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Post Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:13 pm

Lies! The Irish Drunkard *must* have a fridge. Otherwise, he'd be drinking warm beer which is sacrilege (except in England)... or so I hear . Warm beer... surely you don't lack *that* much class Id! Oh, foolish question .


*Looks over shoulder*

Typical! Just mention the word "conspiracy" and the paranoid burrow dweller pops his head in. Well Mister Wabbit, FYI if you had been paying attention in class you would know that the local bar keep is the one who chills my beer and that I take my whiskey straight. No water, frozen or other wise contaminates that holy spirit.

Take no notice, this, is how they usually act, although it is indeed sacrilege to spoil the Whiskey withy any other substance, it must be savoured pure for best effect, and for the longest orgasm after the first sip has been processed by the tastebuds, so Doc, damn Stwaight

Post Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:26 pm

gehehe, I guess I should have read the article first

hmph, forget whiskey and beer...try some good ol' serbian home made! Well I cant say how it is..never tried it (I am embarassment to my nation!) but Chet might be able to elaborate more...

I know its better than anything else though

Post Wed Oct 26, 2005 5:19 pm

Don't listen to Loc and the ID! Ginger beer is the Rabbit-God's holy libation and is the mortal equivalent to ambrosia! It is made from all-natural organic ingredients, and does not cloud and poison the mortal mind with vile by-products like "alcohol"! Don't drink their bitter brew, but embrace the enlightenment that only the Rabbit-God can bestow upon you. *Performs "Sign of the Rabbit"*

Para - You click there!

Post Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:39 am


@Leon; Surely you are not suggesting that I trade in the Jemmy for Titan bath oils.

@Flopsey Dobsey; Minger Beer!!! I don't doubt it's wholey organic but donor organs like a blue rinsers liver is not my idea of "pure". Anyhoo, are you insuating that I actually need alcohol to poison my mind? *Makes sign of the Swiss*

Post Thu Oct 27, 2005 12:01 pm

I am not suggesting anything, I am just telling the truth

even though after yesturday..I got to go for wine. I had like 2 glasses, and after u feel good. Warm all over ^^. So yea, if u cant afford serbian home made, get some wine

Post Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:44 pm

ID - No, I do not think that you need "alkihole" to poison your mind, but it certainly helps .

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