic skills and superlative persuasive abilities. Still, I have heard reports that indicate that some of my old Rabbit Mujahideen may still be around, namely those that have not yet accepted my new role as King of Esquilaxitavia (the vast majority form the core of my Chivalric Knights). Therefore I wonder whether or not my good friend and ally the Llama's fears are entirely unfounded. Hmm. Well, there's only one thing that can be done... Chevalier , to arms and to horse! Capture those religious fundamentalists and return them here for questioning! Tell them the Great Chimaera requires their presence! *Dusts paws* There! Feel better now?

Still, I should provide you with a token of my appreciation. I hereby name thee Viceroy Mustang I, ruler of the principality of Esquilaxistan! Will you accept and become my vassal? *Holds out coronet*

Edited by - esquilax on 11/13/2006 6:11:22 PM

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:34 pm

Message from Mustantopian Minister of Long Voyagers

To most gracious Esquillax bunny friend

Thanking you for generous offer to glorious leader to rule Esquilaxistan. For generous offer make complete glorious leader requests 'Kingdom of Mustang Intervillagal Gyrocopter Ports for Long Voyages' need constraction of moving stair machine. Villagers complain that climb 100ft cliff side to reach terminus makes difficult after long gyrocopter air travel. We give them restitutional prostitute but complain they continue. So must we have moving stair machine? To this we say yes.

Many times thanking you bunny friend for offers grand.

Igor Nonivastok
Mustantopian Minister of Long Voyagers

Edited by - Mustang on 11/13/2006 6:50:13 PM

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:08 pm

To: Igor Nonivastok
From: Lord Bertram B. Hopwil II
Subject: Re: Sweetening the deal...

Greetings Igor. We are disappointed that your Master the Grand Llama requires further incentives before accepting the Rabbit-King's most generous offer to become His vassal, however due to the recent war of words, your reluctance is somewhat understandable. In regards to your specific request for a "moving stair machine" (aka "Stairway to Heaven" ), with the tireless intrepidity of the four-pawed, the Rabbitfolk of Esquilaxtivia are currently looking into it. Examinations of the Grand "Mosque" have revealed even more hidden chambers, some storing works of art and watercolours, and we have decided to offer a small sampling of these for the viewing pleasure of your citizens when using the future "Stariway to Heaven". Here is an artist's conception:

We expect to have the construction completed within eight months once the project has been confirmed, with assistance from SwissDrui Industries, namely engineers and materials purchased at cost (they owe us). Fortunately, the project has already been paid for by renting out the "Mosque" to Esquilaxitavian pilgrims and foreign nobility. If the above is to your liking, please contact us and we will begin construction immediately.


Lord Bertram B. Hopwil II, High Seneschal of Esquilaxitavia.

Edited by - esquilax on 11/13/2006 7:23:02 PM

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:42 pm

Message from Mustantopian Minister of Long Voyagers

Dear Lord Bertram B. Hopwell II, High Sexual of Esquilaxitavia.

Many hello's from your good friend of Igors!

We make love together with building plan of great 'Stairway to Haven'. Glorious Leader tells us to make transport of large cases of goats testicles to your houses. These give pleasurable consumption at the table of dinner and furnish loins with largest horn for purposes of satisfaction for beautiful women. Our extraction gives best possesions for concerned parties!

Tomorrow constraction of great moving stair machine begins! Villagers make big sign "No Mullah's and No Fat Chicks endorsed on Stairway to Haven", Glorious Leader made most amusing sound at seeing manufacture of sign. We welcome King of Bunnies to produce visit to our glorious nation to make appreciation at illustrated openening of 'Stairway to Haven' and open invitation to Lord Bertram to make visit also.

Many time we give many thanks and look forward to immense relationships between glorious nations!

Igor Nonivastok
Mustantopian Minister of Long Voyagers

Post Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:59 pm

Ah this is good stuff, kinda makes me wish I could write poetry. Oh well. I think I'll go to that "Stairway to Heaven" opening if I can, I don't get to dress up often. I've been really busy lately trying to handle so called "anti-wabbit" propoganda, among which the newest depicts our Great Leader "hoppin' down the wabbit trail" directly into a pot of stew with fedayeen concealed in the surrounding foilage.

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