i''ve got a little girl problem..
what it is, is that she's been molested, or 'finger-F'ed' as she calls it, by her younger cousin (14) we're both 16. she's 3000 miles away. the cousin, he's had a crush on her for some time now and seems to think he owns her. whilst i have nothing against her talking to him or any other guy, since im so far away, i think this is getting a bit too much and needs a little control.
but what im wandering is.. i feel funny ... weird, not angry or upset or heartbroken or anything that any other guy might feel. i guess im a little upset that she could have lost her virginity in the process, and that she actually let him do it, closing her eyes to imagine it was me. not for long, mind.
but im confused as to what i'm feeling.. i just feel weird. i only wish she'd have listened to my advice of never being with him alone. she'd not let me talk to him (cousin) or her parents either. and she'd rather die than tell her parents.
maybe she'll read this in the coming days, maybe not.
i want your inputs guys. or generous donations of money for an air ticket to her place. (and 2 return tickets)
edit: i only hope she wont mind my telling TLR this. tell me if i was right in posting this ?
Edited by - kimk on 11/18/2004 5:07:33 AM