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Playing X3, please leave a message after the tone.

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:39 am

Playing X3, please leave a message after the tone.


I'll give you some feedback and more images at a later date - like tonight, or tomorrow.... or Xmas.

Edited by - Chips on 10/28/2005 4:39:22 AM

Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:09 am

I've heard tis a beast, I need to get me a new 256mb graphics card first (although the 5900 ultra 128mb is alot better some lower quality 256's)

Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:07 am

*rubs hands greedily*


*grins wider*

You can stuff yer Van Goughs and Da Vinchis, that ^ is art. Now I just have to upgrade the abacus.

Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:50 am

1st impressions:

Its beautiful... stunning, fantastic and awesome. But where the hell is the cockpit! A big point of contension over at Egosoft, the lack of cockpit overlay. Essentially X2 only had around 10 cockpits, shared between all craft - and many did not fit "perfectly".
In X3 they have literally redone every single bleeding ship in the game (I actually liked some of the old designs) and naturally, they all look gorgeous. The same for every station as well - new models, new textures etc. It all looks phwoarsome (also planets, as you can see!), and nothing graphical has been left out (lasers/weapons are much better). The new graphics engine has obviously had a massive impact on the game.

However, all this work has ensured that within their publisher deadline, they could never make 100+ cockpits (more like 200+ apparently), so they removed it (instead of leaving in old crap ones). This has caused massive upset, with many cancelling their orders/pre-orders too.

So what else is new? The interface, which is taking some getting used to. Luckily, whilst its 100% navigable with the mouse (point n click), it still retains the old keyboard shortcuts - which I find far easier to use than the point and click. Everything does look more modern though, more contemporary in the design than the old fashioned interface (which looked like it was from the 90's).
Interface screenshot 1
Interface screenshot 2
Interface screenshot 3

There are mutterings that the interface was one reason that cockpits weren't made, and it may indeed be true as so far Egosoft have not expressed any intention to make cockpits for the ships.

The lack of cockpits does mean that upon loading the game, it really doesn't feel as involving as X2 was. After just 3 hours of playing, I am getting used to it - indeed, I can see that there maybe more than 1 reason alone why they were left out. The new interface means ships/stations have little blue object squares on your, erm, screen - encircling the objects (clickable). A reduced view cockpit could look awfully cluttered with 5 ships in view, whereas the main screen without cockpits needs about 16 to look really cluttered.

The flight physics have changed, the ships have "mass" etc, which makes the handling alot more realistic and enjoyable too. It's also more challenging. The AI is noticably tougher to fight against as well, offering up some stiff competition once you actually get into the game (missions are a tad easy at start... either that or I am far to l33t). The variety of weapons is greater (nothing to get that excited about though, you won't find 200 guns at all... just a couple more than they originally had) - but I haven't had a chance to really search for other new items yet. The graphics for the weapons are vastly improved though, making combat (along with the better AI) an actual challenge/pleasure.

There are other features, the opportunity to "barter" at some stations (not tried it really yet, to busy trying to kill things), and so far the storyline missions are more interesting/varied. Some of the cutscenes are pre-rendered - and have that "soft core porn" look about them (camera focus etc), but I remain hopeful that the storyline will be alot more engaging and interesting to participate in.

The ultimate question to answer though: Yes, you will need a decent graphics card. I started off without too much trouble - the odd "stutter" here and there, but everything going smoothly. Until I hit Argon Prime, where I froze for a few seconds every now and then.
Worse still, I did a Xenon mission in there, and by blimey - it was a slideshow, not a fight. I am now turning down the settings before my lil Radeon 9800 gets fried!
So follow the recommendations - get at least a 256Mb card so that you don't freeze halfway through a sector whilst a texture loads up, and get the best you possibly can to really make the most of the new graphics engine.

The big bone of contention - the first patch has already been released... and it weighs in at a whopping 80mb. It addresses some huge issues that the game was released with - such as crashes going through some jumpgates, and lack of proper joystick support. They have already provisionally stated that the next version (1.3) will be available mid November. The 1.2 patch was released today to patch everyones game up before playing, unfortunately people got copies early yesterday, and it caused a huge flurry of angry postings.

I'll take more time to describe things later, but this was a real quick description and posting.
My verdict is a game that is definately worth getting, but if you haven't played any X games before - I'd wait until the store bought copies will be version 1.2 instead of 1.0!

p.s - no, I'll never be a game reviewer... I just don't have the patience to wait whilst working out what I will say

Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:53 am

Oh yes, the images don't do quite the justice they should.

Each screenshot is a 3mb targa image, converted into a medium quality jpg image, at half the actual size. Means each image is now only 20kb or so, hence why poor text quality on the interfaces etc.

I can upload larger or more detailed pics if people want... just didn't think people would want to click on links and wait for 500kb images to download

Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:12 am

no cockpits? how will I know what i'm doing, I can't fly without instrumentation!

Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:24 pm

hmm the game reminds me of the gameplay similar??

none the less though..that game looks sweet! Since I am unfamiliar with X series I am just wondering if the game is MP is there a monthly fee?

DeviantART - LeonhartBA

Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:38 pm

Oh. My. F**king. God.

I need a new PC NOW!

Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:24 pm

*drools and wipes up mess* i really need to look into buying this game and upgrading my computer. can somebody send me the system specs needed to run this game so i know what to buy

Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:12 pm

Thanks for the review Chips, but I'm still not getting excited. Why? Firstly, I am not sure how well the game would run on my poor ickle overclocked Radeon 9700, and a game that requires an 80MB patch so soon after its release seems to indicate poor programming and play-testing, and even poorter quality assurance. In any case, I'll probably wait until it is cheap and then get it as with F.E.A.R. *Sigh* I really need to win some money to get a new PC. *Goes off to invest in "scratchies" from the local newsagent*

Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 1:56 am

methinks i shall pootle around exploring first

Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:33 am

Wow Chips, that game looks pretty sweet. I'll be sure to look into it.

Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 2:57 pm

ey chips, what kind of a pc do you have? I've been hearing all kinds of horror stories over at egosoft forums, mostly with guys with the same specs as me apparently the nothing under the 6800 range handles it well at all, it really needs shader 2.0 to run well... If I upgrade to:
6800 or ati equivalent
1 gig ram (from 512)
and leave my 2.4 p4 c as it is (its very good quality, I got it running at 3.5 ghz)
do you think it will run it well (ie over 30fps in all areas)

Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 6:55 pm

Cool. Reaches for wallet. $36.99 on Amazon, free shipping. But, now, a video card is needed ... hmmmm.... guess I'll have to wait and do what I've been putting off for a while now and upgrade my PC. Don't want to get a new AGP card so things will have to wait.

Edited by - Indy11 on 10/29/2005 8:11:58 PM

Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:44 pm

Hmm. I had a quick scan through the forums on Egosoft, and there is a thread that asserts that disabling the HUD in X3 can increase performance by a significant margin (eg. between 10 and 20fps). From the pictures that Chips has posted, the HUD does not really seem to be that graphics-intensive, so could this be another possible example of poor coding? *Sigh* I'm beginning to wonder if X3 can be classified as "bloatware"...

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