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Science Fiction

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sat Sep 03, 2005 4:59 am

my favourite sci-fi film is contact with jodie foster.

Post Sat Sep 03, 2005 8:36 am

To add to my list, as my first post was kind of sarcastic...

Stargate (both of them)
Independence Day
Men In Black
I, Robot (notice a pattern?)
And Independence Day again, just for repetition.

Also, I would make a comment about "contact with jodie fisher", but I shall refrain.

Post Sat Sep 03, 2005 4:24 pm

Isaac Asimov - the Foundation series and the Robot series...and his short stories
not the greatest literary writer in the world but intelligent and a very interesting mind

Films? 2001 A Space Odyssey of course...and the first Alien (the others to a lesser extent) was one of my favourite science fiction movies, I don't see how its classified "horror"...

Edited by - Griffon_26 on 9/3/2005 5:26:14 PM

Post Sat Sep 03, 2005 10:45 pm


Near the top of my list would be (for books):

Athur C. Clarke - Childhood's End, 2001, 2010, the 'Rama' series
George R. Stewart - Earth Abides
Samuel R. Delany - The Fall of the Towers trilogy, Dhalgren, Stars in My Pocket like Grains of Sand
H.G. Wells - The Time Machine, Men like Gods, The War of the Worlds
Frank Herbert - The Dune series
Anything by Alan Dean Foster.. - Love the 'Spellsinger' series (tho it's not Sci Fi)
Niven & Pournelle - Footfall, Lucifers Hammer, The Ringworld series
Ray Bradbury - The Martian Chronicals, The Book of Ptath (not 100 % sure he wrote it ), Fahrenheit 451

The list goes on and on the more I write down the more I think of..


Terminator and the rest of the 'Arnie series' Total recall
I liked Gattica too..
.... and was amused by Starship Troopers.. (must've been a hell of a population explosion - cause grunts are cheap, and weapons technology seems to have advanced hardly at all, what no artillery/air support? lol)
The old version of the Time Machine with Robert Taylor and Yvette Mimieux.. (whooo!!)
The original 'War of the Worlds'

Nuff from me..


Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:03 am


Earth Abides? I havent read that for years, loved it because I read it just before the BBC tv series Survivors was aired (mid 70s)

Book of Ptath was AE van Vogt btw.

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:58 am


Yeah.. post apocalypse without the bomb.. and many many years before stuff like Outbreak.. 'Q' Fever... Lol.. apt .. and a very cool story.

Thanks for the A E van Vogt info..

I have been reading Sci Fi for many years and used to have a pretty big collection.. many borrowed and never returned... , others lost/thrown out in moves..


Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:14 am

sadly ive also lost many many enjoyable books in moves, loans and direct theft unf. including my first edition Fred Pohls and irreplaceable hardback Asimovs. however i did recently manage to replace my now lost battered Sphere pub. Night Land with a mint copy. thank Allah for eBay!

q. do you think there was a touch of Earth Abides in Costner's Postman

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:26 am

I always loved to see the red coats on star trek die, lol

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:37 am

There's a funny short story by Isaac Asimov called "Victory Unintentional" that you might get a kick out of.

The Dune series is probably my favorite series. Both the original series and the two newer trilogies.

HG Wells and Jules Verne are both great authors, even though they're approaches are quite different.

Arthur C Clarke - all interesting

Let's get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:35 am

I'm surprised no one chose the Rama book.

Taw, the postman, as with his other disaster movies, at least had a couple good parts. At least to me

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:45 pm

ender's game and speaker for the dead, two great SF novels

Post Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:27 am

The Postman did indeed have some good bits - unfortunately the wait between them was interminable. that film needed about 90mins cutting off AND Costner needs to tigthen up his direction. it was a great idea and beautifully shot and full of mythos - but sadly boring, pretentious and waaaaay to ponderous. a shame because i liked it, in places. and I am rather fond of grim post-apocalyptic drama.

Post Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:51 am

Doctor Who!

Post Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:32 am

Honor Harrington is good.

DragonsDawn -Pern Prequel
The Crystal singer Trilogy Anne Mcaffery

EE Doc smiths Lensman series (pulp but GREAT pulp)

Alan dean Fosters sentenced to Prism (OOP i think hard to find)

Another shout out for enders game

Apprentice Adept series Piers Anthony (Quasi scifi)

John Ringoes Gust Front series (a newer one for me)

Jack the bodiless was pretty good but dont remember who wrote it
more later

Post Wed Sep 14, 2005 11:34 am

the Gust Front series really rocks, who doesn't love powered armor & alien invasion?

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