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They''re watching me, I know it!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Oct 15, 2004 2:01 pm

im so tired of people giving up privacy for "security". they blindly give up their rights when the government tells them theres a "threat". there is no way that ther implanting me with a freakin' microchip to moniter me....

(@nc we have an edit button )

Edited by - spinnaker on 10/15/2004 3:14:42 PM

Post Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:19 pm

*Shudder* I don't want Chip inside me Perhaps Loc would like that (provided they found each other attractive), but not me

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 12:20 am

what a revolting thought! you really need to lay off that boiled raccoon-pooh, its doing something to you.

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 1:30 am

Tracking chips can kiss my hairy yello @$$!!!!

im never putting any sort of chip in my arm without going over the coding and circutry, line, by, line...

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 2:38 am


Author of the Freelancer Neural Net
Administrator of Kryosphere Studios

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 2:56 am

They know where you are? That is oooohhh so scary. No seriously - thats going to affect my life in a detrimental way.

You lot over react...........too much.

Imagine - car crash, no id etc. How the heck would they pull up your medical records? At the moment - i cannot go to a hospital, say my name, and have my records pulled up. Its at individual GP's practices etc they do this. NOT worldwide at all.

One scan = know all your allergies, history, complications etc. So what? Won't bother me at all.

Maybe they track you? maybe it monitors your heart beat. If it stops - they can 'locate' you and send help perhaps? All those missing people - no longer missing? No AWOL, no MIA. No hostage taking either.

Now - they may know where i am. I am positive that they really will be watching me through the roof of my house taking a dump on the toilet. no seriously - they will! Out of 60million people in the UK, they will track me personally for the WHOLE of my life! Damn - those offices will consist of 30million MI6 agents to watch 30 million people! 100% employment maybe?

Okay - so perhaps i blow that personal view out of proportion - but methinks the rest of you do as well. It wouldn't bother me that the government could find out where i was, it would be worthless information.
"He's at work sir - that damned cunning git! We suspect him of loitering with intent!!!!"..........
"Now he is at Morrisons buying his groceries...."
"whats he buying?"
"dunno sir - cannot see through those stupid roofs!...maybe we should hack morrisons supermarket to let them tell us?"
"Hmm - we can send a swat team to investigate later..."
"Sir - moving, he is at his home now sir, that gits watching some TV!"
"Cunning sod - he is throwing us off deliberately - what is the rest of the population doing at this moment? Come on - lets scroll through 60million entries guys!!"
<!-- 20000 hours later ---->
"Meh - they weren't up to anything on THAT day!"
"Whats he doing now then?"
"Sir - now he is right next to Mrs Chips sir, their heart rates are soaring"
"great - can that satellite see through the roof? FREE PORN!"
"Sir - have you seen his wife? She aint no Katie Holmes......"
"Bugger, forget it then...........what can we arrest him for?"
"Sod all sir!"
"When do we install and monitor those 100 million cameras nationwide so that we can check up on everyone??"
"erm - dunno sir, each one costs a five hundred quid to buy, install, hook up and maintain.............thats 50 Billion on SS sir.....apart from trying to keep the country safe etc!"
"Dammit - they should tax em heavily"

So what exactly would they be invading that they cannot do already? Anyone of us could monitor anyone else at any time. What difference will this chip actually make IF its for a purpose of keeping tabs on everyone??????? Wow - they may actually find you a few hours quicker due to knowing your location - holy heck - stop the world this is too much.

You guys need to calm down - like they really give a monkeys arse what you do!

Edited by - Chips on 10/16/2004 3:58:34 AM

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:23 am

lol Chips I like that Dialogue or whatever you call it
Its true yea, but what if you turn into a criminal?
maybe the guys are only worried that they will be spotted going into a porn shop and then they will be blackmailed
It's true what you say, but I still wouldnt want a chip in me, what if it malfunctions? or someone hacks into it (they will find a way)
You say that it can be good in case your heart stops or sth lkike that, but if no-one bothers too look at it who will know?

Blah I guess there are good and bad to it, but I'll never get a chip inplanted in me, carry around with me maybe but not implanted.

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:28 am

I'm with Taw; these chips will do nothing to ensure security. For example, what's to stop Terrorist "A" from capturing/killing Civilian "B", and using his/her chip to fool customs? No way in hell they're ever putting a chip in *my* arm. Well, we're slowly evolving into a 1984-ish society as Taw said, but perhaps that would be better than a Gattaca-ish society.

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:56 am


It reminds me of those First Person Shooter games
where you can see your life spawn from 100% to 1%


Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:00 am

Esq - originally i think this makes no mention of security - that is what everyone else is talking about instead (and i made a parody about).

Its for medical purposes. For that, it really could be useful. However, its okay - those who don't mind chips won't have them, and the rest of you can lie dying whilst they take blood samples to find your blood type, take tests to find out if your allergic to anything known, check you for donor card status, check you for any diseases they need to be aware of..........find out what your history is..........whilst i am treated, rushed upstairs and saved - as it was available on my card (right down to tissue matches etc for organs possibly?), and if i died, my donor status would immediately be found out and put to good use - whilst yours all died too.....denying others a chance.

