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A simpler time, A simpler day

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:33 am

Hey, I'd also love to go back to the 50s or 60s. I'd have a ball then. Elvis would still be alive...awesome!!! Definitely the golden age of music for me.

Merc for hire...but only if you can afford it.

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:20 am

Heck yeah Finalday, With your thoughts resting apon 1850-1900's.
I'd be chasing whiskey and skirt, And carry at least 3 pistols! Hey it was rough back during this time frame. Good thing I'm a good shot. Check out Deadwood on HBO.

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:55 am

One of my first, and best, memories was going to the New York World's Fair in 1964. I was four years old (get your calculators and figure out how old I am... ) and it was like walking into a magic world. I wouldn't want to go back as an adult, but again as a four year old just in awe of the place. We went several times. When I drive to the airport from where I live I go right past Flushing Meadow Park, and still see the Unisphere and the New York exhibit, which both still stand. All else was torn down. I remember riding in a small car seeing a huge model of Manhattan, all perfectly in place, each building recreated meticulously. The fair introduced microwave ovens, the push button phone, and Belgian Waffles! The push button phone freaked people out. They would go to make a call, and have no clue what to do. They had to have people from ATT at each kiosk to show people how to use it. For those of you who've been to the Disney Parks, "It's A Small World" and "The Carousel of Progress" debuted at the 64 World's Fair.
Anyway, I have memories even before this. I actually remember my 2nd Birthday party and our Studebaker which we sold before I was 2, but the 64 World's Fair, the best!

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:52 am

I also would like to go back to a simpler and more *honest* time, when life was not so hectic or complicated and people were nicer to each other and there were fewer foreigners and everybody in your neighbourhood knew each other. i hear what's said about there being no anti-bios before 1940s, tbh that doesnt bother me, i'm allergic to most of them anyway so i have to just get by with illnesses and infections. lack of modern techmology doesnt bother me either, I'm a luddite at heart; even though my job is 100% modern technology, I could live without it very easily thank you.

i certainly wouldnt choose the wild west though, that's an american mythos that only means anything to americans, all that pioneer spirit (rotgut whisky mostly) perversely I'd choose wartime Europe, well, Britain again, or a colonial dependency. i'd also q fancy living in Imperial times, i imagine I could have done q well in the Raj. maybe Id go back as far as the early 18th Century, not too long gbefore cos without some sort of industry i wouldnt really be able to do anything. besides language is too different before then and Id stick out like a sore thumb. ooo Italy in the time of Garibaldi and Mazzini, that'd be q good.

its not just a case of *when would you like to have been alive?* its also how you'd fit in if you could go back. but I'd have no problem with winding our current clock back 40 or 50 years, because modern society is terrible.

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 11:38 am

Actually Taw, Many Europeans of all walks of life made their way to America after being drawn in to see the "Wild West"!

Being somewhat knowlegeable of history I could live during the Napolionic area as well, or just about anytime being the person that I am.

Now Time Travel, Thats another post All together!

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:40 pm

I would go back to the Roman times and observe the use of shock cavalry in battle. Then I'd return to the present an expert on cavalry charges, and post in one of the Rome: Total War forums many "OMFG CAVALRY IS UNREALISTIC" threads, and possibly create a mod for the game that makes cavalry behave realistically. Then the present would be perfect.

Edited by - Griffon_26 on 4/11/2005 4:40:24 PM

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:00 pm

i'd go back to a day when "political correctness" wasn't a problem in the US....being politically correct sucks...(and apparently, saying "fisherman" isn't politically correct have to say "angler".....what the hell? i think that's a little out of hand there)

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:13 pm

Yeah, FD, what were their ping times?

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:50 pm

Ping times? Well, that depends on if you play the Mouth harp. It gets rather anoying though.

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:50 pm

good gawd, the term mouth harp has finally been posted here. I actually own one of those and it's also called a juice harp. Very simple musical intrument with a fairly wide range of tones and noises.

Rob "Stinger" Lordier
You like poems? -->
Creator of the original Privateer FAQ
old Favorite saying - No good deed goes unpunished

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:40 pm

id like to go back to around the 1600/1700's and get me self a ship in the caribbean mon

Edited by - _vamp_ on 4/11/2005 10:41:12 PM

Post Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:12 am

@wolfy: hahaha! that sucks, especially since all anglers are fishermen, but not all fishermen are anglers. Good luck with THAT naming convention.

i always wanted to live in the 1970s, but i guess when im there, if given the chance to live in the 2000s, i'd probably take that too. Everyone wants what they cant have, everyone wants adventure, and the unknown. I'd like to live anywhere thats new and exciting. But to say that life was better in the old west, is just a freaking lie. The old west was a very bleak time, outlaw lands where the law was in short supply. Society today may be bad, but at least there IS law enforcement and the youth dont ALL have guns.

Despite the romaticised history of tv and movies, people freaking DIED, in common occurances. Disease, armed conflict, hunger, drought etc. The land is inhospitable and very dangerous. Im fine where i am in all fairness. The attitudes, the level of education, the technology, the freedom that exists for the man on the street, thats far better now. And sure, white collar jobs get you down, thats why im not going to get one. If your life is boring, make it more exciting. The world isnt wired so you HAVE to be a desk jockey. Be a farmer. You only get one shot at life and if you really want to throw your computer away and tend the land, get and do it, before you're too old to enjoy yourself.

I hope when MY midlife crisis comes, i have the sense to realise my dreams finally, than sit and moan and not do anything about it.

Post Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:26 am

good gawd, the term mouth harp has finally been posted here. I actually own one of those and it's also called a juice harp. Very simple musical intrument with a fairly wide range of tones and noises.

Hmm, the best I've ever heard an instrument like that is at the beginning of "I washed my hands in muddy water" (Elvis Presley)...I've wanted to learn how to play it just to do that...pretty awesome.

Merc for hire...but only if you can afford it.

Post Tue Apr 12, 2005 11:00 am

what the hell do you want to go to the 1970s for? I was there, it was ****e until punk came along.

clothes didnt fit, no-one had any money, only posh people ahd central heating, no videos, only 3 telly channels and they shut down by 11pm apart from Open University *teach yourself nuclear physics* music was dominated by supergroups (not that that wass a bad thing necessarily but it did get boring) and pop was awful cheesey crap apart from Abba. everyone wore platfroms and flares and shirts with big ties, hairstyles were awful, cars didnt work esp if they were British and the miners/power workers/railwaymen were always on strike for something and we had to put up with either Harold Wilson the old crook, Ted bloody heath or that weird slimy bloke Jeremy Thorpe. it was a crap decade full of crapness, and gave us man-bags.

oh yeh and our local picture house became a Unit 4 and only showed endless repeats of Russ Meyers Vixens. whay ANYONE sees in the 1970s I really dont know.

Post Tue Apr 12, 2005 11:24 am

i see in it a wide variety of great photos

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