Actually, the old west or that time frame was a lot simpler. Your main worry was putting food on the table. People then cared more about each other. On an average day, I spend 45 min commute to work, work 8 hours, have an hour lunch and spend anywhere from 1 hour to an hour and a half commuting home. Almost 11 hours a day involved in work. Not to metion the stress at work. The old west work was hard, but not that stressful as it is these days, with companies downsizing their staff and the rest haveing to pick up the slack.
The air was clean, the water pure, no pesticides or hormones in your food, that could be imported from all over the world. It was what you rasied and grew. I had a lamb chop the other day, that the package said was imported from astrailia(sp). Not that I have any thing against their lamb, but to import it from so far away, where is the logic.
The beauty of the mountains, compaired to the skyline of a city, there is no compairsume.
It may be more of an issue of age catching up than anything else. But, to have a simpler life, I could give up computers, in a heart beat.
Edit - As far as diseases go, there are more today then back then. Cancer comes from every where today, though I think it is from our food sources, the additives and preservatives. We have children dieing of cancer, and a meriade of other things. So that part can not truly be considered.
Edited by - Finalday on 4/11/2005 5:11:52 AM