Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:12 am by Arcon
@wolfy: hahaha! that sucks, especially since all anglers are fishermen, but not all fishermen are anglers. Good luck with THAT naming convention.
i always wanted to live in the 1970s, but i guess when im there, if given the chance to live in the 2000s, i'd probably take that too. Everyone wants what they cant have, everyone wants adventure, and the unknown. I'd like to live anywhere thats new and exciting. But to say that life was better in the old west, is just a freaking lie. The old west was a very bleak time, outlaw lands where the law was in short supply. Society today may be bad, but at least there IS law enforcement and the youth dont ALL have guns.
Despite the romaticised history of tv and movies, people freaking DIED, in common occurances. Disease, armed conflict, hunger, drought etc. The land is inhospitable and very dangerous. Im fine where i am in all fairness. The attitudes, the level of education, the technology, the freedom that exists for the man on the street, thats far better now. And sure, white collar jobs get you down, thats why im not going to get one. If your life is boring, make it more exciting. The world isnt wired so you HAVE to be a desk jockey. Be a farmer. You only get one shot at life and if you really want to throw your computer away and tend the land, get and do it, before you're too old to enjoy yourself.
I hope when MY midlife crisis comes, i have the sense to realise my dreams finally, than sit and moan and not do anything about it.