My Daughters
They wanted to do something to help out the tsunami victims. One is turning 12 in Jan, and the other just turned 10. They, with basically no other help except asking us to get email addresses, have organized a fund raising dance next week to raise money. They wrote to a local school which rents out their gymnasium, and convinced them to donate the time. A friend of ours sidelines as a DJ, and has the equipment. They've already got about 60-70 kids their age attending, and letting their parents know about the fundraiser part. This is a very affluent town, and it looks like they'll be raising between $10,000 - $15,000, all of it going to Americares.
I have many titles in my life, anywhere from clerk to CEO, but there is never a title that will be greater than "Dad".
I am so amazingly proud of them, I'm almost in tears.