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Who wants to join me for lunch?

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 4:55 am

Who wants to join me for lunch?

I'm making give a brief overview of the recipe... you mix butter, olive oil, garlick, lemon juice, mixed herbs and brown sugar. Boil it all together.
Put chicken under the element fry for 15 mins, turn around fry 15 mins, turn around, put sauce(have no idea aobut the right name for the stuff) on, fry 15 mins, turn around, put sauce on, fry 15 mins. put boiled potatoes together with chicken, salt + pepper on the chicken, sauce on, fry 10 mins, turn around, add salt + pepper + sauce fry 10 mins and then serve.
Additionally there will be white rice, boiled carrots with sugar sauce and banana salad.
Who's coming?

Aside from that...does anyone here have some nice chicken recipies?

-make 'em bleed-

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:03 am

You cannibal! You're eating my relatives...... unless you mean garlic

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:17 am

apologies mike...'re relatives tastes terrible...or thats what the rest of my tribe said last time I served some Garlick for lunch...

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:26 am

If I can get this motor on the boat started, I'll be right over.

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:43 am

thx for the offer but I just put a lamb joint in with whole garlic cloves and fresh rosemary, roasters and yorkie puds. maybe next week?

it's all about food with you, FD, isn't it?

Edited by - Grand Mullah Tawakalna on 10/2/2005 11:33:46 AM

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:46 am

Oh that sounds nice...can I come for dinner?
I don't know whats for lunch next week, but I guess it's ok we'll be expecting you then.

Fd lemme know wether or not you get it started.

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:55 am

i'll come, just tell the zulu tribe living in your basement to behave.

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:00 am

Chicken... ah, that versitile meat. Here's one of my favorites:

"The I don't have time but I want fajitas for four hungry people" recipe:

Fajita Meat
3-4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Approx. 2-3 teaspoons chili powder (I use Tone's, which is made by a company that sells its products in many countries)
Approx. 1 teaspoon minced garlic (srry Mike- aieeee)
Salt to taste.

1 package fresh flour tortillas- preferably thin.
1 package of chedder/jack mixed cheese, or equivalent (fresh-ground Monterey Jack if you're feeling fancy and have a cheese grater) mixed with half a teaspoon chili powder
1 small container, sour cream
Random veggies, shredded- anything from lettuce to shredded carrot- really
Some not-too-hot picante- proper picante, with veggies/tomato chunks, not slightly-thickened hot sauce
A tablespoon vegetable oil- peanut oil if possible.
Two tablespoons water.

1. Cut up chicken breasts into bite-sized bits with scissors.
2. Throw all chicken bits into large, teflon-coated skillet, and put on stove on high heat.
3. Pour water and oil over chicken.
4. Sprinkle garlic and chili powder over chicken.
5. Cover skillet.
6. Throw cheese into a serving-size bowl, put chili powder on top, mix with hands (hopefully after cleaning chicken juices off, heh)
7. Put tortillas into microwave on plate, run microwave for 1 minute on max power, do not remove tortillas from microwave (they'll stay warm in there)
8. Flip all chicken bits with spatula. Don't worry about being perfect- you're in a hurry and the timing works perfectly
9. Set table for four.
8. Check on chicken. If it's starting to brown, add a little water and re-cover it.
10. Put out small bowls with veggie bits, sour cream, and picante. Put big spoons in bowls.
11. Return to skillet. At this point, flip all chicken and keep uncovered until all chicken has browned a bit on all sides. Do not overcook.
12. Remove chicken from heat and cover.
13. Move tortillas to table, put chicken into serving bowl... and eat!

It's a great recipe, because if you just do everything in order, and don't rush... it's all done exactly when it should be. The only tricky bit is that the chicken needs to have some water in the pan the whole time, until the very end- if in doubt, add another tablespoon of water as you go.

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:00 am

will'll have to hurry's almost ready.

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:07 am

it's not really chicken at all is it? it's wildebeest.. don't pretend your native cuisine is anything like ourrs, we know you eat hippo/gazelle/rhino/elephant/humming-bird/monkey-brains etc.

do you cook it or is it eaten raw and shared with the lions?

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:10 am

Taw today really is chicken...I'll save the monkeybrains for when you come.
Chicken, rhino and hippo meat is actually cooked/fried or whatever...the rest are eaten raw.
But don't worry it all tastes very nice.

Argh...thanks will check it out sometime

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:18 am

Why is it only moderators who are talking to each other ???-with a few exceptions
This thread should be called "who wants to join me for lunch?(moderators only)"

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:43 am

It seems moderator only, but that is only because others havn't partisipated. Have you a recipe to offer?

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 7:53 am

Hum, only six posts here including mine were made by non-mods.

And here's my favorite kind of chicken.

Ingredients: A car, gasoline, about $2.50, and a nearby McDonalds.

Step 1) Get in car
Step 2) Drive to McDonalds
Step 3) Order some chicken nuggets
Step 4) Pay the cashier
Step 5) Eat the nuggets

And for those of you who just can't wait, I've finally started The Holocaust!
4 8 15 16 23 42

Twenty bucks to whoever can tell me what the deal is with those numbers. I'll give you a hint: They have somthing to do with a guy named Hurley.

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 8:09 am

Sure I'll come...Be prapared to fight for your share of chiken though *sharpens sword*

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