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Post Sun Oct 30, 2005 11:23 pm

but do i even want to fly around in a spaceship without a cockpit? no not really. great pics and I'm sure its even better than x2 in terms of simulation but no cockpit? thats like playing an fps without guns, imo. I hate to say it but for now 'm going to pass on x3. sorry.

But I thought the following games were amazing points in Space Sim history, yet they had no cockpits either:

Freespace 1
Freespace 2

My first reaction was "Oh no cockpit, hmm..." - but after playing the game for 5 hours, I didn't notice/think/bemoan my cockpit missing. Now I am not sure I even want it back either.
Of course, the expectation is that modders will put the cockpit back in, but you have played other space sims without them, and enjoyed them immensley as well. I wouldn't brush off a game because of the lack of cockpit, especially in light of the calibre of other sims that were missing them as well. X3 is sooo much more, that the cockpit is a minor concern.

What you should be concerned about is the bugs, and like I say - unless your an "X" nutt like myself, I would buy it after the next patch to be honest, as there are still quite a few little bugs in it that prove annoying. For example, I have a tooltip that unfortunately saved as a black box on my screen (right at the bottom, you can see it in some screenshots). When you talk to someone (top right hand corner of screen you have a mini cam window, like the one on the left showing your objects in my screenshots) - sometimes the images flicker to someone else (weird). The storyline has some bugs still (not met them, but Giskard has told me to save a fresh new slot when I hear about a "scanner ship", as the ending is bugged...

Although the 1.2 patch is out, that addressed major issues. It will be alot safer to wait until the 1.3 patch, which will probabily be a few more weeks. That is the good thing about patches, the Publisher doesn't get to force their hand, they work and release when they are ready.

Post Mon Oct 31, 2005 2:05 am

WTF? Those games ALL had cockpits! Unless you meant fully 3d cockpits..but FS2 definantly had some sort of cockpit graphics...Its no biggie but I did enjoy panning around the capital ship cockpits on long flights...I guess they decided if they were going to include cockpits they had to be done better, and that would take up too much processing power from an already just passable game, nm.

Post Mon Oct 31, 2005 2:13 am

can you fly through the atmosphere and land on the surface? or do you end up doing an impression of a meteor shower? and could i not touch the story, at all ever?

Post Mon Oct 31, 2005 4:02 am

well, yes FS1 & FS2 didnt have cockpit frames as such, but they did have a superbly designed HUD which fulfilled all the functions of a cockpit. Elite, well thats of such a vintage that it aint really comparable. Everything else in the space-sim line has iirc had cockpits, although you could toggle them on and off in some games.

Post Mon Oct 31, 2005 5:53 pm

I couldn't make out what the HUD displays indicate but cockpits don't really do all that much unless they display working telemetry and switches, etc. I would prefer a completely open view with drop downs as needed based upon keyboard selections anyway. I love the wide open unobscured view.

Post Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:14 pm


Nice screenies.. wow!!... The polycount tho.. a modellers dream ..

No wonder computers that cant hack the pace wont allow better res..

I just added another gig of pc400 ram.. but I wonder if my Nvdia 5600XT with 256 mb of ddr ram will handle it.. or do I need to overclock the card?

Wow.. polycounts .. *wanders off thinking about 150k poly ships/stations etc*...

Is this version moddable?


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