By the way, it could also contain your next of kin information - which is also pretty vital stuff. However, i guess that can be stolen - cause if crims wanted that.............oh wait, why do they want to do that? they don't need it!!! They can use a telephone book/watch houses they want to rob!

Since using a telephone book, and a tiny bit of 'pretending' - i would guess anyone who wants to know your past could find out in a second. Hell, if i knew taws address, post code, d.o.b and phone number, i could change his gas supply, change his tarrif, cancel his electricity, and possibly even order stuff online too! Most of the details for that are in your dustbin/phone book. I work for a bank, and although companies often say 'data protection' as i phone to claim money from them (That they owe) - they end up giving me account numbers....after i have already confirmed the details infront of me. I would have EVERYTHING i needed to do what the heck i like with your account!. High security PAH! Chips would make you no more vulnerable than you already are!!!!

So tell me again, exactly how is my medical records going to be contravened/used by Terrorists at all?

As for 'they can remove the chips and pretend to be you' - if it was security purposes - don't you think the computer that scans you at customs would include possible image/retinal information???? Do you really think they would just wave along going 'ta da - by jove we are clever to install little chips and trust everything to their fantastic infalability?......and are soley based on the fact that we don't think anyone will try to change them at all '.
I suppose the terrorists would say 'wow - we are so lucky that agencies don't think of what even normal everyday members of public can think of! Thank their stupidty!!'

If it were for that, they could easily have it matched up to databases on stuff like images/retinal scans etc, so arguements are flawed.

Maybe they could hack in and change the information.............then again, you can go across the channel on a boat (unregistered/stolen or even your very own - who cares) and land anywhere along our tens of thousands of miles of coastline. Remember - there really IS an immigration point every 100m with thermal imaging equipment - so that plan would be flawed too...dammit!
As for the heart rate stopping - simple, and alarm would go off! bit like how companies monitor your 'burglar alarm' systems (sorry,covert governmental spyware systems ) for when they go off! Think silent alarms if you like - one company can monitor hundreds/thousands/millions if they wished. As soon as it went off it would 'pop' up on the screen to be viewed!

OBVIOUSLY i am being heavily sarcastic.........but that is because i read an overwhelming view that seems to have a knee **** reaction. "My civil liberties blah blah". Yes - whilst those liberties are fine, and we would want them - what makes you think YOU are so important that they would care?! (this being based upon the new premise that its actually a government plan to track everyone). My life is so boring in comparison to a crim - that they wouldn't be interested in monitoring me at all! Why would they?

If there was a murderer in your street - a wanted psycho with a machine gun - who just wants to kill for fun.......would you:
i.Take your chances that he won't come to your house
ii.Trust the cops to get to him before be blows you all up with that bazooka he has
iii.Wish they had picked him up as soon as he escaped the nutt house he used to be in.
Don't worry, because he may have removed his tag (like a terrorits would) that would mean we have no way of tracing him................kinda like now actually - so no downside there huh!?

Whilst i can respect some peoples views of 'not to me you don't, i still feel its a knee **** reaction. What impact would it make on your lives? What legal activities do you think it may restrict?

overall - if its not for you - then you can either vote, or sue because it will be against your human rights for them to implant you without your permission (ie - you say no, there aint nothing they can do!).

Me - it wouldn't bother - unless it is plugged into your central nervous system, where they can then control your physical and mental ability.
No - they cannot do that at the moment!

Edited by - Chips on 10/16/2004 6:03:53 AM

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:12 am

they're making really good progress on it

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:39 am

hmm i like the fct that it is easier to manage some stuff BUT it is kinda wierd and annoying to have this

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:39 am

"If there was a murderer in your street - a wanted psycho with a machine gun - who just wants to kill for fun"

yeh Chips rely on the Police they might get there just in time to clean up the blood. I'd shoot the f***er myself.

erm, oh dear I AM the psycho with the machine gun!

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 8:18 am

Alright, think of some guy who walks into a starbucks, at the door his medical history is scanned and turns out he has some terminal illness, like AIDS or something. You'd have an extremely prejudiced manager or server who refuses to serve the guy with AIDS, now does that seem right?

What if the signals get mixed up, what if a crim takes your signal and uses it for a little bit? Then the cops would see YOU breaking into the 7-11 for a carton of Marlboros, does that seem right?

Here's the kicker, if you walk near a magnet and this thing isn't well protected, couldn't it completely be fried? You'd also have 'doctors' out on the street who would take the thing out of you for fifty bucks, and they'd most likely be using dirty instruments. Then when you get caught and released in twenty years, you wouldn't be able to have a nice cappucino at Starbucks. Speaking of dirty instruments, what if you got sick because of having the thing in you, or from the surgery? Kinda messed up isn't it?

P.S: I'm back.

Edited by - Eh_Steve on 10/16/2004 9:41:56 AM

Post Sat Oct 16, 2004 8:39 am

kin hell Eh_steve those were bang on, I was aboyt to say that. except I was going to use KFC not Starbucks, cos I hate Starbucks.

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