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One step closer...... H-Fuel

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Post Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:52 pm

ok the tabulets are made by combineing hydrogen and nitrogen right? well what happens to the nitrogen? I seriously doubt it all burns up in the igniousion ( sorry to tired to spell right) process. and isnt nitrogen very flamable? and as for renewable fuel sources eletrical energy still seems to be the way to go, I was thinking more along the line of energy from multiple sources then from one source, as the reasearch I have seen been leading on to, and stored in a battery ( or something along that line, lord I hate working 12 hour days, I cant think that deeply lol) dont get me wrong if they can get around the safety issue of storeing hydrogen in public areas ( and from what I have heard that is the biggest block right now) then I'm all for it.

Blessed Be to all those that still dream of the flight to the stars.

Post Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:40 am

ok the tabulets are made by combineing hydrogen and nitrogen right? well what happens to the nitrogen?

Probably released into the air. Around 80% of air is composed of nitrogen gas, a little more will make no difference whatsoever.

and isnt nitrogen very flamable? One of the most stable gases around, aside from the inert noble gases.

and as for renewable fuel sources eletrical energy still seems to be the way to go

Yes, but you have to generate electricity from somewhere. You can generate it from burning coal but that's certainely not a renewable energy source.

dont get me wrong if they can get around the safety issue of storeing hydrogen in public areas ( and from what I have heard that is the biggest block right now) then I'm all for it.

I think that was the issue, until they started working on these amnmonia tablets. The main problem before was the sheer amount of space the Hydrogen gas took up, plus the fact that it is highly combustible, however if they can include it as a component in solid tablets that should solve the problem neatly.

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