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Post Sat Oct 01, 2005 2:36 pm

ok,u hike..i'll borrow my friends 4x4 and meet u at the bar the other end

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 12:40 am

Phoenix...much easier to drive by road...beesides..I'll make sure, but I dont think any kind of vehicle can do that trail...

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 2:58 am

Only hike I ever did was the Bondi-Coogee walk in Sydney

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 3:04 am

"driving through huge puddles of mud and cow dung whilst the walkers are walking past is fun..."

yes it is, especially if it's raining and they've stopped to consult a map. in fact i once turned round and went back and splashed them again!

true Taw story - this week I went hiking myself. I was somewhat conned into it though. here's how. Wednesday mornings I usually go the pictures with the MiL, she gets 1/2 price for both of us being in her 60s. This Wenesday just gone, she rang me up and said she didn't want to go because it looked like a film she wasn't interested in. Ok says I. She then asks me if i'd liek to do something else. Like what? says I. How do you like the sound of going for a hike and then to a pub for lunch? she asks. Not very much, I reply, I'd rather just go for the lunch thx! The she tells me that someone else wants to go and would I mind coming along with her tp keep her company?

Hoho! I cried, now I see what you want you old strumpet, i'm to be your chaperone am I? much merriment on my part follows but she insists thats not the case....

..she wanted me to go to push his wheelchair - yes, i spent Wednesday morning ankle-deep in mud pushing a disabled man round a lake. dee-light-ful.

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 3:12 am

Now that should have been fun to see...

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 3:37 am

yeah SW,it'd be easier...but nowhere near as much is so much fun it's silly

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 3:42 am

there is no way to do "Die otter" with a 4x4 or anything with wheels for that matter
Walking is the way to go and swimming ina place or two

Post Sun Oct 02, 2005 7:06 am

I went hiking in the summer. i know its not as impressive as what ur on about, i went hiking in the new forest for 4 days. it was great fun

Post Tue Oct 04, 2005 2:56 pm

I find Hiking fun, only i don't use a walking stick, or Hiking stick as its officially called.

Basically, because the only Hiking we really do here, is during a dropping, where we are loaded in the back of a truck, carted off to some place in the middle of the countryside, and have to walk back to base (I have to tell with it, that Im a Sea/Waterscout, and have been for nigh on 10 Years) The Most Basic equipment we take with us, are a flashlight, map, some fluids, mostly liquor and water, warm clothes, and a few small tents, depending on how far we go and how many people are dropped, the first challenge for the most, is getting a fix on Location, spot that location on the map, and plotting a good route back to base.

The farthest Ive been dropped, is 256 Kilometres from Basepoint, with three other people and food and water for 3 days, and some money if food were to run out, a map, no compass and a fully charged Flashlight, we had a tent with us we carried in turns, and at the end, we had a ****load of souvenirs, "acquired" along the route, (think traffic signs and such) it was part of a match, we arrived second of four. but that was basically because the first Team was dropped near a railway line. it took us 5 days 8 hours 23 minutes and 5 seconds to get back to Base

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