Aravis (Yay - no longer confused with Avis - egosoft forums!)
Electrolysis of water - using wind power to generate electricity (only issue being how on earth we will have enough wind power to generate enough electricity for every car to use Hydrogen?!
Gives us H2 and O2 anyways..
H2 burning in Oxygen will give us....... water.
100% renewable - you put energy in to get H2 out, then when its reacting with the Oxygen, you get energy back out to power your car.
Whats wrong with either using the same electricity generated by wind power to power electric cars - or the Hydrogen being used to generate electricity to power electric cars (although electricity generation by steam turbines has always been inefficient as heck!) instead - I don't know.
Still interesting stuff though....
The antimatter should be the answer to all charms.....bleh - they say to create the amount of antimatter to weigh just half a gram would take 26 million billion years - at the current rate of production. That amount of antimatter wouldn't power too much either (i think it was 21.6 Terra Joules of energy it produces if memory serves me correctly... yes its alot of energy, but with that time scale - you could generate that much energy yourself!)
Edited by - Mike G on 9/11/2005 7:19:08 AM